Stækkaður Friðargæsluna Í Ljósi Yfirvofandi Stríðs

Posted on April 15th, 2022

Eftir Col (Ret) Jitendra Jung Karki, Captain (Ret) Raymond Seebald, LtCol (Ret) Gunter Chassé, Dr David Leffler 

Það er mikill órói í Evrópu. Heimurinn hefur tekið höggi. Óvissa streymir yfir hnöttin við innrásina inn í Úkraínu. Samt er sagt að það sé dimmast fyrir dögun. Sú dögun ætti að koma núna, í formi skýrrar sönnunar á því að það sé til kerfisbundin, áreiðanleg og áhrifarík leið til að skapa frið með friðsamlegum hætti. Í hljóði, í mörg ár, Ósigrandi Varnartækni (ÓV) hefur skilað árangri við að binda enda á stríð og ofbeldi í Mósambík, Kambódíu, Perú og Ekvador. Með yfirvofandi hættuástandi í heiminum er nú kominn tími til skjótra, friðsamlegra aðgerða.

Guðni Thorlacius Jóhannesson forseti Íslands ætti að leiða innleiðingu á sönnum frið í alþjóðamálum með því að beina utanríkisráðuneytinu til að að stækka friðargæsluna. Auka starfsfólkið myndi mynda það sem í varnarhringjum er kallað forvarnarálma hersins. Sem venjulega stefnan fyrir meðlimi friðargæslunnar myndu tafarlaust vera þjálfaðir í sem Ósigrandi Varnartækni (ÓV) sérfræðingar.

Þessi öfluga ÓV tækni sem notar heilann sem undirstöðu virkar á stigi þess sem eðlisfræðingar kalla sameinað svið allra náttúrulögmála – stig þúsund milljón milljón sinnum öflugra en kjarnorku krafturinn. Allar aðrar varnatæknir víkja fyrir ÓV. Hinsvegar, ÓV kerfið er ekki hægt að nota í glæpsamlegum tilgangi gegn neinu landi. Þegar það er notað skapar það tafarlaus og mælanleg áhrif af ró, reglu og félagslegri sátt.

Eins og sýnt hefur verið fram á við fjölmargar aðstæður í fortíðinni hefur stór, skipulagður og rétt þjálfaður hópur einstaklinga sem beita ÓV róað þjóð og alþjóðlega spennu og skera burt rætur stríðs – álagið sem safnast upp á heimsvísu og á milli þjóða. Hvert það land sem beitir ÓV mun hafa djúpstæð, jákvæð og tafarlaus áhrif á alþjóðlegum mælikvarða sem mun hagnast ÖLLUM löndum.

Internet myndbandið, “An Important Message for All Military Leaders” eftir John Hagelin, Harvard lærðann prófessor í skammtaeðlisfræðingur, útskýrir í smáatriðum hvernig ÓV nær þessum markmiðum.

Hvað er ÓV? ÓV samanstendur af stórum hópum sem iðka hið trúlausa, sannreynda, friðarskapandi Transcendental Meditation® (TM) og háþróaða TM tækni sem beitir hópheilakrafti. Þessi nálgun er vísindalega sannreynd og vettvangsprófuð leið til að draga úr samfélagslegri spennu. Innleiðing tækninnar hefur í för með sér ofurgeislasviðsáhrif sem geislar út reglusemi og sátt í nálægð hópsins og, með nægum fjölda, fyrir allan heiminn.

Mikil alþjóðleg spenna frá innrásinni í Úkraínu gæti stækkað fljótt í alþjóðlegt stórslys.

Hinsvegar, útfærsla á ÓV á stórum skala með því að þjálfa tug þúsund sjálfboðaliða í friðargæslunni mun skapa öflug alþjóðleg áhrif friðar og draga úr alþjóðlegu álagi sem er undirrót hættuástandsins í Rússlandi og Úkraínu. Fyrri reynsla hefur staðfest að þjóðarleiðtogar, undir áhrifum frá þessum róandi alþjóðlegu áhrifum, sýna fram á nýfundna hæfileika til að vinna saman að lausnum. Átök, borgarastyrjöld og alþjóðleg átök, glæpir og hryðjuverk sem voru annars óleysanleg hafa öll gefið undan tímanlegri innleiðingu ÓV á stríðssvæði og svæði þar sem félagsleg ókyrrð og ofbeldi ríkir.

