Türkiye’yi Korumak: Ortadoğu’da İstikrarı Güvenle Nasıl Sağlayabilir ve Koruyabilirsiniz

Posted on November 26th, 2014

Yenilmezlik teknolojisi bilim insanı
Dr. David Leffler in Türkiye ile ilgili makalesi;

English version published in Review Nepal on 19 October 2014 “Protecting Turkey: How to Confidently Achieve and Maintain Middle East Stability”

Türkiye Dıleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavulu, Suriye’nin kuzeyinde bulunan Türkiye sınırı boyunca ‘Güvenli Bölge ve Uçuşa Yasak Bölge’ tesis edilmesi fikrinin Ankara tarafından desteklendiini söyledi. Yıllar içinde ‘Uçua Yasak Bölge’ler dünya çapında daha çok dikkate alınmaya baladı.

Bu alanların amacı çounlukla askeri uçakların operasyonlarını gerçekletirmelerini engelleyecek, ‘havada silahsızlandırılmı/askeri güçten arındırılmış bir bölge’ yaratmaktır. ‘Uçua Yasak Bölge’ler potansiyel olarak yaamları kurtarıp, yaam alanlarına gelebilecek zararı önleyebilecekken, gerçek anlamda ideal bir ‘güvenli bölge’, ancak ordudaYenilmez Savunma Teknolojileri uzmanlarının oluturduu bir ‘Yoga-Uçuşu Bölgesi’ ile salanabilir. (Makalenin orijinali ilk olarak ‘Pakistan Defense’, aidaki linkte yayınlandı. Daha fazla bilgi için: http://www.davidleffler.com/pakistan-defence-create-an-international-military-yogic-flying-zone.pdf Geçerlilii bilimsel olarak ispatlanmiş böyle bir savunma stratejisi, Türkiye’yi, içeride ve dıarıdaki dümanlıklardan ve çatımalardan bunlar daha ortaya çıkmadan korur. ‘Uçua Yasak Bölge’ler gibi alış unlukla konjektüre dayanır, dolayısıyla sonuçları da. Bu yaklaımlar, liderlerin planın baı güveni ve iddiasından ve istatistiki olarak baarı garantisinden çok büyük oranda yoksundurlar. Orta Dou’da tehlikeli bir dönem olduu açık. Özellikle bu yüzden, askeri planları varsayımlar üzerine kurmak geniş çapta daha büyük bir savaa neden olabilecei için oldukça riskli. Bölgede istikrar için istatiksel bir garanti, ancak deneysel olarak kanıtlanmış ve sadece ileri bir askeri teknoloji olan ‘Yenilmez Savunma Teknolojileri’ ile salanabilir. ‘Yenilmez Savunma Teknolojileri’ yönteminin temeli, bireysel, toplumsal ve ulusal kollektif stresin hızla azalmasıyla sonuçlanan, dünyada pek çok savaş alanında test edilmi, yeni radikal bir modele dayanmaktadır. Kullanılan yöntemler kanıtlanmış ve ABD’nin en eski saygın askeri akademisi olan Norwich Üniversitesi’nde Amerika’nın gelecekteki komutanlarının eitimlerinin parçası olarak adapte edilmitir. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIH0913lQe0 ‘da ‘Meditation Improves Performance at Military University’ [Meditasyon Askeri Üniversite’de Akademik Performansı Arttırıyor.] izleyebilirsiniz.)

Ayrıca, ‘Yenilmez Savunma Teknolojileri’, hem gelihem de gelimekte olan ülkelerde gerçekleş 23 adet hakem çalıması ile de onaylanmıtır. ‘Yenilmez Savunma Teknolojileri’ iddeti azaltmak için iddet kullanmaz, dolayısı ile dier savunma teknolojilerinden tamamen farklıdır. iddeti güç olarak görmeyen uluslar için de çok daha medeni bir yaklaımdır. ‘Yenilmez Savunma Teknolojileri’, esiz bir ekilde bireydeki ve kollektif bilinçteki iddetin temel nedenine, köküne iner. Yüksek seviyedeki toplumsal stres bütün savaların, iddetin, suçun ve terörizmin altında yatan nedendir. ‘Yenilmez Savunma Teknolojileri’ uygulandıında, o bölgedeki tüm nüfusta stres seviyesi hızlı bir ekilde düer. Stresin azaldıı bir yerde de ihtilaflı olanlar bile uzun süredir devam eden ihtilafları çözmek için ibirlii ve birlikte çalıma yollarını bulurlar.

