TM Reduces Twenty Symptoms of PTSD

Table listing the American Psychological Association’s twenty DSM-5 symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) with the scientific research conducted on the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program that addresses each of these symptoms/criteria. This table applies only TM research that was published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and most studies were not conducted on subjects with PTSD, but rather on the general population.

By David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D., Robert E. Herron, Ph.D. and David Shapiro, M.A.

DSM-5 Criteria for PTSD

Mediating Variables

Scientific Research on TM Technique


Recurrent, involuntary, and intrusive memories. Increased Freedom from Habitual Patterns of Perception Dillbeck MC. Meditation and flexibility of visual perception and verbal problem-solving. Memory and Cognition 1982; 10(3): 207–215.
Improved Mental Health, Decreased Stress Reactivity, Increased EEG Coherence Gaylord-King C, Orme-Johnson DW, Travis FT. The effects of the Transcendental Meditation technique and progressive muscle relaxation on EEG coherence, stress reactivity, and mental health in black adults. International Journal of Neuroscience 1989; 46(1-2): 77–86.
Improved Psychological Health Hjelle JA. Transcendental Meditation and psychological health. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1974; 39(5):623–628.Penner WJ, Zingle HW, Dyck R, Truch S. Does an in-depth Transcendental Meditation course effect change in the personalities of the participants? Western Psychologist 1974; 4:104–111.Ferguson PC, Gowan JC. Psychological findings on Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Humanistic Psychology 1976; 16(3):51–60.
Decreased Anxiety Eppley K et al. Differential effects of relaxation techniques on trait anxiety: A meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychology 1989; 45 957–974.Dillbeck MC. The effect of the Transcendental Meditation technique on anxiety level. Journal of Clinical Psychology 1977; 33(4): 1076–107.
Improved Mental Health; Increased Self-Actualization through Transcendental Meditation in Contrast to Other Procedures as Demonstrated by Meta-Analysis; Increased Integrative Perspective on Self and World; Increased Resilient Sense of Self Alexander CN, Rainforth MV, Gelderloos P. Transcendental Meditation, self-actualization, and psychological health: A conceptual overview and statistical meta-analysis. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 1991; 6: 189–248.
Reduction in Recurrent, Involuntary, and Intrusive Memories Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.


Traumatic nightmares.  Better Quality of Sleep Mason LI, Orme-Johnson DW. Transcendental consciousness wakes up in dreaming and deep sleep. International Journal of Dream Research 2010; 3(1):28–32.Travis FT. The junction point model: a field model of waking, sleeping, and dreaming relating dream witnessing, the waking/sleeping transition, and Transcendental Meditation in terms of a common psychophysiologic state. Dreaming 1994; 4:91–104.


  Enhanced Sleep Patterns (Decreased Time to Fall Asleep, Decreased Awakenings per Night, Improved Quality of Sleep) Candelent T, Candelent G. Teaching Transcendental Meditation in a psychiatric setting. Hospital and Community Psychiatry 1975; 26(3):156–159.Abrams AI, Siegel L M. The Transcendental Meditation program and rehabilitation at Folsom State Prison: A cross-validation study. Criminal Justice and Behavior 1978; 5 (1): 3–20.


  Improved Sleep; Decreased Time to Fall Asleep; Reduced Waking During the Night Haratani T, Henmi T. Effects of Transcendental Meditation on health behavior of industrial workers. Japanese Journal of Public Health 1990; 37:729.


  Decreased Anxiety Eppley K et al. Differential effects of relaxation techniques on trait anxiety: a meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychology 1989; 45 957–974.Dillbeck MC. The effect of the Transcendental Meditation technique on anxiety level. Journal of Clinical Psychology 1977; 33(4): 1076–107.


  Reduction in Traumatic Nightmares Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.


Dissociative reactions (e.g. flashbacks) which may occur on a continuum from brief episodes to complete loss of consciousness. Increased Ability to Live More Fully in the Present; Ability to Connect Past and Present Meaningfully Hjelle LA. Transcendental Meditation and psychological health. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1974; 39: 623–628.Nidich SI, Seeman W, Dreskin T. Influence of Transcendental Meditation on self-actualization: A replication. Journal of Counseling Psychology 1973; 20(6):565–566.Alexander CN, Rainforth MV, Gelderloos P. Transcendental Meditation, self-actualization and psychological health: A conceptual overview and statistical meta-analysis. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 1991; 6(5), 189–247.