Umfangsmiklar vísindarannsóknir benda til þess að notkun á ÓV af annað hvort her eða borgaralegum hópi (eins og þeim sem verið er að stofna í Kambódíu: GoogleGroup practice of Transcendental Meditation dramatically reduced violence in Cambodia, new study shows“) geti skapað aðstæður svo allir geti njótið friðar. Grein skrifuð af Lt. Gen. Clarence E. McKnight Jr. (Bandaríski herinn, Ret.), Dr. David Leffler, Duncan Brown, Dr. Carla Brown, og Arlene J. Schar, titluð A Humane Approach Towards Peace birt af OpEdNews, útskýrir þessa ritrýndu rannsókn betur og birtir lista af 19 rannsóknum sem hafa verið gerðar á ÓV.

Rannsókn birt í hinu ritrýnda Journal of Offender Rehabilitation skjalfestir hnattrænu ofurgeislunaráhrif sem myndast af þremur stórum hópum ÓV sérfræðinga sem hugleiða tvisvar á dag í takt, þar sem stærsti hópurinn var 7.000 þátttakendur. Mannfall af völdum hriðjuverka lækkaði um 72%, alþjóðlegum átökum fækkaði um 32%, og almennt alþjóðlegt ofbeldi minnkaði.

Hvernig geta svona litlir hópar haft áhrif á heiminn? Einfalt dæmi úr eldhúsinu sýnir að þegar potturinn sýður yfir, þá er nóg að setja nokkra dropa af köldu vatni til að róa óróann.

Hár fjöldi þátttakenda hefur reynst til að gefa betri niðurstöðu. Með fólksfjöldann í heiminum í 7,9 milljörðum, myndi hópur af 10.000 fremri TM hugleiðendum (sem táknar meira en kvaðratrót af 1% jarðarbúa) gætu haft djúpstæð jákvæð áhrif á heimsvísu. Ef nógu stór friðargæslu hópur væri þjálfaður í þessari tækni væru jákvæðu alþjóðlegu áhrifin gríðarleg.

ÓV er eins og er á ýmsum stigum dreifingar á heimsvísu. Af því gefnu hvað ÓV hefur sýnt öflug sönnunargögn um hæfni til að skapa frið í gegnum friðsamlega hætti, við köllum á gáfur, framsýni og hugrekki Guðna forseta til að koma á fætur stórum, hópi af ÓV iðkendum færan til að skapa jákvæð áhrif fyrir alla heimsfjölskylduna, og útrýma ógninni um kjarnorkustríð sem hvílir nú á mannkyninu. (Sjáið Google leit á “New Solution for Latin America: Transforming Lives and Changing Nations.”)

Efnahagslega er þessi aðferð mjög hagkvæm: ódýrari en kostnaður við 2-3 nútíma orrustuþotur Og samhliða áhrifum friðarins koma áhrif velmegunar, eins og fyrir innleiðing hefur sýnt.

Hefð er fyrir því að friðargæsluliðar eru mjög agaðir og koma mjög þörfu skipulagi á samfélög sem eru í uppnámi. Með því að búa til heimsins fyrsta ÓV hópnum með mið á heiminn, hefur Guðni forseti gott tækifæri til að færa Íslandi heiður og stuðla að varanlegum heimsfriði – varanlega blessun fyrir allt mannkyn. Friðarverðlaun Nóbels og þakklæti alls mannkyns bíður hans sem færir eilífan frið á okkar erfiðu plánetu.

Við hvetjum Guðna forseta til að bregðast við án tafar. Sem hinn mikli leiðtogi Íslands hefur þú getu og ábyrgð til að koma á fót og beita ÓV núna. Sagan mun skrá þig sem framtíðarsýnan leiðtoga. Og með skjótum aðgerðum þínum mun nýr heimur friðar, velmegunar og nægju verða tryggður fyrir allar komandi kynslóðir.

