Invincible Defense Publications by CAMS Members - Since 1 Jan 2010
The new year is off to a good start with an increase in the number of articles about the benefits of Invincible Defense Technology. Articles written by members of the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS) were published in the following places:
Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (7 March 2010). Halting Confrontation Between India and Pakistan by "Smothering the Fire." Kashmir Watch.
Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (3 March 2010). Global power available for any military. United Press International - Asia.
Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (27 February 2010). Global Reach and Global Power Are Available Now for Any Military. Chitral News.
Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (23 February 2010). A Scientifically Validated Security Strategy for the Middle East. Ikhwanweb.
Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (22 February 2010). A Scientifically Validated Security Strategy for the Middle East. Islam Online.
Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (19 February 2010). Maharishi's IDT Strategy Could Bring Peace To Middle East. Eurasia Review.
Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (19 February 2010). A Scientifically Validated Security Strategy for the Middle East. Middle East Online.
Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired), Dr. Kurt Kleinschnitz and Dr. David Leffler (6 February 2010). The Silent Antidote to Terrorism. OpEdNews.
Dr. David Leffler and Lee Leffler (2 February 2010). Invincibility For Guatemala. Creating an Invincible Guatemala.
Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (29 January 2010). Preventing Confrontation in Middle East by Smothering the Political Fire. Low Intensity Conflict Review.
Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (29 January 2010). Preventing Confrontation in Middle East by Smothering the Political Fire. Drug Trafficking.
Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (29 January 2010). Halting Confrontation in Armenia by Smothering the Political Fire. Armtown.
Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (29 January 2010). Preventing Confrontation in Middle East by Smothering the Political Fire. Intelligence.
Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (29 January 2010). Preventing Confrontation in Middle East by Smothering the Political Fire. Pakistan Observer.
Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (29 January 2010). Halting Confrontation in Armenia by Smothering the Political Fire. Iragir Am.
Major W.G. Klokow and Dr. David Leffler (12 January 2010). A Scientifically Verified and Practically Proven Means of Ensuring Safety and Security. Soldier of Africa.
Major W.G. Klokow and Dr. David Leffler (12 January 2010). A Scientifically Verified and Practically Proven Means of Ensuring Safety and Security. OpEdNews.
Dr. John Hagelin and Dr. David R. Leffler (3 January 2010). Scientists propose Israelis meditate for peace. North Korea Times, Iraq Sun, Israel Herald, China National News, Mexico Star, San Diego Sun, Taiwan Sun, Argentina Star, Philippine Times, Pittsburgh Star, Arab Herald, St. Louis Star, Malaysia Sun, Herald Globe, Irish Sun, Canada Standard, Africa Leader, Middle East Star, Big News Network, Zimbabwe Star and Europe Sun.
Dr. John Hagelin and Dr. David R. Leffler (3 January 2010). Invincible defense technology may pave way to Mideast peace. Big News Network.
Dr. John Hagelin and Dr. David R. Leffler (2 January 2010). Left field pitch for new defense technology for Israeli military. Brazil News, Palestinian News, Auckland News, Spain News, France News, Bangladesh News, Egypt News, Germany News, Venezuela News, Israel News, Pakistan News, Afghanistan News, Nepal News, Russia News, Malaysia News, Middle East News, Bombay News, Brunei News, Singapore News, Sweden News, Thailand News, Uganda News, United States New, Kenya News, Sudan News, Zambia News, South Africa News, and Calcutta News.
Dr. John Hagelin and Dr. David R. Leffler (2 January 2010). Beyond Nuclear Deterrence: A Complementary Protective Approach for Israel. OpEdNews.
Dr. John Hagelin and Dr. David R. Leffler (2 January 2010). Beyond Nuclear Deterrence: A Complementary Protective Approach for Israel. MEPeace.
Dr. John Hagelin and Dr. David R. Leffler (1 January 2010). Beyond Nuclear Deterrence: A Complementary Protective Approach for Israel. OnLanka Blog.
Dr. Leffler Speaks at Institute for Defense and Business
While attending the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) meeting in Washington, D.C. recently, Dr. David Leffler met Van W. Noah, PE, the Program Director at Institute for Defense and Business and informed him about Invincible Defense Technology. Dr. Leffler was invited to speak at what was called the "Invincible Military Lunch" for the distinguished list of military members representing all services and civilian leaders who were in attendance at the Logtech Advanced Program in Logistics and Technology held on November 1 - 6, 2009.
When word got out about the topic of Dr. Leffler's presentation, extra chairs had to be brought in to accommodate the people who signed up at the last minute for his talk. The presentation was well received and after it was over, almost everyone (including people who did not attend the talk) wanted a copy of the DVD by Dr. John Hagelin, Executive Director, International Center for Invincible Defense, titled Achieving National Invincibility. (An edited transcription of the DVD is also available online.)
Pictured: Van W. Noah, PE, Dr. David Leffler, and Mr. Mark C. Cramer, the president of the Institute for Defense and Business (IDB) and executive director of the Center of Excellence in Logistics and Technology (LOGTECH) at UNC Chapel Hill.
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