The Science of Creative Intelligence
The Science of Creative Intelligence® (SCI) is a science of consciousness derived from ancient Vedic knowledge by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It links objective and subjective approaches to knowledge through the use of principles that promote orderly changes both in nature and in human consciousness. These principles are found common to all areas of study and to human life. SCI is the description of how consciousness functions within itself—what awareness is like and it is a description of the value of contacting awareness in daily life—all the practical components, the practical value of unfolding inner wakefulness.
Learn how the Science of Creative Intelligence applies to military science and try the Square Root of One Percent of the Population Calculator.
See also: Wells, G. A., with Fergusson, L., & Bonshek, A. (2021). The foundations of Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence—Chapter nine: The scientific research program of Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence. Journal of Maharishi Vedic Research Institute, 15, 79-133.
® The Science of Creative Intelligence is a service mark registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, licensed to Maharishi Vedic Education Development Corporation and is used under sublicense.