Um höfundana:

Col. (Ret.) Jitendra Jung Karki var tengiluður hjá “Sainik Awashiya Mahavidhyalaya,” Army Residential Menntaskólanum í Nepal áður en hann hætti störfum hjá nepalska hernum. Áður starfaði hann sem yfirmaður Shreenath Battalion. Karki býr nú í Budhanilkantha, Katmandú. Karki er með meistaragráðu í opinberri stjórnsýslu og er útskrifaður frá herstjórnar- og starfsmannaskóla nepalska hersins. Hann stýrði sjálfstæðu fyrirtæki í Nepal á uppreisnartímabilinu 2004-06. Col. Karki fékk fimm UN verðlaun og tók þátt í fimm friðargæsluverkefnum SÞ: UNIFIL: United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, ONUB: United Nations Operation in Burundi, UNAMSIL: United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone, MONUC – United Nations Mission DR Congo (2 sinnum). Col. Karki beitt með góðum árangri Ósigrandi Varnartækninni fyrir sjálfbæran frið á meðan hann þjónar í verkefni SÞ í

Lýðveldið Kongó. Hann er alumnus í The Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies at National Defense University, Washington DC, USA. NESA kynnir sig sem “æðsta ríkisstofnun Bandaríkjanna til að byggja upp tengsl og skilning á NESA svæðinu.”

Kafteinn Raymond E. Seebald, Bandaríska Strandgæslan (Ret.) Í 26 ára starfi sínu sem viðurkenndur sérfræðingur á sviði hafnaöryggis og umhverfisviðbúnaðar, forvarna og viðbragða., Afrek Seebald skipstjóra eru meðal annars stofnun nýrrar skrifstofu Sameinuðu þjóðanna á Curacao, þar sem hann þróaði innlendar viðbragðsáætlanir fyrir löndin og eyjarnar sem samanstanda af víðara Karíbahafi. Seebald þjónaði hernaðaraðstoðarmanni Ronalds W. Reagan forseta og George H. Bush forseta á meðan hann gegndi starfi í Hvíta húsinu á árunum 1986-1990. Seebald skipstjóri starfaði sem ráðgjafi við Panamaskurðinn 1999 og 2000 á viðkvæmum flutningi skurðsins til Panama. Sem skipstjóri hafnarinnar í Chicago, Illinois og Savannah, Georgíu, og varaskipstjóri hafnarinnar í San Juan, Púertó Ríkó, var hann ábyrgur fyrir þróun og uppsetningu strangari kröfum um öryggi skipa og hafnaraðstöðu eftir 11. september fyrir bæði Stóru vötnin og Karíbahafið. Seebald útskrifaðist frá USCGA árið 1977 og er eitt af átta systkinum sem öll þjónuðu í strandgæslu Bandaríkjanna. Seebald skipstjóri heldur áfram að gæta hagsmuna siglingaverndar í Bandaríkjunum sem ráðgjafi og ráðgjafi fyrir hið yfirburða Maritime Security  í Bandaríkjunum. Seebald var meðhöfundur að ritstjórnargrein sem var birt af The Day um Ósigrandi Varnartækni. The Day er gefið út í New London, Connecticut í Bandaríkjunum sem er heimili til United States Coast Guard Academy (USCGA). Árið 2012 talaði Seebald um Ósigrandi Varnartækni á seinni Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) í Seoul Press Center í Seoul, Suður-Kóreu.

Lt. Col. (Ret.) Gunter Chassé – skreyttur með heiðurskrossi Bundeswehr í gulli – starfaði í þýska flughernum aðallega í samþættum NATO-loftvörnum og til skiptis í herstjórnar- og starfsmannastöðum, og var einnig ráðinn í heimavarnir með landhelgisverkefni. Hann er höfundur hins brautryðjand ÓV kosts Um nýja öryggis- og varnarstefnu Sambandslýðveldisins Þýskalands og framtíð Bundeswehr: Óhóflegur styrkur með forvarnarvængi hersins.

Dr. David Leffler er með Ph.D. í meðvitundarbundinni hervörnum og hefur starfað sem félagi í Proteus Management Group við Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College. Eins og er starfar hann sem framkvæmdastjóri hjá Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS) og heldur fyrirlestra og skrifar um allan heim um ÓV. Ritstjórnargrein Dr. Leffler, Að búa til ósigrandi her“ var sýnd í Fox News. Hann er aðgengilegur á LinkedIn, Twitter og Facebook.