  Increased Emotional Stability and Psychological Balance Overbeck K-D. Auswirkungen der Technik der Transzendentalen Meditation (TM) auf die psychische und psychosomatische Befindlichkeit. Psychotherapie-Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie 1982; 32(6):188–192.Geisler M. Therapeutische Wirkungen der Transzendentalen Meditation auf Drogenkonsumenten. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie 1978; 7(4):235–255.


Reduction in Dissociative Reactions (e.g., flashbacks) Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.


Intense or prolonged distress after exposure to traumatic reminders.  Increased Field Independence: Less Influenced by External Cues, Stimuli, or Reminders So KT, Orme-Johnson, DW. Three randomized experiments on the holistic longitudinal effects of the Transcendental Meditation technique on cognition. Intelligence 2001; 29(5), 419–440.Gelderloos P, Lockie RJ, Chuttoorgoon S. Field independence of students at Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment and a Montessori school. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1987; 65(6), 613–614.Dillbeck MC, Assimakis PD, Raimondi D, Orme-Johnson DW, Rowe R. Longitudinal effects of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program on cognitive ability and cognitive style. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1986; 62: 731–738.Jedrczak A, Clements G. The TM-Sidhi programme and field independence. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1984; 59, 999–1000.Pelletier KR. Influence of Transcendental Meditation upon autokinetic perception. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1974; 39: 1031–1034.


  Increased Strength and Integration of Psychological Health Alexander CN, Rainforth MV, Gelderloos P. Transcendental Meditation, self-actualization, and psychological health: A conceptual overview and statistical meta-analysis. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 1991; 6: 189–248.



Decreased Intense or Prolonged Distress after Exposure to Traumatic Reminders Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.


Marked physiological reactivity after exposure to trauma-related stimuli.  Reduced Stress: Lower Excretion of Cortisol; Lower Anxiety; Less Mood Disturbance Walton KG, Pugh NDC, Gelderloos P, Macrae P. Stress reduction and preventing hypertension: Preliminary support for a psychoneuroendocrine mechanism. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 1995; 1: 263–283.


  Meta-Analysis: Higher Basal Skin Resistance; Lower Respiration Rate; Lower Plasma Lactate. Lower Baseline Levels of Spontaneous Skin Resistance Responses, Respiration Rate, Heart Rate, and Plasma Lactate Dillbeck MC, Orme-Johnson DW. Physiological differences between Transcendental Meditation and rest. American Psychologist 1987; 42: 879– 881.


  Reduced Anxiety and Stress Orme-Johnson DW, Walton KG. All approaches to preventing and reversing the effects of stress are not the same. American Journal of Health Promotion 1998; 12(5):297– 299


  Improved Resistance to Stress and Greater Autonomic Stability: Faster Habituation of Skin Resistance Response to Stressful Stimuli; Fewer Multiple Responses; FewerSpontaneous Skin Resistance Responses Orme-Johnson  DW. Autonomic stability and Transcendental Meditation. Psychosomatic Medicine 1973; 35: 341–349.


  Unique State of Deep Rest for Mind and Body Jevning R, Wallace RK, Beidebach M. The physiology of meditation: a review. A wakeful hypometabolic integrated response. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 1992; 16(3):415–424.


  Experience of Pure Consciousness Associated with: Periodic Breath Suspension; Marked Reductions in Metabolic Rate (Oxygen Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Elimination), Mean Respiration Rate, and Minute Ventilation Rate; Reduced Heart Rate; Increased Basal Skin Resistance; Stable Phasic Skin Resistance Farrow JT, Hebert JR. Breath suspension during the Transcendental Meditation technique. Psychosomatic Medicine 1982; 44(2):133–153.


