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Invincible Defense TechnologyDr. David Leffler's
Invincible Defense Technology
News on Preventing an Enemy from Arising with Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) 18 March 2010 issue
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Worldwide Press Release Sent Out Today
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Invincible Defense Technology News keeps you up-to-date on how Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) is being accepted worldwide. Be the first to know which countries are invincible, which leaders are accepting IDT, IDT events, new books, media coverage and more.


David Leffler, Ph.D.

Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS) StrongMilitary.org
International Sites: InvincibleDefense.org, DavidLeffler.com 
USA: InvincibleMilitary.org
Worldwide Press Release Sent Out Today 

Public release date: 18-Mar-2010, 14:15 hrs CT USA
Contact: Dr. David Leffler
Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS)
1000 North Fourth Street
Fairfield, Iowa 52556 USA
drleffler [@] hotmail [.] com

Military Application of Transcendental Meditation Gaining Acceptance

Paper on Invincible Defense Technology published in peer-reviewed Pakistani journal

Fairfield, Iowa USA - A leading scientific journal in Pakistan, The Journal of Management & Social Science,* recently published a paper titled "A New Role for the Military: Preventing Enemies from Arising-Reviving an Ancient Approach to Peace," indicating that the military application of the Transcendental Meditation technique has merit. The paper discusses how militaries worldwide could use the Transcendental Meditation® and TM-Sidhi® program, founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, as a non-religious and scientifically verified way to prevent war and terrorism. When used in a military context, these meditation practices are known as Invincible Defense Technology (IDT).

The paper describes the concept of a "Prevention Wing of the Military," a group of military personnel that practices the advanced TM-Sidhi program twice daily as a group. A group that reaches a critical threshold in size has been scientifically shown to reduce collective societal stress.

The paper hypothesizes that war, terrorism, and crime are caused by collective societal stress. The absence of collective stress translates into the absence of tension between countries, between religious groups, or even within individual terrorists. The paper proposes that, by applying this non-lethal and non-destructive technology, any military can reduce societal stress and prevent enemies from arising. If IDT prevents the emergence of enemies, the military has no one to fight, so the nation becomes invincible.

Over 50 scientific studies have found that when 1% of a given population practices Transcendental Meditation, or when sufficiently large groups practice the TM-Sidhi program together twice daily, measurable positive changes take place throughout society as a whole. The studies show decreased violence, crime, car accidents, and suicides, and improved quality of life in society. The paper reviews IDT research, such as a study published in the Yale University-edited Journal of Conflict Resolution showing that an intervention by a civilian group in Israel resulted in a 76% reduction in war deaths in neighboring Lebanon. Seven subsequent, consecutive experiments over a two-year period during the peak of the Lebanon war found:

  • war-related fatalities decreased by 71% (p < 0.0000000001)
  • war-related injuries fell by 68% (p < 0.000001)
  • the level of conflict dropped by 48% (p < 0.00000001)
  • cooperation among antagonists increased by 66% (p < 0.000001)

A follow-up study published in the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality found that the likelihood that these combined results were due to chance is less than one in a quintillion. A global-scale study published in the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation documented a 72% drop in international terrorism when IDT groups were large enough to affect the global population. Terrorism returned to previous levels after the experiment.

The paper's author is David R. Leffler, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Military Science at the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, USA. "This paper introduces a new role for the military: 'Prevention Wings' whose purpose is to prevent enemies from arising," said Dr. Leffler. "This new approach, derived from the ancient Vedic tradition of India, is supported by over 50 scientific studies. IDT can create victory before war, and can assist in peacemaking, peacekeeping, and peacebuilding." The size of the Prevention Wing would usually be 2%-3% of a nation's military personnel.

Land-based Prevention Wings were successfully field tested by the militaries of Mozambique and Ecuador in the 1990s. The paper explains that sea-based Prevention Wings are theoretically possible. For example, carrier battle groups supporting IDT experts could be deployed to the Persian Gulf to reduce tensions in the Middle East, without directly penetrating borders.

"Since the military's primary job is to fully protect its country from attack by enemies, both foreign and domestic, all branches of the armed forces should also consider this approach," said Dr. Leffler. The paper concludes that preventing enemies from arising is both doable and economical.

Military-related institutions have shown interest in Invincible Defense Technology. Dr. Leffler first presented his review paper at the "International Sociological Association Research Committee 01 Seoul National University & Korea Military Academy International Conference on Armed Forces & Conflict Resolution in a Globalized World" in Seoul, Korea, in 2008. He also presented the paper at the Korea Institute of Defense Analyses. Dr. Leffler also spoke at the "5th Annual Countering IEDs - Assessing the IED Threat and its Evolution on the Battlefield and in the Homeland" conference in Washington, DC. The title of his briefing was "Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) as a Means to Prevent the Implementation of IEDs." Dr. Leffler has also given presentations at the Russian Air Force Academy, The Russian Academy of Sciences, and US defense-related institutions such as the Institute of Defense and Business.



*The Journal of Management & Social Science (JMSS) is published by the Institute of Business & Technology BIZTEK in Pakistan. JMSS has published Dr. Leffler's paper now because they were behind in their printing schedule. Here is the reference for the paper:

Dr. David R. Leffler (Fall 2009). A New Role for the Military: Preventing Enemies from Arising-Reviving an Ancient Approach to Peace. Journal of Management & Social Science (JMSS), Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 153-162. Editor's Note: Translations of the paper are also available on the webpage listed above.