Expand the Iceland Crisis Response Unit (ICRU)

In the Face of Imminent War

By Col (Ret) Jitendra Jung Karki, Captain (Ret) Raymond Seebald, LtCol (Ret) Gunter Chassé, Dr David Leffler 

Europe is in turmoil. The world has been shaken. Uncertainty pervades the globe in the face of the invasion of Ukraine. Yet it is said that it is darkest before the dawn. That dawn should come now, in the form of a clear demonstration that there is a systematic, reliable, effective way to create peace through peaceful means. Quietly, over many years, Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) has been effective in ending war and violence in Mozambique, Cambodia, Peru and Ecuador. With the looming global crisis, now is the time for prompt, peaceful action.

Iceland’s President Guðni Thorlacius Jóhannesson should take the lead in promoting true peace in global affairs by directing his Ministry for Foreign Affairs to expand its para-military civilian peacekeeping Iceland Crisis Response Unit (ICRU).The extra added personnel would form what is called in defense circles a Prevention Wing of the Military. As standard policy their civilian ICRU personnel would immediately be trained as Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) experts.

This powerful brain-based IDT technology operates on the level of what physicists call the unified field of all the laws of nature – a level a thousand million million times more powerful than the nuclear force. IDT supersedes all other defense technologies. However, the IDT system cannot be used for nefarious purposes against any country. When it is deployed it creates an immediate and measurable effect of calm, order, and social harmony.

As demonstrated in numerous situations in the past, a large, organized and properly trained group of individuals deploying IDT calms national and international tensions and cuts off the roots of war – the stresses accumulating globally and between nations. Any country that deploys IDT will have a profound, positive and immediate influence on a global scale that will benefit ALL countries.

An online video, “An Important Message for All Military Leaders” by John Hagelin, a Harvard-trained Ph.D. quantum physicist, explains in detail how IDT accomplishes these goals.

What is IDT? IDT consists of large groups practicing the non-religious, evidence-based, peace-creating Transcendental Meditation® (TM) and advanced TM techniques that harness group brain power. This approach is a scientifically verified and field-tested means to defuse societal tensions. The deployment of the technology results in a super-radiance field effect that radiates orderliness and harmony in the proximity of the group and, with sufficient numbers, for the entire globe.

The high level of international tension from the Ukraine invasion could quickly escalate into a global catastrophe.

However, deployment of IDT on a large scale by training ten thousand volunteers in the ICRU will create a powerful global influence of peace and defuse the international stresses at the root of the Russia/Ukraine crisis. Past experience has confirmed that national leaders, influenced by this calming global field effect, demonstrate a new-found ability to work together to find solutions. Otherwise intractable conflicts, civil wars, and global strife, crime, and terrorism have all yielded in the past to the timely introduction of IDT into war zones and areas of social turbulence and violence. 

Extensive scientific research indicates that deployment of IDT by either a military or civilian group (such as the one being established in Cambodia: Google “Group practice of Transcendental Meditation dramatically reduced violence in Cambodia, new study shows“) can create the conditions for all people to enjoy peace. An article by Lt. Gen. Clarence E. McKnight Jr. (U.S. Army, Ret.), Dr. David Leffler, Duncan Brown, Dr. Carla Brown, and Arlene J. Schar, titled A Humane Approach Towards Peace and published by OpEdNews, explains this peer-reviewed research in more detail and lists 19 studies conducted on IDT.

A study published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Offender Rehabilitation documents the global super-radiance effect created by three large groups of IDT experts meditating twice a day in unison, with the largest group being 7,000 participants. Terrorism-related casualties decreased 72%, international conflict decreased 32%, and overall global violence was reduced.

How can such small numbers have a global effect? A simple example from the kitchen shows that when a pot is boiling over, just a few drops of cold water instantly calms the eruption.

Higher numbers of participants have been shown to produce greater results. With the world’s population currently at 7.9 billion, a group of 10,000 advanced TM meditators (representing more than the square root of 1% of the world’s population) would be able to produce profound positive effects on a global scale. If a large enough ICRU group were trained in this technique, the positive global impact would be enormous.

IDT is currently in various stages of local deployment in many nations worldwide. Given the powerful evidence demonstrating the ability of IDT to create peace through peaceful means, we call on the intelligence, foresight and courage of President Jóhannesson to now deploy a large, fully operational IDT group capable of creating a positive impact for the entire global family, eliminating the threat of nuclear war that now hangs over humanity. (See Google search on “New Solution for Latin America: Transforming Lives and Changing Nations.”)

