Utilizing Powerful Peace-Creating Technologies to Combat Cyber Warfare

Posted on May 23rd, 2011


As featured in the September 2009 issue of American Heroes Press Newsletter and published in Military Writers.

Utilizing Powerful Peace-Creating Technologies to Combat Cyber Warfare

By Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Kulwant Singh and Dr. David Leffler

Imagine an approach to peace so powerful that it can prevent cyber warfare, plus all other types of terrorism and warfare.

This approach utilizes large groups of peace-creating experts practicing ancient technologies of consciousness that harness the most powerful level of nature’s functioning – the unified field described by superstring theory. Research published in peer-reviewed journals indicates that such groups can effectively defuse and prevent social problems like crime, war and terrorism.

The report “Tech 2035: Future Technology, Future Power in Asia, and Future Intelligence Challenges” states:

In a world where highly lethal, potentially anonymous weapons can be obtained by almost anyone who wants them, the only effective defense is to detect a pending attack and intervene before it can be carried out. That requires constant, global vigilance as close as possible to the individual level. A single terrorist plot, overlooked, could result not in hundreds or thousands of deaths, but in tens of thousands. An adversary’s capacity for high-tech combat, if underestimated, could cost tens of thousands of battlefield casualties, and perhaps lose a war. [1]

Libertarians argue that such a strategy would interfere with our basic human right to privacy that we value in a free society. The authors concede that the strategy of global vigilance as close to the individual level as possible certainly may prevent attacks. However, it will never stop all of them. History shows that enemies will always find a weakness and exploit it. The serious concerns raised by recent cyber attacks demonstrate that if even one clever individual in a world of six billion people stages just one successful attack, the consequences could be dire. No known global vigilance system will be good enough to filter out this person before he or she does grave harm.

Clearly a new strategy is necessary

Despite our advanced technology and valiant efforts, we struggle to eliminate terrorism by utilizing strategies and tactics that largely ignore terrorism’s fundamental cause. Terrorism, war, conflict and crime are human problems requiring human solutions. The underlying cause of these and other types of social violence is, primarily, accumulated social stress.

Therefore, to eliminate such social problems, we need to reduce collective societal stress. No collective stress means no tension between the United States and other countries, terrorist groups (internal or external), or individual insurgents, therefore, no terrorism. Extensive research [2] indicates that the best way to reduce collective societal stress, and thereby snuff out terrorism and war, is by adopting an ancient strategy: “Avert the danger that has not yet come.” [3] Prevent an enemy for arising. This strategy was known in the Vedic tradition of ancient India, and practical approaches were available to achieve it. This tradition is still alive today.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a well known expert in the Vedic tradition, revived this ancient approach called Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) in a non-religious manner. Although similar technologies in the past were often associated with particular religions, his non-religious version has been quietly and successfully used during the past few decades by members of many faiths to eliminate conflict. By applying this human resource-based technology, which is non-lethal and non-destructive, the US Department of Defense (DoD) and related security agencies could reduce tensions and control terrorism, including cyber warfare.

Presently, the DoD, like other militaries, uses defense systems that are based on chemical technologies, biological technologies and electronic technologies. Cyber warfare is no different because it is based on electromagnetic technologies. The chart below illustrates that invincibility cannot be obtained on this level.

Figure 2

Click to Open Chart

The unified field is much more powerful than all other levels of technologies of defense. Harvard-trained quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin, who has conducted pioneering research at CERN (the European Center for Particle Physics) and SLAC (the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) and is responsible for the development of a highly successful grand unified field theory based on the Superstring, explains:

The technology of the unified field…is vastly more powerful than any previous level of defensive technology. The unique power of the unified field and of technologies of the unified field reveals that invincibility in nature is only available at the superunified scale. Figure 2 shows the hierarchical structure of natural law, from fundamentally unified to superficially diverse at the macroscopic levels of nature’s functioning, and reveals that invincibility is not found at any of the more superficial levels of natural law. Invincibility in nature only exists at the level of the unified field. [4]

If the US were to harness the power of the unified field through IDT, the nation would rise quickly towards invincibility. This approach eliminates the enmity of the enemies. With no enmity between them, former enemies become allies, and the nations become invincible because there are no enemies to fight.

A coherence-creating IDT group may be a realistic approach to the goal of national security and invincibility. This group could be comprised of members of the military (a “Prevention Wing of the Military”), a group of civilians, or a group combining the two. For instance, Ecuador’s “Project: Coherence,” introduced by then Vice-Minister of Defense Lieutenant General Villamil, [5] utilized both military and civilian personnel. Coherence-creating groups are trained in the primary techniques of IDT – the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program and its advanced practice, the TM-Sidhi program – and then they regularly practice these techniques together, morning and evening.