Since Dr. Leffler's paper was submitted to JMSS in 2008, another paper about IDT was later published on 29 June 2009 in the peer-reviewed Journal of Scientific Exploration by Dr. David Orme-Johnson. For more information on that paper, read: "Peace in the Middle East: Scientific solution to a political problem?" The article, originally published in Beirut-Online News, asserts that peace in this troubled region is easily within our grasp. It focuses on the topic of IDT and features quotes and Internet links to publications by military-related leaders worldwide who support the implementation of Invincible Defense Technology.

Invincible Defense Publications by CAMS Members - Since 1 Jan 2010 

The new year is off to a good start with an increase in the number of articles about the benefits of Invincible Defense Technology. Articles written by members of the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS) were published in the following places:

Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (7 March 2010). Halting Confrontation Between India and Pakistan by "Smothering the Fire." Kashmir Watch.

Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (3 March 2010). Global power available for any military. United Press International - Asia.

Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (27 February 2010). Global Reach and Global Power Are Available Now for Any Military. Chitral News.

Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (23 February 2010). A Scientifically Validated Security Strategy for the Middle East. Ikhwanweb.

Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (22 February 2010). A Scientifically Validated Security Strategy for the Middle East. Islam Online.

Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (19 February 2010). Maharishi's IDT Strategy Could Bring Peace To Middle East. Eurasia Review.

Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (19 February 2010). A Scientifically Validated Security Strategy for the Middle East. Middle East Online.

Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired), Dr. Kurt Kleinschnitz and Dr. David Leffler (6 February 2010). The Silent Antidote to Terrorism. OpEdNews.

Dr. David Leffler and Lee Leffler (2 February 2010). Invincibility For Guatemala. Creating an Invincible Guatemala.

Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (29 January 2010). Preventing Confrontation in Middle East by Smothering the Political Fire. Low Intensity Conflict Review.

Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (29 January 2010). Preventing Confrontation in Middle East by Smothering the Political Fire. Drug Trafficking.

Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (29 January 2010). Halting Confrontation in Armenia by Smothering the Political Fire. Armtown.

Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (29 January 2010). Preventing Confrontation in Middle East by Smothering the Political Fire. Intelligence.

Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (29 January 2010). Preventing Confrontation in Middle East by Smothering the Political Fire. Pakistan Observer.

Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) and Dr. David Leffler (29 January 2010). Halting Confrontation in Armenia by Smothering the Political Fire. Iragir Am.

Major W.G. Klokow and Dr. David Leffler (12 January 2010). A Scientifically Verified and Practically Proven Means of Ensuring Safety and Security. Soldier of Africa.

Major W.G. Klokow and Dr. David Leffler (12 January 2010). A Scientifically Verified and Practically Proven Means of Ensuring Safety and Security. OpEdNews.

Dr. John Hagelin and Dr. David R. Leffler (3 January 2010). Scientists propose Israelis meditate for peace. North Korea Times, Iraq Sun, Israel Herald, China National News, Mexico Star, San Diego Sun, Taiwan Sun, Argentina Star, Philippine Times, Pittsburgh Star, Arab Herald, St. Louis Star, Malaysia Sun, Herald Globe, Irish Sun, Canada Standard, Africa Leader, Middle East Star, Big News Network, Zimbabwe Star and Europe Sun.

Dr. John Hagelin and Dr. David R. Leffler (3 January 2010). Invincible defense technology may pave way to Mideast peace. Big News Network.

Dr. John Hagelin and Dr. David R. Leffler (2 January 2010). Left field pitch for new defense technology for Israeli military. Brazil News, Palestinian News, Auckland News, Spain News, France News, Bangladesh News, Egypt News, Germany News, Venezuela News, Israel News, Pakistan News, Afghanistan News, Nepal News, Russia News, Malaysia News, Middle East News, Bombay News, Brunei News, Singapore News, Sweden News, Thailand News, Uganda News, United States New, Kenya News, Sudan News, Zambia News, South Africa News, and Calcutta News.

Dr. John Hagelin and Dr. David R. Leffler (2 January 2010). Beyond Nuclear Deterrence: A Complementary Protective Approach for Israel. OpEdNews.

Dr. John Hagelin and Dr. David R. Leffler (2 January 2010). Beyond Nuclear Deterrence: A Complementary Protective Approach for Israel. MEPeace.

Dr. John Hagelin and Dr. David R. Leffler (1 January 2010). Beyond Nuclear Deterrence: A Complementary Protective Approach for Israel. OnLanka Blog.


Dr. Leffler Speaks at Institute for Defense and Business

While attending the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) meeting in Washington, D.C. recently, Dr. David Leffler met Van W. Noah, PE, the Program Director at Institute for Defense and Business and informed him about Invincible Defense Technology. Dr. Leffler was invited to speak at what was called the "Invincible Military Lunch" for the distinguished list of military members representing all services and civilian leaders who were in attendance at the Logtech Advanced Program in Logistics and Technology held on November 1 - 6, 2009.

When word got out about the topic of Dr. Leffler's presentation, extra chairs had to be brought in to accommodate the people who signed up at the last minute for his talk. The presentation was well received and after it was over, almost everyone (including people who did not attend the talk) wanted a copy of the DVD by Dr. John Hagelin, Executive Director, International Center for Invincible Defense, titled Achieving National Invincibility. (An edited transcription of the DVD is also available online.)

Van W. Noah, David Leffler, Mark C. CramerPictured: Van W. Noah, PE, Dr. David Leffler, and Mr. Mark C. Cramer, the president of the Institute for Defense and Business (IDB) and executive director of the Center of Excellence in Logistics and Technology (LOGTECH) at UNC Chapel Hill.

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