Brazilian Military Research on Invincible Defense

Posted on May 23rd, 2011
This chart illustrates the significant improvements in health and discipline
which were experienced by the officers and cadets practicing the Transcendental Meditation® (TM) program in the State of Bahia,
Brazil. These improvements resulted in improved community relations
as measured by a dramatic increase (1,206%) in the number of positive
reports received by the Police Department from the citizens of
In the Police Academy of Piaui, Brazil, the meditating cadets likewise experienced significant improvements in health, behavior, attitude, and academic performance.
Total Rehabilitation book jacket The preceding pictures are from the book Total Rehabilitation available by special order from Maharishi University of Management Press. ©1996 by Maharishi Vedic University Press. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.

For more information see also: 

Rio de Janeiro’s elite police learn to meditate in preparation for the Olympics,

Brazilian Military Police Pictures,

New Solution for Latin America: Transforming Lives and Changing Nations.

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