News Release:
New Technology for Peace
Revealed in Hiroshima
World renowned physicists offer government leaders a “new generation of scientific knowledge” to safeguard civilization from the horrors of war Enthusiastic response from Japanese leaders
Scientists form new global alliance for peace (HIROSHIMA, JAPAN): As the world again begins to think the unthinkable-the possibility of nuclear conflagration-two world renowned quantum physicists, speaking in Hiroshima, a city ravaged by the atomic bomb, offered government leaders throughout the world a practical formula to safeguard civilization from weapons of mass destruction.
Dr. John Hagelin, Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace, and Dr. Volker Schanbacher, Minister of World Peace, delivered the keynote addresses at an historic “International Symposium on World Peace” hosted by the Government of Hiroshima on April 6.
“Sixty years ago, Albert Einstein brought to the attention of President Roosevelt the scientific knowledge of the nuclear force, whose vast destructive power was unleashed on the citizens of Hiroshima. Since that time, the whole world has lived under constant threat of nuclear holocaust,” said Dr. Hagelin, who was introduced by the President of the University of Hiroshima, Dr. Muta, himself a prominent quantum physicist in Japan, as “possibly the world’s foremost unified field theorist, whose work I have followed very closely.”
A New Generation of Knowledge
“Today, in this very city, where the memory of the horrors of nuclear conflagration looms large, a new generation of scientists are bringing a new generation of knowledge-the scientific knowledge of the unified field, which will safeguard civilization against the destructive power of all prior, barbaric technologies based upon partial knowledge of Natural Law,” Dr. Hagelin said.
Dr. Hagelin presented the discovery of the “unified field” by modern physics, and its fundamental identity to the field of “pure consciousness” at the foundation of human experience as described by the Vedic Science of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. He then explained the mechanics of the “Maharishi Effect”-the long-range, field effects of consciousness generated by group practice of the Vedic technologies of Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques-together with scientific research showing dramatic reductions in war and global terrorism.
Dr. Schanbacher followed with an elaboration of the mechanics of the Maharishi Effect, using principles of quantum physics, and citing practical examples where the Maharishi Effect has been applied by governments to solve intractable problems, such as civil war, and to positively transform their nations.
Enthusiastic Response
Response to the scientists’ presentation was immediate and enthusiastic. Messages of congratulations poured in from Cabinet Ministers, Members of Parliament, and mayors all across Japan. Thirteen members of Parliament held follow-up meetings with Dr. Hagelin and Dr. Schanbacher, along with Dr. Keith Wallace, Minister of Research and Development, and Dr. Shizuo Suzuki, Minister of Expansion.
The scientists proposed during these meetings that a special “prevention wing” within the Self Defense Force of Japan be trained in the proven, peace-promoting technologies of Maharishi’s Vedic Science. Japan’s Self-Defense Force, comprising 260,000 troops, is constitutionally forbidden from engaging in military offensives, but until now, has lacked any truly defensive technology that could enable it to defend the nation.
“These truly defensive, non-destructive, scientifically proven Vedic technologies of peace will not only secure the safety, security and invincibility of Japan, but will make Japan a light-house of peace and coherence for the whole world,” Dr. Hagelin explained.
“Global Association of Scientists for Peace”
At the culmination of the Hiroshima symposium, Dr. Hagelin and Dr. Schanbacher announced the formation of a worldwide alliance of scientists called the “Global Association of Scientists for Peace.”
“It is of vital importance to the future of our world that this global association of leading scientists is bringing the knowledge of Total Natural Law-the unified field-to prevent a recurrence of the devastation that befell this city, and to create a new world order of affluence and peace,” Dr. Hagelin said.
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See also: Related article on the ISTPP website