Transandantal Meditasyon ve TM-Sidhi programını uygulayan ‘Yenilmez Savunma

Teknolojileri’ ile ‘Ordu Önlem Birimi’ oluşturulur.

‘Yenilmez Savunma Teknolojileri’ askerlerinin günlük rutini, Transandantal Meditasyon teknii ve ileri bir teknii olan TM-Sidhi programı uygulamasından oluur. Bu bilinç teknolojilerini günde iki kez, haftada yedi gün uygulayarak, yenilmez bir düzen yaratmak üzere, toplumda uyum-yaratan askeri bir birim olarak çalıırlar. Bu yenilmez düzen, iddetin ve suç, terörizm, ayaklanma, savaş gibi dier toplumsal düzensizliklerin patlak vermesini önler. Bu, ‘Yenilmez Savunma Teknolojileri’ Ordu Önlem Birimi çalıanlarının profesyonel iidir.

‘Yenilmez Savunma Teknolojileri’ ile Hızla Barışın Gelmesi, Ilerleme ve Refah

Sadece 48 saat içinde bile, bu teknoloji ile uyum yaratan gruplar, istatiklerin de gösterdii üzere, pozitif yararlar saladılar. ‘Yenilmez Savunma Teknolojileri’ yaklazamanında kullanıldı. Çatımalar, kayıp ve yaralı sayıları azaldı. Ihtilafların barıçıl birekilde çözümlenmesi yolunda gelilandı. 1983 yılında, Lübnan’daki savaın gidisatı, ‘Yenilmez Savunma Teknolojileri’ Uygulama Grubu ile birlikte barıçıl yönde oldukça ciddi bir ekilde etkilendi. Ayrıntılarıyla belgelenen bu çalıma, bir Çatıma Çözümleme yayını olan Journal of Conflict Resolution’ da yayınlandı ve takip eden çalımaların özetleri ‘Journal of Social Behavior and Personality’ (Toplumsal Davranış ilik Dergisi) ve ‘Journal of Scientific Exploration’ (Bilimsel Aratırmalar Dergisi) da yayınlandı.

Mozambik’in ‘Belgelenmiş’ Dönüşümü

1992 yılında Mozambik Ordusu, dikkatli birekilde ‘Yenilmez Savunma Teknolojileri’ aratırmalarını inceledi ve uygulamaya karar verdi. Öngörüldüü üzere, 1993 yılına kadariddet ortadan kalktı ve Mozambik çok daha kendine yeterli bir ülke haline geldi. Ekonomik büyüme %19’a ulatı. 1992’de dünyanın en fakir ülkesi olan ülke, 2000 yılına kadar, dünyanın ekonomisi en hızlı büyüyen ülkesi haline geldi. Mozambik Eski Cumhurbakanı Joaquim Alberto Chissano, kendisi Transandantal Meditasyonu orendi, önce hükümet üyelerini sonra da silahli kuvvetleri TM ile tanıtırdı. 19 yıl süren iç savaş ın sona ermesiyle Cumhurbakanı Chissano ülkesinin dönüümüne neden olan ”’ne hakkını teslim eden ilk kii oldu. Cumhurbakanı Chissano, kendisinin bilge rehberlii altında tüm Mozambik’te eş bir pozitiflik kendisini gerçekletirdii için, Ibrahim Vakfı mükafatı ile ödüllendirildi.

