Invincible Defense TechnologyDr. David Leffler's
Invincible Defense Technology
News on Preventing an Enemy from Arising with Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) 12 April 2011 issue 
In This Newsletter
Navy Times & Marine Corps Times Publish About TM & PTSD
Jerry Yellin and Dr. David Leffler Published in Sri Lanka
Lieutenant Dan Burke, US Navy SEAL Teams (Ret.) (1964 - 2011)
CBS Radio Interviews Jerry Yellin About PTSD
Military Medicine Accepts PTSD and TM Study for Publication
Fox News & Wall Street Journal on Operation Warrior Wellness
Radio Health Journal Interviews Dr. David Leffler & Jerry Yellin
Invincible Defense Publications by CAMS Members - Since 15 Dec 2010
Past Issues of Invincible Defense Technology News


TURN ON IMAGES to see picture of Dr. David Leffler
Dr. David Leffler

This issue is largely dedicated to promising new developments in the use of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique to treat Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Due to stress-related problems, an estimated 18 US veterans from all wars are committing suicide every day. But now there is hope. The TM technique is starting to receive worldwide attention as a scientifically validated treatment modality to combat stress.


Ron Khare, M.S., M.A., a US Marine Corps Veteran and founding member of the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS), is a trailblazer in TM and PTSD research.


His 1982 master's thesis, titled "The Transcendental Meditation Technique as a Proposed Treatment for Vietnam Veterans Suffering for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder," suggested using the TM technique to treat Vietnam veterans suffering from PTSD. Today military personnel and veterans worldwide are benefiting from Ron's innovative and pioneering work. Soon Ron will be resuming his doctoral work in this area, and we at CAMS wish him great success!


David Leffler, Ph.D.

Editor, Invincible Defense Technology News

Executive Director,

Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS),,,

Navy Times & Marine Corps Times Publish About TM & PTSD 


TURN ON IMAGES to see picture of Navy Times & Marine Corps Times iconThe editors of Air Force Times, Marine Corps Times, Army Times, and Navy Times (publications at Gannett Government Media Corp.) ran an article titled "Transcending Trauma" about the David Lynch Foundation project "Operation Warrior Wellness."

Although "Transcending Trauma" was a well-written article, there was some incorrect information in these articles. Dr. Matthew Friedman, executive director of the Department of Veterans Affairs National Center for PTSD, was quoted as follows:

"There are no published randomized clinical trials testing transcendental meditation for PTSD."

CAMS members Col. (Dr.) Brian Rees and Dr. David Leffler coauthored a letter to the editor that was published in the Navy Times and the Marine Corps Times setting the record straight on this incorrect information. The letter appears in "Opening Shots." They discussed a random assignment study of Vietnam veterans that was published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212-215, 1985. It found that the Transcendental Meditation technique was effective against PTSD.

Jerry Yellin and Dr. David Leffler Published in Sri Lanka


TURN ON IMAGES to see picture of Sri Lanka Guardian iconThe Sri Lanka Guardian published an article (6 March 2011) by Jerry Yellin and Dr. David Leffler titled "Find the Best Way for Combating PTSD in the Sri Lankan Military." In the article the authors cite and link to scientific research showing that all meditation practices are not the same and different meditation techniques use different procedures which have different effects on brain functioning.


A new paper published in Consciousness and Cognition discusses three categories: Focused Attention, Open Monitoring, and Automatic Self-Transcending. Techniques in the Automatic Self-Transcending category transcend their own procedure - they take the attention out of thinking, analyzing, controlling, or watching to a state of pure consciousness. The Transcendental Meditation technique is in this category.


Different meditation techniques also use different procedures, have different effects on brain functioning, and so lead to different benefits. The TM technique is reported to have a wider range of beneficial effects than other practices, perhaps owing to the experience it provides of pure consciousness underlying all thought activity. The TM technique turns one's attention inward to experience deeper levels of thought until one goes beyond active thought and the mind comes to a state of complete inner rest, yet remains alert. There is inner wakefulness and a feeling of calm and peace. This is the state of restful alertness. The brain functions with significantly greater coherence and the body gains deep rest.