  Deep Rest with Wakeful, Ordered State of Brain Functioning: Decreased Metabolic Rate (Decreased Oxygen Consumption and Unchanged Respiratory Quotient); Decreased Heart Rate; Increased Basal Skin Resistance Wallace, RK, et al. The physiology of meditation. Scientific American 1972; 226: 84–90.Wallace RK, et al. A wakeful hypometabolic physiologic state. American Journal of Physiology 1971; 221: 795–799.Wallace RK. Physiological effects of Transcendental Meditation. Science 1970; 167: 1751–1754.


Decreased Physiological Reactivity after Exposure to Trauma-Related Stimuli Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.


Persistent effortful avoidance of distressing trauma-related stimuli after the event: trauma-related thoughts or feelings.  Reduced Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Elder C, Nidich S, Moriarty F, Nidich R. Effect of Transcendental Mediation on employee stress, depression, and burnout: A randomized controlled study. Permanente Journal 2014; 18(1): 19–23.Sheppard WD, Staggers FJ, John L. The effect of a stress management program in a high security government agency. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping 1997; 10: 341–350.


  Improved Psychological Health Alexander CN, Rainforth MV, Gelderloos P. Transcendental Meditation, self-actualization, and psychological health: A conceptual overview and statistical meta-analysis. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 1991; 6: 189–248.


  Reduced Psychological Distress, Anxiety, and Depression; Improved Coping Ability Nidich SI, Rainforth MV, Haaga DAF, Hagelin J, et al. A randomized controlled trial of effects of the Transcendental Meditation program on blood pressure, psychological distress, and coping in young adults. American Journal of Hypertension 2009; 22(12): 1326–1331.


  Reduced Persistent Effortful Avoidance of Distressing Trauma-Related Stimuli after the Event: Trauma-Related Thoughts or Feelings Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.


Persistent effortful avoidance of distressing trauma-related stimuli after the event:  Trauma-related external reminders (e.g., people, places, conversations, activities, objects, or situations).  Increased Field Independence: Less Influenced by External Cues, Stimuli, or Reminders So KT, Orme-Johnson, D. W. (2001). Three randomized experiments on the holistic longitudinal effects of the Transcendental Meditation technique on cognition. Intelligence 2001; 29(5), 419-440.Gelderloos P, Lockie RJ, Chuttoorgoon S. Field independence of students at Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment and a Montessori school. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1987; 65(6), 613–614.Dillbeck MC, Assimakis PD, Raimondi D, Orme-Johnson DW, ROWE R. Longitudinal effects of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program on cognitive ability and cognitive style. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1986; 62: 731–738.Jedrczak A., Clements G. The TM-Sidhi programme and field independence. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1984; 59, 999–1000.Pelletier KR. Influence of Transcendental Meditation upon autokinetic perception. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1974; 39: 1031–1034.Fergusson LC. Field independence, Transcendental Meditation, and achievement in college art: a re-examination. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1993; 77:1104-1106.


  Decreased Persistent Effortful Avoidance of Distressing Trauma-related Stimuli after the Event:  Trauma-Related External Reminders (e.g., People, Places, Conversations, Activities, Objects, or Situations) Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.


Inability to recall key features of the traumatic event (usually dissociative amnesia; not due to head injury, alcohol, or drugs). Reduced Cognitive Distortion and Improvement in Intelligence-Related Measures Hawkins M, Alexander CN, Travis FT, Camelia CR, Walton KG, Durchholz CF, Rainforth MW. Consciousness-based approach to rehabilitation of inmates in the Netherlands Antilles: psychosocial and cognitive changes. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 2003; 36(1-4): 205–228.


  Improved Psychological Health Hjelle JA. Transcendental Meditation and psychological health. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1974; 39(5):623–628.Penner WJ, Zingle HW, Dyck R, Truch S. Does an in-depth Transcendental Meditation course effect change in the personalities of the participants? Western Psychologist 1974; 4:104–111.Ferguson PC, Gowan JC. Psychological findings on Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Humanistic Psychology 1976; 16(3):51–60.Gaylord-King C, Orme-Johnson DW, Travis FT. The effects of the Transcendental Meditation technique and progressive muscle relaxation on EEG coherence, stress reactivity, and mental health in black adults. International Journal of Neuroscience 1989; 46(1-2): 77–86.Dillbeck MC. The effect of the Transcendental Meditation technique on anxiety level. Journal of Clinical Psychology 1977; 33(4):1076–1078.Candelent T, Candelent G. Teaching Transcendental Meditation in a psychiatric setting. Hospital and Community Psychiatry 1975; 26(3):156–159.