Economically, this approach is highly cost effective: less than the cost of 2-3 modern fighter jets. And along with the influence of peace comes the influence of prosperity, as past deployments have demonstrated.

Traditionally, peacekeepers are highly disciplined and bring much needed organization to disrupted societies. By assembling the world’s first globally targeted IDT group, President Jóhannesson has the strategic opportunity to bring honor to Iceland and to foster permanent world peace – a lasting boon for all humankind. The Nobel Peace Prize and the gratitude of all humanity awaits him who brings perpetual peace to our troubled planet.

We encourage President Jóhannesson to act without delay. As the great leader of Iceland, you have the ability and responsibility to establish and deploy IDT now. History will record you as a visionary leader. And with your prompt action, a new world of peace, prosperity, and plenty will be assured for all generations to come.

About the Authors:

Col. (Ret.) Jitendra Jung Karki was the Liaison Officer at “Sainik Awashiya Mahavidhyalaya,” Army Residential High school of Nepal before his retirement from the Nepal army. Previously he served as commanding officer of Shreenath Battalion. Karki now lives in Budhanilkantha, Kathmandu. Karki has a master’s degree in public administration and is a graduate of the Nepalese Army Command and Staff College. He commanded an independent company in Nepal during the insurgency period from 2004-06. Col. Karki received five UN medals and participated in five UN peacekeeping missions: UNIFIL: United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, ONUB: United Nations Operation in Burundi, UNAMSIL: United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone, MONUC – United Nations Mission DR Congo (2 times). Col. Karki successfully applied Invincible Defense Technology for sustainable peace while serving in the UN mission in DR Congo. He is an alumnus of The Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies at National Defense University, Washington DC, USA. NESA promotes itself as “the preeminent U.S. Government institution for building relationships and understanding in the NESA region.”

Captain Raymond E. Seebald, U.S. Coast Guard (Ret.) During his 26 years of service as a recognized expert in the fields of maritime port safety and environmental preparedness, prevention and response, Capt. Seebald’s achievements include the establishment of a new United Nations office in Curacao, where he developed national contingency plans for the countries and islands comprising the wider Caribbean. Seebald served a military aide to President Ronald W. Reagan and President George H. Bush while assigned to White House duty from 1986-1990. Captain Seebald served as a consultant to the Panama Canal in 1999 and 2000 during the sensitive transfer of the Canal to Panama. As Captain of the Port in Chicago, Illinois, and Savannah, Georgia, and Alternate Captain of the Port in San Juan, Puerto Rico, he was responsible for the development and deployment of more restrictive post-9/11 vessel and port facility security requirements for both the Great Lakes and the Caribbean. Seebald graduated from the USCGA in 1977 and is one of eight siblings that all served in the United States Coast Guard. Capt. Seebald continues to safeguard Maritime Security interests in the United States as an advisor and consultant for the preeminent Maritime Security firm in the United States. Seebald coauthored an editorial published by The Day about Invincible Defense Technology. The Day is published in New London, Connecticut USA, which is the home to the United States Coast Guard Academy (USCGA). In 2012 Seebald spoke about Invincible Defense Technology during the second Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) at the Seoul Press Center in Seoul, South Korea.

Lt. Col. (Ret.) Gunter Chassé – decorated with the Honorary Cross of the Bundeswehr in Gold – served in the German Air Force mainly in the Integrated NATO-Air Defense and alternately in command and staff positions, and also was employed in Home Defense with territorial tasks. He is the author of the pioneering IDT alternative white paper On the New Security and Defence Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Future of the Bundeswehr: Indomitable Strength through a PREVENTION WING of the Military.

Dr. David Leffler has a Ph.D. in Consciousness-Based Military Defense and has served as an Associate of the Proteus Management Group at the Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College. Currently, he serves as the Executive Director at the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS) and lectures and writes worldwide about IDT. Dr. Leffler’s editorial “Creating an Invincible Military” was featured in Fox News. He is available on LinkedInTwitter and Facebook.

Dr. David Leffler Interviewed by Daily Review In Nigeria

Posted on January 10th, 2021

NIGERIA: In this Exclusive interview with JUSTUS NWAKANMA published in the Daily Review, Dr. David Leffler speaks on growing insecurity in Nigeria and how Nigeria can best overcome Boko Haram and related issues through deployment of Invincible Defense Technology (IDT).