For such reasons, the article urged Sri Lankan leaders to conduct a study utilizing a random assignment protocol to investigate not only the present modalities of PTSD treatment currently used by the Sri Lankan military, but other modalities, particularly the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique, which has already been extensively scientifically validated to reduce stress.
Lieutenant Dan Burke, US Navy SEAL Teams (Ret.) (1964 - 2011) 
TURN ON IMAGES TO See Picture of US Navy Seal Dan Burke in Panama during combat operations in 1989
Photograph of US Navy SEAL Dan Burke in Panama during combat operations in 1989. Dan and his teammates were on a rest break during a jungle patrol. While sitting in the security perimeter, Dan closed his eyes and practiced the Transcendental Meditation technique and a friend took this picture.

The late Dan Burke was a combat veteran of US Navy SEAL Teams, a prior-enlisted "mustang" who retired after eight years of active duty and twelve years of US Navy Reserves duty. He earned his B.A. in the Science of Creative Intelligence (summa cum laude) and M.A. in Professional Writing (with honors) from Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, where he served as Student Body President and wrote an undergraduate thesis entitled "Military Science & the Science of Creative Intelligence." He organized introductory lectures on the applied benefits of the Transcendental Meditation technique and the TM-Sidhi program for top US military commands. He co-authored the article "Invincible Defense: A New 'Secret Weapon'!" published by the Canadian Centers for Teaching Peace


In the previously mentioned article published in the Sri Lanka Guardian and Post Traumatic Stress Disorders: PTSD News & Information, Dan tells how he found the TM technique to be "tremendously beneficial" during combat operations in Panama while serving with the US Navy SEALS in 1989. After two solid days of leading his SEAL team in this combat operation, sleep deprivation had seriously lowered his combat effectiveness and that of his men. After the deep rest gained from his short meditation, Dan gained an "unfair advantage" over his special forces team as well as his opponents. Wise warriors know that in war nothing is "unfair," and therefore one takes whatever advantage one can to gain the upper hand. 


Dan was not only a great warrior but also a deep thinker. He wrote: "Later in life I realized that, on the one hand, training for peak performance was a thrill and an achievement, but on the other hand, I was fully capable of serving in and leading top-performing groups without ever having to prove myself in combat." Dan was wise because he understood the higher value of gaining victory before war by preventing an enemy from arising in the first place.


Sadly Dan will not see the peaceful world that he so much wanted to help create. He passed away on 2 Feb 2011 from leukemia. But he leaves us with the charge to help build a better world through Invincible Defense Technology.
CBS Radio Interviews Jerry Yellin About PTSD & TM
TURN ON IMAGES to see picture of Jerry Yellin
"War is an addiction; it's a curse. We have not learned one thing since David, 5000 years ago, slung a pebble at a guy and killed a giant. All we've done is invent better pebbles and better slingshots, human to human." - Jerry Yellin

TURN ON IMAGES to see picture of CBS Radio iconCBS Radio broadcaster Beecher Martin interviewed author and decorated WW II P-51 fighter pilot Jerry Yellin. Jerry is the author of the new book The Resilient Warrior: Healing the Hidden Wounds of War (2011). The thirty-minute radio interview was released on 20 February 2011 and broadcast on five CBS radio stations in the Florida Tampa Bay area. (Click here to listen to the interview.)

Jerry Yellin serves as the co-director of Operation Warrior Wellness, which is a division of the David Lynch Foundation. In the CBS interview he described his wartime experiences and the difficult transition from combat to civilian life. Like other veterans, Jerry suffered from PTSD, which was not then understood. He discussed how his practice of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique transformed his life.

Besides his personal experiences of the tragedies of war, Jerry spoke about his goals to immediately start treating our military personnel and veterans who are suffering from PTSD. He also discussed the tremendous stresses that today's military personnel are experiencing and the difficult time they are having transitioning back from combat. Jerry does not want to wait until the US government addresses these issues. He wants to help military personnel and the families of war veterans immediately. Jerry wants US warriors to learn TM as part of their basic training and says the US government could save $15 billion a year if the practice were adopted.
Dr. Sarina Grosswald, Dr. David Leffler & Jerry Yellin Interviewed on The Simplest Ways


TURN ON IMAGES to see Dr. Grosswald, Dr. Leffler and Mr. Yellin 

David Adelson, the host of The Simplest Ways, conducted three separate interviews with Dr. Sarina Grosswald, Dr. David Leffler and Jerry Yellin. The Simplest Ways program is broadcasted via Here are the links to the interviews:

Veterans, Students, and Overcoming Stress - Dr. Sarina Grosswald [expired link:

Victory Before War - Dr. David Leffler - The charts that Dr. Leffler refers to in his hour-long interview are available by clicking here.

