A Fox News video report about “Operation Warrior Wellness,” the David Lynch Foundation’s program to make the TM technique available to military personal and veterans, is now available online. See “Meditating With the Stars – Stars like Russell Brand lend a hand to veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder through the practice of Transcendental Meditation.” (Note: the video showing people meditating is “B roll footage” of people practicing another type of meditation. The TM technique is practiced with eyes closed and can be done sitting comfortably in a chair).
An article published in the online Wall Street Journal on 26 November 2010 titled “Filmmaker Introduces Veterans to Meditation” reports that David Lynch, “the filmmaker behind the movies ‘Blue Velvet’ and ‘Mulholland Drive’ is giving $100,000 to launch Operations Warrior Wellness, an initiative to help 10,000 veterans overcome Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and other war-related illnesses through Transcendental Meditation, which he says creates ‘professional peacemakers.’
Click to see highlights of the David Lynch Foundation press conference launching Operation Warrior Wellness and of the Foundation’s second annual evening benefit gala event held in New York City.
Click to see more information and videos about combating PTSD with Transcendental Meditation.
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