EXCLUSIVE! How to Create a Strong, Invincible Nigerian Military – Dr. Leffler

Eine Strategie zur Terrorprävention [A Strategy for Preventing Terrorism]

Posted on November 12th, 2020
Our latest article was translated in German and published in Wiener Zeitung one of the most prestigious newspapers in Austria – comparable to being published here in the New York Times or Washington Post!

Achieving Lasting Peace Through Real Invincibility

Posted on August 13th, 2020

As published in the Asian Tribune, Vol. 20 No. 111, 13 August 2020
Expired link:

By Arlene J. Schar and Dr. David Leffler

An article published by The Business Recorder (“Indian Occupied Kashmir: President urges India to lift lockdown, other curbs,” 06 August 2020) reports President Arif Alvi asserting “We showed the world that Pakistan’s security is invincible. No one can harm Pakistan. At the same time, we showed that we want peace.”

Invincibility is a commendable goal – but can any weapons systems really provide a secure invincible defense shield? We applaud President Arif Alvi’s desire for peace; however Pakistan still faces daunting challenges to its internal and external security. “Invincible” means “incapable of being defeated.” Throughout time, great warriors have strived to achieve invincibility, without success. History shows that adversaries inevitably devise methods to counter security, and no doubt they will do the same in Pakistan. The only way to be truly invincible is to not have any enemies.

There is a science-based approach which can prevent enemies from arising. By preventing the birth of enemies it would protect Pakistan from both internal and external threats and in the process create a real lasting peace. This approach, Invincible Defense Technology (IDT), assures invincibility, peace and even economic progress, to the nations and militaries that employ it.

Invincible Defense Technology (IDT), a Proven, State-of-the-Art, Non-violent Alternative

The precarious situation in Pakistan could be rapidly reduced if its military, or any other organization, implements the proven advanced military IDT solution. The IDT approach has its basis in a radically new preventive model which has been thoroughly field-tested in numerous world battlegrounds. IDT is further validated by 23 peer-reviewed studies carried out in both developed and developing nations. When large assemblies of civilian IDT experts gathered during the years 1983 – 1985, international conflict decreased 32%, terrorism-related casualties decreased 72%, and overall violence was reduced in nations without intrusion by other governments. This coherence-creating effect has been documented on a global scale in a study published in the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation.

IDT, totally unlike any other defense technology, does not use violence in an attempt to quell violence. It is a more civilized approach, one especially worthy of nations that abhor violence as a means to power. IDT uniquely goes to the root cause of violence – the built-up stress in the individual and collective consciousness. Scientists have evidence that high levels of collective societal stress are the underlying cause of war, violence, crime and terrorism. When the IDT methodology is applied, stress levels throughout the population are rapidly reduced.

In an environment of lowered stress even staunch adversaries find ways to cooperate and overcome long-standing differences.

IDT uniquely neutralizes the underlying power base of contending groups, which produces the stressors, frustration and civil dissatisfaction that prevails in the general population. By eliminating the root cause of insurgency, violent outbreaks are pre-empted and prevented. IDT is effective because it gets to the heart of the matter. Terrorism often thrives in nations in which decades or even centuries of under-employment, poverty, and hunger have created a huge societal weight of stress, frustration and endemic unhappiness. This inevitably finds expression in acts of civil unrest, social violence, terrorism, and a downward spiral of economic degradation.

A specially trained military unit, an “IDT Prevention Wing of the Military,” uses IDT to reduce stress in the national collective consciousness. With proper social distancing IDT could also be introduced into other large groups such as the police forces, or militias. As the stress and frustration ease, the population is more capable of finding orderly and constructive solutions to their problems. Experience with IDT in other war-torn nations demonstrated increases in economic incentive and growth.

Entrepreneurship and individual creativity also increased. With increased civic calm, people’s aspirations are raised and a more productive and balanced society emerges. Such a society abhors violence as a means for change or as an expression of discontent. With this, the ground for terrorism is eliminated. What is more fascinating, this change takes place within a few days or weeks after IDT is introduced. The changes are measurable from such statistics as crime rates, accidents, hospital admissions, infant mortality, etc.