Operation Warrior Wellness - Jerry Yellin [Expired link:

Short YouTube samples of the interviews are also available online:

Dr. Grosswald (audio) - Click here [expired link:

Dr. Leffler (audio) - Click here [expired link:

Jerry Yellin (video)- Click here
[expired link:

Military Medicine Accepts PTSD and TM Study for Publication 


TURN ON IMAGES to see Military Medicine iconA new pilot study to be published in Military Medicine shows that Iraq and Afghanistan veterans experienced a 50% drop in PTSD symptoms by the 4th week of Transcendental Meditation practice, and even greater improvements by two months and three months.

The study, titled "Effects of Transcendental Meditation (TM) in Veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): A Pilot Study," is scheduled to be published early this summer and is summarized in the new book The Resilient Warrior: Healing the Hidden Wounds of War (2011) by author Jerry Yellin with Dr. Sarina Grosswald. Dr. Grosswald was recently interviewed about PTSD and this study on the previously mentioned program The Simplest Ways.

[expired link for The Simplest Ways:

Fox News & Wall Street Journal on Operation Warrior Wellness


TURN ON IMAGES to see Fox News iconA Fox News video report about "Operation Warrior Wellness," the David Lynch Foundation's program to make the TM technique available to military personal and veterans, is now available online. See "Meditating With the Stars - Stars like Russell Brand lend a hand to veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder through the practice of Transcendental Meditation." (Note: the video showing people meditating is "B roll footage" of people practicing another type of meditation. The TM technique is practiced with eyes closed and can be done sitting comfortably in a chair).

TURN ON IMAGES to see Wall Street Journal iconAn article published in the online Wall Street Journal on 26 November 2010 titled "Filmmaker Introduces Veterans to Meditation" reports that David Lynch, "the filmmaker behind the movies 'Blue Velvet' and 'Mulholland Drive' is giving $100,000 to launch Operations Warrior Wellness, an initiative to help 10,000 veterans overcome Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and other war-related illnesses through Transcendental Meditation, which he says creates 'professional peacemakers.'"

Highlights of the David Lynch Foundation press conference launching Operation Warrior Wellness and of the Foundation's second annual evening benefit gala event held in New York City are available online by clicking here.

More information (including an online video) about combating PTSD with Transcendental Meditation is available by clicking here.

Radio Health Journal Interviews Dr. David Leffler & Jerry Yellin


TURN ON IMAGES TO see Radio Health Journal iconDr. David Leffler, the Executive Director at the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS), and Jerry Yellin, co-director of Operation Warrior Wellness, were interviewed on the program Radio Health Journal by host Reed Pence on the topic "Treating and Preventing PTSD in the Armed Forces." The show was syndicated to 440 of America's radio stations and is available online by clicking here.


Radio Health Journal promotes itself as "a weekly, half-hour program reporting on important issues in health and medicine. Award-winning reporting on current issues in health and medicine, featuring America's leading health experts and the latest news in medical research."


According to their website, "Radio Health Journal has been honored with the MADD National Media Award from Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the National Hearing Conservation Association National Media Award, the Profiles in Progress Award from the Board of Directors of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Communicator Awards Crystal Award of Excellence, and three Peter Lisagor Awards, the top honor from the Chicago Headline Club/Society of Professional Journalists. Radio Health Journal has provided listeners with award-winning coverage of issues in health since 1992."


Clarification: During a segment of the program Dr. David Leffler was introduced as being "formerly of the Army War College." Dr. Leffler was an Associate of the

Proteus Management Group, a think-tank project since eliminated due to budget constraints, at the Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College. In this consultant capacity Dr. Leffler published on the topic of Invincible Defense Technology (e.g., "An Overlooked, Proven Solution to Terrorism" that appears in "55 Trends Now Shaping the Future of Terrorism" link goes to PDF). Dr. Leffler was honored to serve the US Army War College in this capacity.