Albert Einstein, (hep söylendiDelilik, aynı şeyi tekrar tekrar yapıp farklı sonuçlar
beklemektir.” demi

Şiddeti yine iddetle yatımak eninde sonunda iddet döngüsünü fitiller. Dıleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavulu gibi liderler, sert karebbüsü ile eski iddet döngülerini tekrar etmek ve büyümesine neden olmak konusunda temkinli olmalıdırlar. u anda Orta Dou’da gerçek ve kalıcı istikrarı yaratmaansına sahipler- yani yüzyıllardır süren kültürler ve uluslararası anlamazlıkların çözümlenmesi ve tüm bölge için kalıcı barış ve refahı yaratma ansına. Türkiye’de Ordu ‘Yenilmez Savunma Teknolojileri’ni uyguladıında, korku temelli uygulamalar yerine barıçıl, insancıl ve iddet içermeyen yöntemlerle uluslarası barış ve düzeni salayacak, çok daha güçlü olacak ve dünya çapında saygınlık kazanacaktır.

‘Yenilmez Savunma Teknolojileri’ bütün dier bilinen savunma teknolojilerinden (elektronik, kimyasal, nükleer temelli) üstündür. Bu korku temelli yöntemler, eninde sonunda uluslar ve insan ırkı için yıkıcıdır ve yerini ‘Yenilmez Savunma Teknolojileri’ almalıdır. u ana kadar ‘Yenilmez Savunma Teknolojileri’, bilinen kanıtlanmış ve yapıcı olan tek yöntem olarak görünüyor. Uzun dönemli ‘Yenilmez Savunma Teknolojileri’ uygulaması, nefret ve çatıma olan yerlerde samimi bir uzlama ve dostluk getirecektir. Bu güçlü insan-temelli teknolojiyi uygulayan ordu, olumsuz gidiata izin vermeyecek, dümanlıkları daha belirmeden önleyecektir. Bir onsluk önlem, bir poundlukifa deerindedir. Dümanları olmayan bir ulus, gerçekten yenilmez bir ulustur. Eğer Türkiye ‘Ordu Önlem Birimi’ni kurarsa, kalıcı barışkolaylıkla sağlanabilir. Bu birim gerilimleri hafifletecek, yüzyıllardır süren güvensizlii ve nefreti tersine çevirecek, gelecekte olabilecek karıılıkları kalıcı bir ekilde önleyecektir.

Kapsamlı yapılmış bilimsel aratırmalar, deneysel olarak göstermitir ki, evet, bu metod çalı

Türkiye’de uygulamaya balanırsa tüm Orta Dou faydalanacaktır. imdi harekete geç ve tehlikeleri daha gelmeden önle, diyor bilgelik. Türkiye’nin sonu gelmeyen, bölgedeki bütün insanların zarar görecei zorlu bir çatımanın içine çekilmesine izin vermeyelim. Zaman daralıyor. Durum çok daha kötüye gitmeden, en iyi zaman şimdi harekete geçmek.

Yazar hakkında:

Picture of Dr. David Leffler Dr. David Leffler ‘A New Role for the Military: Preventing Enemies from Arising – Reviving an Ancient Approach to Peace.’ ‘Ordunun Yeni Rolü: Dümanları Ortaya Çıkmadan Önlemek – Kadim Bir Bilginin Barış için Tekrar Canlandırılması’ kitabının yazarı. Dokuz yıla yakın ABD Hava Kuvvetleri’nin üyesiydi. Dr. Leffler ‘Center for Strategic Leadership’ ABD Askeri Savaş Üniversitesi Stratejik Liderlik Merkezi’nde ‘Proteus Management Group için çalıtı. Burada, devlet ve askeri liderler için, Amerikan hükümeti tarafından desteklenmiini belirleyen 55 yönelim’ raporunu yayınladı. Bu çıır açan rapor, Dr. David Leffler’ in Yenilmez Savunma Teknolojisi üzerine bölümler, ‘Terörizme, Gözden kaçmı, Ispatlanmış Çözüm’ baı ile ek bir bölüm içermektedir. u anda Fairfield, Iowa’ da Ileri Askeri Bilimler Merkezi’nin (CAMS) direktörü olarak görev yapmaktadır ve ‘Yenilmez Savunma Teknolojileri’ dersi vermektedir. LinkedIn, Twitter ve Facebook‘ ta hesabı vardır.