  Greater Adaptability of Brain Functioning Bennett JE, Trinder J. Hemispheric laterality and cognitive style associated with Transcendental Meditation. Psychophysiology 1977; 14(3):293–296.


Enhanced Psychological Development and Reduced Psychopathology Alexander CN, Walton KG, Goodman R. Walpole study of the Transcendental Meditation program in maximum security prisoners I: cross-sectional differences in development and psychopathology. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 2003; 36(1-4): 97–126


  Increased ability to recall key features of the traumatic event Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.


Persistent (and often distorted) negative beliefs and expectations about oneself or the world (e.g., “I am bad,” “The world is completely dangerous”). Increased Self-Actualization: Enhanced Self-Regard; Increased Inner-Directedness (Independence, Self-Supportiveness); Increased Spontaneity Seeman W,  Nidich S, Banta T. Influence of Transcendental Meditation on a measure of self-actualization. Journal of Counseling Psychology 1972; 19: 184–187.


  Increases in Self-Regard; Spontaneity; Greater Inner Locus of Control; Less Anxiety Hjelle LA. Transcendental Meditation and psychological health. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1974; 39: 623–628.


  Enhanced Self-Concept: Less Likely to Qualify Self-Description; Fewer Personality Defects; Greater Self-Esteem; Better Opinion of Oneself; Greater Self-Satisfaction; Greater Sense of Personal Worth; Greater Satisfaction with One’s Moral Worth Nystul MS, Garde M. Comparison of self-concepts of Transcendental Meditators and nonmeditators. Psychological Reports 1977; 41: 303–306.


  Development of More Positive Values Gelderloos P, Goddard III PH, Ahlström HH, Jacoby R. Cognitive orientation towards positive values in advanced participants of the TM and TM-Sidhi program. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1987; 64(3):1003–1012.


  Enhanced Psychological Development and Reduced Psychopathology Alexander CN, Walton KG, Goodman R. Walpole study of the Transcendental Meditation program in maximum security prisoners I: cross-sectional differences in development and psychopathology. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 2003; 36(1-4): 97–126


      Reduction in Negative Beliefs and Expectations about Oneself or the World Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.


Persistent distorted blame of self or others for causing the traumatic event or for resulting consequences. Enhanced Self-Concept: Less Likely to Qualify Self-Description; Fewer Personality Defects; Greater Self-Esteem; Better Opinion of Oneself; Greater Self-Satisfaction; Greater Sense of Personal Worth; Greater Satisfaction with One’s Moral Worth Nystul MS, Garde M. Comparison of self-concepts of Transcendental Meditators and nonmeditators. Psychological Reports 1977; 41: 303–306.


  Reduced Cognitive Distortion and Improvement in Intelligence-Related Measures Hawkins M, Alexander CN, Travis FT, Camelia CR, Walton KG, Durchholz CF, Rainforth MW. Consciousness-based approach to rehabilitation of inmates in the Netherlands Antilles: psychosocial and cognitive changes. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 2003; 36(1-4): 205–228.


  Increased Freedom from Habitual Patterns of Perception Dillbeck MC. Meditation and flexibility of visual perception and verbal problem-solving. Memory and Cognition 1982; 10(3): 207–215.


  Decreased Depression (Increased Contentment, Increased Self-Confidence); Increased Sociability (Increased Friendliness, Increased Liveliness); Increased Placidity (Increased Self-Assuredness, Increased Good Humor, Decreased Tendency to Procrastinate); Decreased Inhibition (Increases in: Naturalness, Spontaneity, Self-Sufficiency); Increased Extraversion (Increased Capacity for Warm Interpersonal Relationships); Decreased Neuroticism (Increased Emotional Stability, Decreased Tension); Increased Self-Reliance (Increased Effectiveness, More Balanced Mood, Increased Vigor) Geisler M. Therapeutische Wirkungen der Transzendentalen Meditation auf Drogenkonsumenten. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie 1978; 7(4):235–255.Abrams AI, Siegel LM. The Transcendental Meditation program and rehabilitation at Folsom State Prison: a cross-validation study. Criminal Justice and Behavior 1978; 5(1):3–20.Tjoa A. Increased intelligence and reduced neuroticism through the Transcendental Meditation program. Gedrag: Tijdschrift voor Psychologie (Behavior: Journal of Psychology) 1975; 3:167–182.