Invincible Defense Publications by CAMS Members - Since 15 Dec 2010


Since 15 December 2010, articles about the benefits of Invincible Defense Technology have been published in many venues:

Dr. David R. Leffler (25 March 2011). Real Life Solution: Combating PTSD with TM. Veterans Today: Military Veterans & Foreign Affairs Journal.


Dr. David R. Leffler (23 March 2011). Combating PTSD. Purple Heart Service Foundation.


Dr. David R. Leffler (23 March 2011). Combating PTSD. Post Traumatic Stress Disorders: PTSD News & Information.


Dr. David R. Leffler (23 March 2011). Combating PTSD. OpEdNews.


Jerry Yellin and Dr. David Leffler (6 March 2011). Find the Best Way for Combating PTSD in the Sri Lankan Military. Sri Lanka Guardian.


Jerry Yellin and Dr. David Leffler (5 March 2011). Find the Best Way for Combating PTSD in the Sri Lankan Military. Post Traumatic Stress Disorders: PTSD News & Information.


Col. Brian Rees and Dr. David Leffler (31 January 2011). Meditation studied in '85. The Marine Corps Times, p. 4.


Col. Brian Rees and Dr. David Leffler (24 January 2011). Meditation studied in '85. The Navy Times, p. 4.


Dr. David R. Leffler (15 December 2010). More Deeper Than Oil: One Nation's Lost Opportunity to Become Invincible. Global Post, Your Visa Russia, Official Russia, Siberian Light and Konyvcklub.

Past Issues of Invincible Defense Technology News


23 Sept 2010 - Ecuador's Invincible Military: Photo Gallery


13 July 2010 - Latin American Country of Ecuador Has an Invincible Military


24 May 2010 - Soon-To-Be-Invincible Latin American Militaries - Military Application of Transcendental Meditation Gaining Acceptance - Former Reagan/Bush Military Aide Published in US Newspaper On Invincible Defense - CAMS International Advisor Featured in Invincible Defense Videos - Fund Established to Help US Veterans to Become TM Teachers- Dr. Leffler Interviewed in Plausible Futures - Invincible Defense Publications by CAMS Members - Since 18 Mar 2010


18 March 2010 - Military Application of Transcendental Meditation Gaining Acceptance Press Release - Invincible Defense Publications by CAMS Members Since 1 Jan 2010


27 Nov 2009 - Taking The Men Who Stare at Goats Seriously - Dr. Leffler Speaks at Institute for Defense and Business - Canadian Centres for Teaching Peace Publish Invincible Defense Paper - New Video: PTSD and Transcendental Meditation - Brazilian Government Will Train 1.5 Million People - CAMS Advisor Featured in British Publication


27 April 2009 - Invincible Defense Technology in Nepal - Invincible Defense Technology in Germany, Denmark and Sri Lanka - TM Praised on Fox TV - Online Donations Accepted for Invincible Defense Technology - Publications About Invincible Defense by CAMS Members - First Quarter 2009


1 December 2008 - Dr. Leffler Presents at Military and Law Enforcement Conference - Invincible Defense Technology Experts Trained in Latin America - Publications About Invincible Defense Technology in 2008


24 August 2008 - Invincible Defense Technology Experts Tour South Korea - Invincible Defense Technology Reports from 7 Countries - Dr. John Hagelin Video Transcript


11 April 2008 - Army's New PTSD Treatments - Editorial: The Race for "Inner Space" - Proceedings from 3 International Conferences - Invincible Defense Featured in U.S. Terrorism Report


6 Feb 2008 - The Passing of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - Hour-Long Invincible Defense Technology Conference - Directors of Defense Needed - New Article: Rationale for the Maharishi Effect


1 Jan 2008 - A New Year's Resolution: Create World Peace through Vedic Defense - New Tool for Calculating Invincibility - Scoreboard of Invincible Nations - Invincibility Update from India


8 Nov 2007 - Peru Added to List of Invincible Countries - US Army Colonel Completes Master's Paper on IDT - Post-Traumatic Stress/IDT Articles in Two Military-Related Publications - What is Invincible Defense Technology?