New Table “TM Reduces Twenty Symptoms of PTSD”

Posted on August 19th, 2014

Click to see a new table by David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D., Robert E. Herron, Ph.D. and David Shapiro, M.A. which lists the American Psychological Association’s twenty DSM-5 symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) with the scientific research conducted on the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program that addresses each of these symptoms/criteria. This table applies only TM research that was published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Afghanistan Business: A Statistically Tested Way to Stop Terrorism and Boost Pakistan’s Economy

Posted on June 15th, 2014

By Teresa Studzinski, M.A. and Dr. David Leffler

As published on 15 June 2014 in News5000. Expired link: http://news5000.com/morenews/172481/33496

Over the years prominent Pakistani leaders have held identical opinions alleging that Pakistan is invincible. The recent Pakistani Taliban attacks including those on Karachi’s international airport have put that claim to the test. Yes, it is true the terrorists were defeated due to the brave warriors who gave their lives. However, will future attacks that are inevitably coming be successfully repelled?

Yes, invincibility for Pakistan is a laudable goal. Throughout time, many have strived to achieve it, but as history shows, with no success. Enemies inevitably discover new ways to counter any defenses, as the Pakistani Taliban did for a time with the heavily fortified airport in Karachi.

Even if the Pakistani Taliban are defeated, the problem of terrorism will still not be solved for long. Other terrorists will eventually move in to take their place.

Pakistani leaders’ previous defense plans as well as their future ones are based largely on conjecture, and such is their outcome. The conventional military approach of fighting terrorism largely lacks a statistical guarantee of success of where a leader can wisely and safely assert “yes, this approach will definitely work.”

Obviously, it is a dangerous time in Pakistan. This is why it is particularly risky to base one’s military plans on guesswork, as a massive firestorm could erupt, further crippling Pakistan’s economic growth. It is already extremely difficult for Pakistan to lure international business to assist in boosting its struggling economy. If a full-blown war were to break out in Pakistan this situation would likely become much worse.

There is a scientifically-validated approach to effectively, efficiently, quickly end turmoil and boost the economy. If Pakistani leaders have the political will to order the Pakistani military to deploy an unusual but effective approach, they no longer need to base their plans on guesses.

This means of violence removal is based on peer-reviewed research. The approach has been field-tested by militaries and validated by 23 studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Based on 25 years of research, it has been endorsed by independent scientists and scholars.

Where deployed by foreign military circles worldwide, it is known as Invincible Defense Technology (IDT), the Unified Field Technology. The names comes from the fact that this preventive defense system, deploying human resources, and utilizing the human brain mechanics, is thought to engage the level of the Unified Field, where all the forces of nature are most powerful, coherent and united. The Unified Field effect, IDT, has been statistically proven numerous times to decrease and prevent violence, terrorism, and boost the economy. This defense technology supersedes all others based on weaker electronic, chemical, and nuclear forces. Any military which correctly deploys this powerful human-resource-based technology, due to the coherence of this Unified Field effect, does not allow negative trends and enemies to arise in the neighboring countries, so in result, it has no enemies. No enemies means, no terrorism.

Despite the success of IDT deployment by other militaries, the Pakistani military continues to rely almost solely on its non-unified field-based weaponry, rather than on the IDT statistically tested prevention-based approach.

military personnel

IDT involves creating Preventive Wings of the Military. Their warrior’s daily routine includes two hours twice a day practice of a human resource-based technology, which is known and researched as the Transcendental Meditation® and its advanced TM-Sidhi program. As a military societal coherence-creating unit, (the Unified Field Technology Quiet Impact Group), they quietly practice these programs twice a day, seven days a week, preferably in a secure location near the targeted population. Their presence and deep-field influence operation does not need to be disclosed to achieve the effect of violence removal and conflict resolution.