  Decreased Persistent Distorted Blame of Self or Others for Causing the Traumatic Event or for Resulting Consequences Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.


Persistent negative trauma-related emotions (e.g., fear, horror, anger, guilt, or shame). Decreased Anxiety; Decreased Neuroticism, Decreased Resentment; Decreased Negativism; Decreased Irritability; Decreased Hostility; Improved Behavior Abrams AI, and Siegel LM. The Transcendental Meditation program and rehabilitation at Folsom State Prison: A cross-validation study. Criminal Justice and Behavior 1978; 5(1): 3–20.


  Enhanced Positive Cognitive Style and Lower Anxiety Yosuke Sakairi. What Does Meditation Change? Measurement of Cognitive Styles. In The Embodiment of Mind: Eastern and Western Perspectives, M.M. Del Monte & Y. Haruki (Eds.); Delft: Eburon Publishers, 1998: 57–66.


  Orientation Toward Positive Values; More Positive Appraisal of Others Gelderloos P, Goddard III PH, Ahlström HH, Jacoby R. Cognitive orientation towards positive values in advanced participants of the TM and TM-Sidhi program. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1987; 64(3): 1003–1012.


  More Positive Conception of Human Nature; More Positive Self-lmage; Higher Levels of Tolerance; Greater Sociability; Less Pronounced Feelings of Social Inadequacy Hanley CP, Spates JL. Transcendental Meditation and social psychological attitudes. Journal of Psychology 1978 99: 121–127.


          Reduced negative trauma-related emotions (e.g., fear, horror, anger, guilt, or shame) Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.


Markedly diminished interest in (pre-traumatic) significant activities.  Greater Interest in Academic Activities; Greater Intellectual Orientation; Greater Aestheticism; Greater Adaptability of Mental Orientation; Greater Autonomy; Greater Social Extraversion; Less Impulsiveness; Greater Personal Integration (Decreased Social Alienation and Emotional Disturbance); Lower Anxiety Level Penner WJ, Zingle HW, Dyck R, Truch S. Does an in-depth Transcendental Meditation course effect change in the personalities of the participants? Western Psychologist 1974; 4: 104–111.


  Greater Openness to Experience; Greater Emotional Stability; Greater Extroversion & Agreeableness; Lower Anxiety; Higher Moral Reasoning Travis FT, Arenander A, DuBois D. Psychological and physiological characteristics of a proposed object-referral/self-referral continuum of self-awareness. Consciousness and Cognition 2004; 13(2):401–420.


  Increased Intelligence; Decreased Neuroticism; Decreased Neurotic Instability Tjoa A. Increased intelligence and reduced neuroticism through the Transcendental Meditation program. Gedrag: Tijdschrift voor Psychologie (Behavior: Journal of Psychology) 1975; 3:167–182.


  Increased Inner and Outer Awareness; Ability to Live in the Present; Ability to Connect Past, Present, and Future Meaningfully; Increased Spontaneity and Flexibility Alexander CN, Rainforth MV, Gelderloos P. Transcendental Meditation, self-actualization, and psychological health: a conceptual overview and statistical meta-analysis. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 1991; 6(5):189–247.


   Restored Interest in Pre-traumatic Activities Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.


Feeling alienated from others (e.g., detachment or estrangement). Decreased Social Alienation and Emotional Disturbance Penner WJ, Zingle HW, Dyck R, Truch S. Does an in-depth Transcendental Meditation course effect change in the personalities of the participants? Western Psychologist 1974; 4: 104–111.