Rapid Transformation Through IDT

The daily routine for the IDT police/military personnel includes the practice of the Transcendental Meditation® (TM) technique, which is a non-religious, non-sectarian mental procedure, associated by scientific research with increased brain integration, increased intelligence, creativity, and learning ability, and decreased personal anxiety, stress and tension. Added to this practice, to increase the power of the peaceful influence is the more advanced procedure, the TM-Sidhi program. As a societal, coherence-creating military unit, they practice these procedures twice a day, seven days a week, preferably in a secure location near the targeted population. These practices have a beneficial effect on the collective consciousness of all who are in their proximity.

Such coherence-creating groups have achieved positive benefits in society within a short period of time, shown statistically. Modern statistical methods used in this research show a low probability of any explanation other than a causal influence of the technology. The IDT approach has been used during wartime resulting in the reduction of fighting, a decreased number of deaths and casualties, and an improvement in progress toward resolving the conflict peacefully. The war in Lebanon in 1983 was dramatically impacted in a peaceful way by an IDT Intervention Group. A thoroughly documented study of this phenomenon was published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution, and summaries of follow-up studies were published in the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality and the Journal of Scientific Exploration.

For those who remain skeptical, we recommend the following new book: An Antidote to Violence: Evaluating the Evidence (, by Barry Spivack and Patricia Anne Saunders which details in depth the scientific research supporting this approach.


IDT works by utilizing our natural human brain mechanics, the most powerful natural resource possessed by every individual in every nation on earth. The beneficial transformational effects of IDT have been statistically proven numerous times to decrease and prevent violence and terrorism, and boost the economy.

IDT defense technology supersedes all other known defense technologies (which are based on electronic, chemical, and/or nuclear forces). These old, fear-based modalities are ultimately self-destructive for any nation, and for the human race as a whole, and must be replaced with IDT. So far, IDT is the only known and proven constructive approach.

Militaries deploying this powerful, human-resource-based technology disallow negative trends and prevent enemies from arising within or outside the countries, thereby eliminating all enemies before they arise. No enemies means no insurgency, terrorism and war.

The Time for Action is Now

IDT is the twenty-first century’s leading-edge defense system. If Pakistan establishes a cost effective IDT Prevention Wing, it will ease high tensions, reverse years of mistrust, crush hatred, create stability and permanently prevent unrest, war and terrorism. Extensive scientific research objectively says, “Yes, this system works. Why not use it?” Time is running out. President Arif Alvi should act now to create a Pakistani Prevention Wing of the Military, before Pakistan’s perilous situation worsens.

About the Authors:

Arlene J. Schar has served as Dr. Leffler’s Executive Assistant at the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS) since 2015. She has edited and co-authored many of Dr. Leffler’s articles.

Dr. David Leffler served as an Associate of the Proteus Management Group at the Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College. Currently, he serves as the Executive Director at CAMS.

Attn: Goverment Leaders

Posted on April 11th, 2019

This article published in Tikkun Magazine briefly explains about Invincible Defense Technology (AKA Consciousness-Based Defense):

UNITED STATES: (2000, May/June). Consciousness-Based DefenseTikkun, 15(3), pp. 58-59.

US Government Needs All The Help It Can Get! This article describes how Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) could be used to calm political tensions in Washington D.C.


Here is an online video documenting the beginning stages of Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) deployment by the military of Ukraine:

Unfortunately, a fully operational Ukrainian IDT Prevention Wing of the Military was never established and Ukraine is now at war with Russia.

These articles below mention the beginning stages of IDT deployment by the Brazilian Elite Military Police:

UNITED STATES: Dr. David Leffler’s Editorial “Creating an Invincible Military” was published in Real Clear Defense and featured by Fox News and reprinted in “United States Air Force Center for Unconventional Weapons Studies (CUWS) Outreach Journal.” Issue No. 1274, page 52.

RUSSIA: (15 August 2016). IDT: A powerful, proven Tool for Police and

WEBPAGE: Rio de Janeiro’s elite police learn to meditate in preparation for the Olympics

Please see these Brazilian Military Police Pictures and Brazilian Military Research on Invincible Defense from a Brazilian pilot project. To the best of my knowledge, unfortunately a Brazilian IDT Prevention Wing of the Military is not fully operational yet.