The 23 studies carried out in developed and developing nations in all continents, including Europe, Australia, the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America, constitute the largest and the most successful experiment in social sciences of the 20th century.

military personnel 2

For instance, in a 1978 IDT intervention a total of 1,400 civilian IDT experts went to five world trouble spots – Lebanon, Iran, Rhodesia, Kampuchea, and Nicaragua. For about 10 weeks they used the Unified Field effect to create societal coherence and stop violence. In 1978, 14,567 terrorist/fight events were recorded in the Conflict and Peace Data Bank (COPDAB), the world’s largest such resource. Time series analysis showed the IDT project had a strong and statistically significant effect world-wide. Contingency table analysis of COPDAB data against a 10-week control period, against a 1-year baseline, and against a 10-year baseline all showed improvement. Investigators report trouble-spot areas experienced noticeable decreases in violence and disorder upon arrival of the group, and, in general, a return to previous trends upon their departure.

Such coherence-creating groups have achieved positive benefits to society, shown statistically, in even just 48 hours. Modern statistical methods used in this research preclude chance or coincidence.

The IDT, the Unified Field Technology approach was used during wartime (drop in fighting and in number of deaths and casualties, progress toward resolving the conflict), and in peace (drop in crime rate, drop in violent death index, decrease of misery index, drop in unemployment, rise in a quality of life index). Societies using it perform extremely well in a very short time. This is what decreased the intensity of war in Lebanon in 1984 in a dramatic way in 48 hours, to name only one of the successful experiments.

In 1992, President Joaquim Chissano, Lt. Gen. Tobias Dai, and the Chiefs of Staff of the Mozambique military carefully analyzed the IDT research. They made a unanimous decision to adopt it for their country by training about 3,000 soldiers and 16,000 police.

As predicted, violence disappeared by 1993. Societies using these groups also become more self-sufficient. For instance, in Mozambique the economic growth reached 19%. Once the poorest world country in 1992, by 2000; it had moved up to be the world’s fastest-growing economy.

Militaries worldwide are training military IDT experts. The historical ramifications of this are profound. By accessing the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, these military IDT groups are harnessing the most powerful force in the universe, and boost their economic growth simply by creating a peaceful influence. Why not Pakistan?

If Pakistani leaders really want to defeat terrorism and become invincible, they should have the courage to order their military to use IDT. If they quickly act, Pakistan could create lasting peace, boost its economy and gain international prestige by having a truly invincible military. One, which, as statistical research shows, is incapable of creating an enemy.

About the authors:

author 1

Teresa Studzinski, M.A. is the President and Co-founder of The Global Alliance for Preventive Wings in the Military, a 501(c)(3) organization, and CEO of Technology and Transformation LLC. Teresa is an Expert in the Unified Field Technology – IDT Social and Military Application and a member of The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association – AFCEA International. She is also a businesswoman and formerly investigative journalist, member of The Foreign Press Association in New York and The National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Teresa travelled widely to interview such political figures as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former US National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Henry Kissinger, and many others.

author 2

David Leffler, Ph.D. is the author of “A New Role for the Military: Preventing Enemies from Arising – Reviving an Ancient Approach to Peace” which was featured in the Journal of Management & Social Science (JMSS). JMSS is published in Karachi, Pakistan by the Institute of Business and Technology (BIZTEK). Dr. Leffler was a member of the US Air Force for nearly nine years. He served as an Associate of the Proteus Management Group at the Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College. Dr. Leffler now serves as the Executive Director at the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS) and teaches IDT. He is on Twitter.

General recommends proven approach

Posted on May 15th, 2014

Published in The Weekly Cutting Edge (May 15 to May 21, 2014, Volume 09 Issue # 39). Expired link: http://www.weeklycuttingedge.com/back-issues/Volume09-39/international02.htm

By Maj. Gen. (Retd.) Kulwant Singh, Dr. David Leffler and David Shapiro

In the past 20 years, 18 African nations have been ravaged by war. It is estimated that up to 100 million Africans have been victims of war, violence, sexual abuse or natural disasters or witnessed horrific acts of terror and now suffer from post-traumatic stress (PTS).