  Increased Capacity for Warm Interpersonal Relationships); Less Anxiety Hjelle LA. Transcendental Meditation and psychological health. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1974; 39: 623–628.


  Increased Sociability; Improved Psychological Health; Increased Intelligence; Increased Social Maturity Aron A, Orme-Johnson D, Brubaker P. The Transcendental Meditation program in the college curriculum: A four-year longitudinal study of effects on cognitive and affective functioning. College Student Journal 1981; 15(2):140–146.


  Improved Ability to Work with Others; Increased Job Satisfaction; Improved Personal and Work Relationships; Reduced Job Worry and Tension; Reduced Trait Anxiety; Improved Health; Greater Calm (Lower Skin Conductance) During Task Performance Alexander CN, Swanson GC, Rainforth MV, et al. The effects of the Transcendental Meditation program on stress reduction, health, and employee development: A prospective study in two occupational settings. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping 1993; 6: 245–262.


  Increased Ability to Be Sympathetic, Compassionate, and Understanding;Improved Personal Relationships, Improved Harmony with Others; Warm Marital & Family Relationships; Greater Connectedness Aron EN, Aron A. Transcendental Meditation and marital adjustment. Psychological Reports 1982 51(7):887-890


  Reduced Feeling of Alienation from Others Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.


Constricted affect: persistent inability to experience positive emotions. Orientation toward Positive Values; More Positive Appraisal of Others Gelderloos P, Goddard III PH, Ahlström HH, Jacoby R. Cognitive orientation towards positive values in advanced participants of the TM and TM-Sidhi program. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1987; 64(3):1003–1012.


  Adaptability of Mental Orientation; Greater Autonomy; Greater Social Extraversion;Greater Personal Integration; Lower Anxiety Level; Greater Altruism Penner WJ, Zingle HW, Dyck R, Truch S. Does an in-depth Transcendental Meditation course effect change in the personalities of the participants? Western Psychologist 1974; 4: 104–111.


  Increased Contentment, Increased Self-Confidence; Increased Sociability; Increased Friendliness; Increased Good Humor, Decreased Inhibition; Increased Extraversion (Increased Capacity for Warm Interpersonal Relationships); Decreased Neuroticism (Increased Emotional Stability, Decreased Tension) Geisler, M. Therapeutische Wirkungen der Transzendentalen Meditation auf Drogenkonsumenten. Zeitschrift für klinische Psychologie 1978; 7(4): 235–255.


  Improved Capacity for Warm Interpersonal Relationships; Greater Inner Locus of Control; Less Anxiety Hjelle JA. Transcendental Meditation and psychological health. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1974; 39(5):623–628.


  Increased Ability to Be Sympathetic, Compassionate, and Understanding;Improved Personal Relationships, Improved Harmony with Others; Warm Marital & Family Relationships; Greater Connectedness Aron EN, Aron A. Transcendental Meditation and marital adjustment. Psychological Reports 1982; 51(7):887–890


  Improved Ability to Experience Positive Emotions Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.


Irritable or aggressive behavior.  Reduction of Neuroendocrine Abnormalities Associated with Aggressive and Irritable Behavior Walton KG, Levitsky DK. Effects of the Transcendental Meditation program on neuroendocrine abnormalities associated with aggression and crime. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 2003; 36: 67–87.


  Decreased Anxiety; Decreased Hostility; Decreased Neuroticism, Decreased Resentment; Decreased Negativism; Decreased Irritability Abrams AI, and Siegel LM. The Transcendental Meditation program and rehabilitation at Folsom State Prison: A cross-validation study. Criminal Justice and Behavior 1978; 5(1): 3–20.Abrams AI. Transcendental Meditation and rehabilitation at Folsom Prison: response to a critique. Criminal Justice and Behavior 1979; 6:13–21.


  Decreased Overactive or Impulsive Behavior; Decreased Anxiety and Tension Candelent T, Candelent G. Teaching Transcendental Meditation in a psychiatric setting. Hospital & Community Psychiatry 1975; 26(3): 156–159.