According to the research, the size of the group needed to reduce social stress depends on the size of the population, with the minimum number to create clear effects being the square root of one percent of the population. To calculate this number, multiply the population size by 0.01, and then take the square root of this number. For instance, the U.S. has a population of approximately 307 million: 307,271,000 x 0.01 = 3,072,710, and the square root of 3,072,710 is approximately 1,753, so a group of 1,753 IDT experts would theoretically be the minimum size to produce significant reductions in terrorism and conflict in the United States. The group size needed to affect the world is currently about 8,235. [6] However, even larger groups would be safer because engineers who build structures for maximum human safety regularly “over-engineer” their creations out of concern for unanticipated variables. The same rationale holds for engineering a lasting peace particularly in volatile regions like the Middle East.

Invincible Defense Technology experts in Washington, DC,
Invincible Defense Technology experts gathered in Washington, DC, lowering the crime rate 24%

Studies show that when this minimal threshold is crossed, crime goes down, quality of life indices go up, and war and terrorism abate. Scientists named this phenomenon the Maharishi Effect in honor of Maharishi, who first predicted it. For instance, a Maharishi Effect intervention was implemented and studied in Washington, D.C., in 1993. Predictions were lodged in advance with government leaders and newspapers. The research protocol was approved by an independent Project Review Board. Crime fell 24 percent below the predicted level when the coherence-creating group reached its maximum number of participants. Temperature, weekend effects, and previous trends in the data failed to account for the observed changes in crime rates. This research was published in the peer-reviewed journal Social Indicators Research. [7]

How Does Invincible Defense Technology Work?

Over 50 studies have shown that IDT works to lower crime, aggression, war deaths, etc. and to improve the quality of life in society. The causal mechanism has been postulated to be a field effect of consciousness – a kind of spillover effect produced by enlivenment of the unified field by the peace-creating group spilling over into the larger population. Some support for this explanation comes from a study published in the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality. [8] Research on the neurotransmitter serotonin has shown it to be associated with a state of physical and mental well-being. Indications of low levels of serotonin activity correlate with violence, aggression, and negative mood states. The IDT study showed that an increase in the numbers of IDT experts practicing in groups correlated with an increase in serotonin among non-TM-practicing community members several miles away for the group. These results were statistically highly significant and supported a causality model. This finding may offer a plausible neurophysiologic mechanism to explain reduced hostility and aggression in society at large.

The experience of a 4th state of consciousness (transcendental consciousness) in the advanced TM practitioner appears to be associated with an increase in serotonin activity and a decrease in the stress-related hormone cortisol. As far as scientists can speculate, the experience of transcendental consciousness during the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique produces coherence in the brain of the TM practitioners (even more powerfully in a group) and creates an influence that spreads throughout the unified field. Physicists have derived unified field theories indicating that this unified field underlies everything in the material and mental universe. The study suggests that when practitioners of the TM-Sidhi program go deep in meditation in the group, enlivening the experience of transcendental consciousness, there is increased serotonin and EEG coherence not only in each individual in the group but also in the non-TM practitioners outside the group. Serotonin may be materially involved in this increased coherence. This research was referenced in a more comprehensive paper published by the Security and Political Risk Analysis (SAPRA) think tank that puts the findings in a more elaborate context. [9]

diagram of the Meissner Effect diagram of the Maharishi Effect
On the left, an external magnetic field penetrates an ordinary conductor whose electrons behave in a chaotic or disorderly way. On the right, the external magnetic field is excluded from the interior of a super-conductor whose electrons function in a coherent collective manner—invincibility.
The Maharishi Effect creates invincible “national armor” that cannot be penetrated by the collective negativity of other countries.

Theoretical physicists allude to the unified field as the basis of all laws of nature. IDT appears to work from this fundamental level. In fact, the Vedic tradition considers this state of transcendental consciousness to be a unified field of consciousness. The Maharishi Effect is observed when the collective consciousness of society is made more coherent through IDT. In 2007, Dr. John Hagelin, Executive Director of the International Center for Invincible Defense in New York City, addressed UN ambassadors, government leaders, and the world press to call for establishing in every country a group of experts in IDT to render every country impervious to attack. “This is science – this is not a fanciful dream,” Dr. Hagelin declared. “I am speaking of a new approach to national security and invincibility that is based on the latest discoveries of quantum physics, physiology, and neuroscience, and which has been validated by extensive published scientific research. This new scientific approach provides a practical, proven solution to the problems of violence and conflict – and ensures that every government can immediately secure the safety and security of its people.” A video of Dr. Hagelin (1:13:00) explaining the scientific research on IDT is available online at: http://www.invincibledefense.org/videos/2007_04_11_hagelin.html. A transcription with full-sized images of this presentation is also available at: https://istpp.org/military_science/Hagelin_military_lecture.html .