PTS disables Africans and prevents people from living happy productive lives. Its influence ripples out, affecting the lives of friends and families, co-workers, communities, nations and Africa as a whole. In many ways, PTS keeps affected communities under the shadow of trauma, even after the overt disturbance has passed. Left untreated, PTS cripples functioning and puts its victims at greater risk for self-destructive and violent behavior: severe depression, alcoholism, drug abuse, anxiety, emotional numbness, unemployment, family problems and suicide.

USA-Transcedental Meditation1

Experts acknowledge that PTS has been resistant to the many conventional approaches used to treat psychological disturbance. Particularly in Africa, with limited numbers of psychiatrists and psychologists and limited access to physician-prescribed drugs, there is a pressing need for simple, cost-effective and easily sustainable treatments. There is, however, an alternative approach that is highly effective in treating PTS. We suggest that all Africans and in particular all African militaries implement the Transcendental Meditation program because there is a large body of evidence supporting the positive benefits this alternative approach.

A number of pilot studies published in refereed journals have demonstrated that Transcendental Meditation® (TM) can rapidly reduce symptoms of PTS and with regular practice these symptoms are further reduced and a wide range of other benefits is gained.

Transcendental Meditation, also known as TM, is an evidenced-based solution, with a substantial amount of published, peer-reviewed research that has accumulated since 1970. In both case studies and clinical trials, TM has vastly outperformed other modalities by dramatically reducing stress, anxiety, depression and a host of PTS symptoms.

Here are some evidence-based examples showing reductions in *PTS:

•    The February 2014 issue of the Journal of Traumatic Stress documents significant reductions in PTS symptoms within ten days among African war refugees from the Congo who were taught TM. In a month, eleven subjects were virtually free of symptoms.

•    An April 2013 study in the same journal showed that PTS symptoms among African refugees went from “severe” to “non-symptomatic levels” after 30 days of TM and remained low at 135 days.

•    In 2011, the journal Military Medicine published a study showing the effectiveness of TM in reducing PTS in veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Participants had a 50 percent reduction of symptoms after eight weeks of TM.

And in 1985, a report in the Journal of Counseling and Development demonstrated a significant reduction of symptoms among Vietnam War veterans practicing TM for at least three months. A control group using psychotherapy was found to have had no significant improvements.

Military personnel in USA, Latin America, Asia, and Africa practice group Transcendental Meditation to increase their performance and resilience better helping them protect their nations

USA-Transcedental Meditation2

In recent years, military-related leaders in the USA, Latin America, Asia, and Africa, have applied TM not only because it reduces PTS, but because peer-reviewed scientific papers have confirmed that regular practice produces many other wide-ranging, measurable benefits. These include increased intelligence, creativity; reduced stress and improved health; and more fulfilling and harmonious interpersonal relationships. Most importantly to warriors, TM increases resilience, mental clarity and physical strength as well enhancing mind-body coordination (See Defence and Security Alert, Vol. 4, Issue No. 8, pages 34-39). Also, from a practical standpoint, the TM program is easy to do and has no religious philosophy attached. For nearly sixty years it has been taught to millions of people (including schoolchildren and their teachers) around the world from every race, cultural background, religion, ethnicity and educational background.

Numerous studies show that TM uniquely calms the stress of tense, burnt-out, anxious, and depressed people. In particular, a 2013 meta-analysis of 10 controlled studies found that TM significantly reduced anxiety, and the higher the anxiety level, the greater the reduction.

Over 350 research studies on TM have been published in 160 peer-reviewed academic and medical journals. The peer-reviewed process ensured that this evidence-based research met the highest standards. No other stress-reduction program has comparable research support. The American Heart Association, in a Summary Paper, said “the Transcendental Meditation technique is the only meditation practice that has been shown to lower blood pressure.”