  Enhanced Psychological Development and Reduced Psychopathology Alexander CN, Walton KG, Goodman R. Walpole study of the Transcendental Meditation program in maximum security prisoners I: cross-sectional differences in development and psychopathology. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 2003; 36(1-4): 97–126


  Improvements in Mental Well-Being; Decreased Impulsive Tendency; Reduced Emotional Instability; Decreased Neurotic Tendency; Decreased Anxiety Haratani T, Henmi T. Effects of Transcendental Meditation on mental health of industrial workers. Japanese Journal of Industrial Health 1990 32:656.


  Increased Friendliness and Less Irritable or Aggressive Behavior Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.


Self-destructive or reckless behavior.  Reduction in Use of Illegal Drugs, Alcohol, and Cigarettes; Abstinence from Illegal Drugs, Alcohol, and Cigarettes Maintained or Increased over Long Term; Improved Psychological Health (Reduced Negative Qualities, Reduced Anxiety, Improved Positive Qualities) Alexander CNRobinson P, Rainforth MV. Treating and preventing alcohol, nicotine, and drug abuse through Transcendental Meditation: a review and statistical meta-analysis. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 1994; 11(1/2):13–87


  Improvements in Mental Well-Being; Decreased Impulsive Tendency; Reduced Emotional Instability; Decreased Neurotic Tendency; Decreased Anxiety Haratani T, Henmi T. Effects of Transcendental Meditation on mental health of industrial workers. Japanese Journal of Industrial Health 1990 32:656.


  Increased Capacity for Moral Reasoning and Good Judgement Nidich SINidich RJ, Alexander CN. Moral development and higher states of consciousness. Journal of Adult Development 2000; 7(4):217–225.Nidich SI, Ryncarz RA, Abrams AI, Orme-Johnson DW, Wallace RK. Kohlbergian moral perspective responses, EEG coherence, and the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program. Journal of Moral Education 1983; 12(3):166–173.


  Increased Intelligence to Facilitate Better Decisions Cranson RW, Orme-Johnson DW, Dillbeck MC, Jones CH, Alexander CN, Gackenbach J. Transcendental Meditation and improved performance on intelligence-related measures: a longitudinal study. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences 1991; 12(10):1105–1116.


  Decreased Drug Abuse; Decreased Use of Cigarettes; Decreased Use of Alcohol; Decreased Use of Caffeine; Decreased Need for Tranquillizers and Other Prescribed Drugs Monahan RJ. Secondary prevention of drug dependence through the Transcendental Meditation program in metropolitan Philadelphia. The International Journal of the Addictions 12(6): 729–754, 1977.


Increase Wholesome, Constructive Behavior and Less Self-destructive or Reckless Behavior Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.


Hypervigilance.  More Relaxed Style of Functioning; Increased Stability of Nervous System; Reduced Hypervigilance Alexander CN, Rainforth MV, Gelderloos P. Transcendental Meditation, self-actualization, and psychological health: A conceptual overview and statistical meta-analysis. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 1991; 6: 189–248.Orme-Johnson DW, Moore RM. First prison study using the Transcendental Meditation program: La Tuna Federal Penitentiary, 1971. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 2003; 36: 89–95.Jevning R, Wallace RK, Beidebach M. The physiology of meditation: a review. A wakeful hypometabolic integrated response. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 1992; 16(3):415–424.Lang R, Dehof K, Meurer KA, Kaufmann W. Sympathetic activity and Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Neural Transmission 1979 44(1/2):117–135.Orme-Johnson DW. (1973). Autonomic stability and Transcendental Meditation. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1973; 35(4): 341–349.


  Increased Inner Calmness and Decreased Hypervigilance Wallace, RK, et al. The physiology of meditation. Scientific American 1972; 226: 84–90.Wallace RK, et al. A wakeful hypometabolic physiologic state. American Journal of Physiology 1971; 221: 795–799.Wallace RK. Physiological effects of Transcendental Meditation. Science 1970; 167: 1751–1754.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.


Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.