Mozambique used IDT to end its civil war in the 1990s. Recently, civilians in the Netherlands quietly formed a large enough group of IDT experts to achieve the Maharishi Effect. Civilian groups in Bolivia, Trinidad and Tobago, Columbia, and Peru have also taken responsibility for building sufficiently large groups. The United States is very close to maintaining the requisite number of IDT experts through the Invincible America Assembly [10] in Fairfield, Iowa.

The pilot project in Mozambique dissolved after the UN broke up the military as part of the civil war treaty. High school students, who will graduate and move on, make up the bulk of the practitioners in Columbia. Limited economic opportunities in Iowa have hindered the development of a permanent group in the United States. Non-government-funded groups may not be reliable over the long term.

The DoD and related security agencies are responsible for protecting the nation, and are obligated to thoroughly examine realistic, scientifically verified methods for ending war and terrorism. Since they are funded and their personnel are paid to perform their duties, they are not subject to the fluctuations of donors, jobs, graduations, and optional activities. Because the departments are paid to protect the nation, it is entirely appropriate for them to fund and staff “A Group for a Government.”

IDT Group Size vs. Quality of Life in Israel

Daily Time Series of the IDT Group Size and the Composite Quality of Life Index. These two plots show the direct relation between the IDT group size and a quality of life index.

Quality of life in Israel improved and intensity of the conflict in Lebanon decreased in direct proportion to the number of Invincible Defense Technology experts in the coherence-creating group (Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1988, vol. 32, #4, pp. 776-812). Editor’s Note Update: Listen to Huffpost Live TV: A Solution for Terrorism: a televised interview with Dr. John Hagelin, Bob Roth, and Col. Brian Rees, M.D., December 16, 2015 (30:00) for a explanation of the importance of this peer-reviewed research.

A Paradigm Shift, In Progress

Dr. Carla Brown examined bias against the unconventional approach of IDT in her Harvard doctoral dissertation, [11] which explored whether and how members of the Middle East policy community applied truth and utility tests to research findings. The study she used had been published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution, showing a dramatic 45 percent reduction in war intensity and 75 percent reduction in war deaths when a critical mass of experts practiced IDT in large groups. Brown found that several respondents in each elite group that she interviewed were likely to examine a similar paper in the future, motivated in part by their examination of the quality of science involved. She also explored how some of her interviewees did not take the effort to examine the research, including some social scientists who were critical of the research. Brown explored means for overcoming barriers to the use of this research, including prejudice. At a time when the research outcomes described are greatly needed, this paper may provide context for those who want to understand their own prejudice or built-in reservations. This paper helps security experts better understand how the barriers to IDT can be addressed and why the technology is difficult for many to accept. Brown’s research was published in the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality. [12]

A prevention-oriented paradigm shift is taking place in the US military. “We believe that preventing wars is as important as winning wars,” [13] according to a new strategy announced by the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard in October 2007. This is the biggest revision of US naval strategy in 25 years, focusing more on humanitarian missions and improving international cooperation.

Coauthor Dr. David Leffler, the Executive Director at the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS) gave a briefing about Invincible Defense Technology in 2008 as a prevention-oriented Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) strategy at a conference for military and law enforcement-related personnel in Washington, D.C. The conference was sponsored by Marcus Evans Defense, and it was called, “The Fifth Annual Countering IEDs: Assessing the IED Threat and its Evolution on the Battlefield and in the Homeland.” He explained how IDT is the best “left of the boom” strategy. “If an IED attack were placed on a timeline, IDT would be furthest to the left of the boom (explosion) because IDT prevents enemies from arising,” said Dr. Leffler “No enemies, no IEDs.” The presentation was well received and CAMS International Advisor German Air Force Lt. Col. (Ret.) Gunter Chassé has been invited to present on this topic to NATO and EU leaders at the “Countering IEDs Europe” conference in the Berlin, Germany, on 22-22 October 2009. [14]

From the U.S. Army side, Colonel Brian M. Rees, M.D., M.P.H., Medical Corps, US Army Reserve completed his Masters research paper at the US Army War College on the topic of IDT called “The Applications of Strategic Stress Management [SSM] in Winning the Peace.” [15] The paper concluded that “SSM [IDT] has demonstrated efficacy when addressing the nefarious activities of criminals and terrorists, as well as the legal violence of combatants.” Col. Rees has given IDT presentations to the Proteus Management Group at the US Army War College, [16] and the Association of Military Surgeons of the U.S. (AMSUS). [17] Dr. Rees and Dr. Leffler recently presented at the International Sociological Association Research Committee 01 Seoul National University & Korea Military Academy International Conference on Armed Forces & Conflict Resolution in a Globalized World. [18] The presentations explained how IDT could help soldiers suffering from stress-related problems like Post-Traumatic Stress and reduce collective societal stress responsible for terrorism and war. At the time of this writing, tensions are high in the Middle East. Even if the leaders of Israel, Lebanon and Palestine do not quickly act to implement IDT, the US government can move in to end conflict, in a non-invasive way. IDT need not be employed in exact proximity of conflict or potential conflict. However, best results occur when the system is deployed within local political boundaries of the prejudiced area(s). Simultaneously, deployment of IDT within more inclusive boundaries (e.g., regional or countrywide) also creates positive effects across the larger boundaries.