Retired U.S. Army Reserve Colonel Brian Rees, M.D., M.P.H., primary author of the previously mentioned Congo studies and veteran of five tours of duty in Afghanistan and Iraq, says that Transcendental Meditation “provides the mind and body with a unique state of ‘restful alertness’ that reduces deeply-rooted stress and improves brain function.”

In 2011, the David Lynch Foundation and African PTSD Relief co-sponsored an initiative to make the Transcendental Meditation program initially available to 10,000 Africans suffering from PTS. We support this initiative. Any organization, whether a school, business, or a military, would be pleased to know that its members are operating free of PTS. They would also want to be more effective and efficient, whether during war or peace. We recommend that TM be put on military training programs because it brings out the best in any individual, and any military would be pleased that its warriors are working at their optimal levels.

The TM evidence-based research tells an objective story pointing to a simple, fast, and cost-effective solution for not only conquering PTS, but to help alleviate many of Africa’s other pressing problems. Achieving lasting happiness and peace–both inner and outer, that’s what we all want for all African people, sooner, if possible, than later.

The authors urge African leaders to adopt this evidence-based program.

*Editor’s Note: A table listing the American Psychological Association’s twenty DSM-5 symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) along with the scientific research conducted on the Transcendental Meditation program published in peer-reviewed scientific journals addressing each of these symptoms/criteria is available online below:

About the authors:

Major General (Ret.) Kulwant Singh, U.Y.S.M., Ph.D., leads an international group of generals and defense experts that advocates Invincible Defense Technology. He was awarded the Uttam Yudh Sewa Medal, the second highest decoration for senior officers during operations in Sri Lanka as part of IPKF (Indian Peace Keeping Force).
David Leffler, Ph.DDavid Leffler, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS). https://www.StrongMilitary.org. He served as an Associate of the Proteus Management Group at the Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College. Dr. Leffler is the author of “A New Role for the Military: Preventing Enemies from Arising – Reviving an Ancient Approach to Peace.” He is on Twitter.
David Shapiro, M.A.David Shapiro, M.A., is Founding President of African PTSD Relief (Twitter: AfricaPTSRelief, YouTube video click on “Africa” at: https://www.davidlynchfoundation.org/videos.html), an Iowa, US non-profit, charitable corporation dedicated to reducing PTS across Africa by teaching the Transcendental Meditation program to individuals or groups with PTS or at risk of getting PTS. He is a co-author of the two research studies on TM and PTSD in Uganda. For information on African PTSD Relief or to implement a program, please contact David Shapiro at info@africanptsdrelief.org.]

Dr. Leffler, Mr. Geer, and Col. Bakshi Published in Defence and Security Alert Magazine

Posted on June 13th, 2013

Defense Personnel Worldwide Find Transcendental Meditation To be an Effective Tool in Combating Stress

Published in Defence and Security Alert Magazine

A Scientifically Verified Solution to Reduce Stress, Increase Resilience and Performance


Click to Read the Article PDF

Dr. David Leffler, Gerald Geer, and Col. (Retd) S. P. Bakshi published an article about how the Transcendental Meditation program is helping bring a new peak level of performance to individual military personnel and their units by improving physical, psychological and team productivity. This article appeared in the May special issue of Defence and Security Alert, Vol. 4, Issue No. 8, page 34-39. For more information about this publication visit: https://www.dsalert.org.

Their article’s teaser reads as follows:

Stress is a very major degrade factor on combat performance. Troops of the Army, CPOs and Police deployed in CI / CT operations must cope with high levels of stress. The article presents a solution in terms of TM. The TM technique is the most thoroughly researched and successful meditation practice in the world. Over 350 research studies published in leading, peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals have confirmed that TM practice produces wide-ranging, measurable benefits, including increased intelligence, creativity and mental clarity; reduced stress and improved health; and more fulfilling and harmonious interpersonal relationships. These studies have been conducted at more than 200 independent universities and research institutions in 30 countries. This stress-busting approach has been taught worldwide for the past 44 years and today over 6 million people in 180 countries have learned the practice.