Exaggerated startle response.  More Relaxed Style of Functioning; Increased Stability of Nervous System; Reduced Startle Response Orme-Johnson DW, Moore RM. First prison study using the Transcendental Meditation program: La Tuna Federal Penitentiary, 1971. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 2003; 36: 89–95.Jevning R, Wallace RK, Beidebach M. The physiology of meditation: a review. A wakeful hypometabolic integrated response. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 1992; 16(3):415–424.Lang R, Dehof K, Meurer KA, Kaufmann W. Sympathetic activity and Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Neural Transmission 1979 44(1/2):117–135.Orme-Johnson DW. (1973). Autonomic stability and Transcendental Meditation. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1973; 35(4): 341–349.Wallace, RK, et al. The physiology of meditation. Scientific American 1972; 226: 84–90.Wallace RK, et al. A wakeful hypometabolic physiologic state. American Journal of Physiology 1971; 221: 795–799.


Wallace RK. Physiological effects of Transcendental Meditation. Science 1970; 167: 1751–1754.



Improved Calm, Settled Style of Functioning without Exaggerated Startle Response Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.


Problems in concentration.  Improved Ability to Focus Attention Rani NJ, Rao PVK. Effects of meditation on attention processes. Journal of Indian Psychology. 2000; 18: 52–60.Rani NJ, Rao PVK. Meditation and attention regulation. Journal of Indian Psychology. 1996; 14: 26–30.Banquet JP, Lesèvre N. Event-related potentials in altered states of consciousness. Progress in Brain Research 1980; 54:447–453.Cranson RW, Orme-Johnson DW, Dillbeck MC, Jones CH, Alexander CN, Gackenbach J. Transcendental Meditation and improved performance on intelligence-related measures: A longitudinal study. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences 1991; 12(10):1105–1116Alexander CN, Swanson GC, Rainforth MV, et al. The effects of the Transcendental Meditation program on stress reduction, health, and employee development: A prospective study in two occupational settings. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping 1993; 6: 245–262. 
Enhanced Ability to Concentrate and Focus Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.
20 Sleep disturbance.  Improved Quality of Sleep with Comprehensive Neurophysiological Integration Mason LI, Orme-Johnson DW. Transcendental consciousness wakes up in dreaming and deep sleep. International Journal of Dream Research 2010; 3(1):28–32.Travis FT. The junction point model: a field model of waking, sleeping, and dreaming relating dream witnessing, the waking/sleeping transition, and Transcendental Meditation in terms of a common psychophysiologic state. Dreaming 1994 4:91–104.
  Improved Sleep Patterns (Decreased Awakenings per Night, Improved Quality of Sleep); Decreased Anxiety and Tension; Decreased Overactive or Impulsive Behavior Candelent T, Candelent G. Teaching Transcendental Meditation in a psychiatric setting. Hospital & Community Psychiatry 1975; 26(3): 156–159.
  Improved Sleep Patterns (Decreased Time to Fall Asleep, Decreased Awakenings per Night, Improved Quality of Sleep) Abrams AI, and Siegel LM. The Transcendental Meditation program and rehabilitation at Folsom State Prison: A cross-validation study. Criminal Justice and Behavior 1978; 5(1): 3–20.Abrams AI. Transcendental Meditation and rehabilitation at Folsom Prison: response to a critique. Criminal Justice and Behavior 1979; 6:13–21.Ljunggren G. The influence of Transcendental Meditation on neuroticism, use of drugs and insomnia. Lakartidningen 1977; 74(47): 4212–4214.
  Decreased Anxiety and Increased Inner Calm and Tranquillity Eppley K et al. Differential effects of relaxation techniques on trait anxiety: a meta-analysis.  Journal of Clinical Psychology 1989; 45: 957–974.
  Improved Sleep Patterns with Reduced Disturbances Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Significant reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees within 10 days of Transcendental Meditation practice. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2014; 27: 112–115.Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reductions in posttraumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2013; 26: 295–298.Rosenthal JZ, Grosswald S, Ross R, Rosenthal N. Effects of Transcendental Meditation in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot study. Military Medicine 2011; 176: 626–630.Brooks JS, Scarano T. Transcendental Meditation in the treatment of post-Vietnam adjustment. Journal of Counseling and Development 1985; 64: 212–215.

For more information about Transcendental Meditation (TM) as a scientifically-verified solution for PTSD see an article published in Embody Magazine titled: Combating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.