IDT achieves best operating characteristics when all participants comprise one group within close association of each other (proximity averaging 1.5 meters between participants). However, positive effects will still be attained when participants operate in several smaller groups. For this reason, sea-based Prevention Wings are theoretically possible. For instance, the US carrier Kitty Hawk (CV-63) supported 1,000 Special Operations Forces on board for its mission in Afghanistan. [19] Therefore, carrier battle groups supporting IDT experts could be deployed to the Persian Gulf to reduce tensions in the entire Middle East (approximate population = 800 million; 1% of population = 8 million; square root of 8 million = 2829 IDT experts needed to achieve the Maharishi Effect.)

It behooves the DoD and related security agencies to apply this scientific research by creating Prevention Wings of the Military and/or other similar coherence creating groups to prevent not only cyberwar, but all war, conflict, crime and terrorism.

Photo of Maj. Gen. Kulwant Singh Maj. Gen.(Ret.) Kulwant Singh, Ph.D. fought in combat and led India’s fight against India’s intransigent terrorism problem for nearly 30 years. He was awarded the Uttam Yudh Sewa Medal, the second highest decoration for senior officers during operations in Sri Lanka as part of IPKF (Indian Peace Keeping Force). Today he is leading an international group of generals and defense experts that advocates Invincible Defense Technology.
Photo of Dr. David Leffler Dr. David R. Leffler served in the U.S. Air Force for eight years and later received his Ph.D. in Consciousness-Based Military Defense. Dr. Leffler contributed to the 171-page report “55 Trends for Cyberwar” presented at “Future of Information Warfare and Information Operations” on 18 March 2009 at the US Army War College. The conference was sponsored by the Joint Information Operations Program Office (JIOPO), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and the National Security Agency (NSA). See: “Terrorism Trends, 54. Militant Islam Continues To Spread and Gain Power ” & “International Exposure Includes a Growing Risk of Terrorist Attack” – “Expert Comments” – “Leffler”


  1. http://www.carlisle.army.mil/proteus/docs/centron-future-technology.pdf expired link
  2. http://invincibility.org/research.html
  3. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. (1996). Maharishi’s absolute theory of defence. India: Age of Enlightenment Publications.
  4. https://istpp.org/military_science/Hagelin_military_lecture.html
  5. Lieutenant General Jose Villamil with Dr. David Leffler (2003, January 29). Project: Coherence. India Defence Consultants, Available at: http://davidleffler.com/2003/coherence/
  6. A “Square Root of One Percent of the Population Calculator” is available at: http://davidleffler.com/sqrt-calc/
  7. http://davidleffler.com/2011/sapratableii/#b33
  8. Walton, K. G., Cavanaugh, K. L., & Pugh, N. D., (2005) “Effect of Group Practice of the Transcendental Meditation Program on Biochemical Indicators of Stress in Non-Meditators: A Prospective Time Series Study.” Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 17(1), 339-373. For more information, see “Research Relevant to use of the Transcendental Meditation Program in the Military” by Dr. Kenneth Walton.
  9. http://davidleffler.com/1999/sapraalternative/
  10. https://istpp.org/news/2007_11_ia_assembly.html
  11. http://davidleffler.com/2013/dr-carla-linton-browns-harvard-university-doctoral-dissertation-on-attitudes-about-invincible-defense-technology/
  12. Brown, C. L. Overcoming barriers to use of promising research among elite Middle East policy groups. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 17(1), 489-546. [Editor’s note update: PDF available by clicking here]
  13. New U.S. naval strategy: Preventing wars Maritime officials to focus on humanitarian missions to encourage stability http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21343519
  14. Information about the IED conference is available by clicking here
  15. http://www.istpp.org/military_science/Col_Rees_Masters_Paper.html
  16. Rees, B (2006): The application of Strategic Stress Management in winning the peace. Academic Workshop sponsored by: The Proteus Management Group, USA. Hosted by the Center for Strategic Leadership United States Army War College 22-24 August 2006.
    Link: http://www.carlisle.army.mil/proteus/docs/Proteus-Workshop-2006-Report.pdf
  17. http://www.amsus.org/convention/PreliminaryProgram2007.pdf
  18. Conference description, references, abstracts, paper and Korean translation available by clicking here.
  19. Swan, RP and Horres, EJ (2008): Opportunity at Hand: New Roles for Carriers. Proceedings. June 2008 Vol 134/6/1,264 p. 64.

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