Posts Tagged ‘military technology.’

Indian Aerospace & Defence and DefenceXP publish on Invincible Defense Technology

Posted on Friday, November 8th, 2024

An Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) entitled: “Brain-Based Technology to End and Prevent War” was published in Indian Aerospace & Defence:INDIA: Arlene J. Schar and Dr. David Leffler (31 October 2024). Brain-Based Technology To End And Prevent War. Indian Aerospace & Defence. Paper version (Volume 4 No 8 pages 34-37 Special Euronaval Edition November 2024) can be viewed [read more]

CHINA: “Invincible Defense Technology: A Paradigm Shift in National Security.”

Posted on Saturday, February 17th, 2024

Nimrah Khatoon a journalist at BNN Breaking published this article entitled: “Invincible Defense Technology: A Paradigm Shift in National Security.” BNN Breaking prides itself for “…meticulous research and an unyielding commitment to authenticity.” “Nimrah approaches each assignment with thoroughness and an astute attention to detail.”

Vojenští veteráni Putinovi: Ruské jednotky poblíž Ukrajiny se mohou stát mírovou silou

Posted on Wednesday, January 19th, 2022
Latin American Warriors practicing IDT

Kapitán (v.v.) Raymond Seebald, plukovník (v.v.) Jitendra Jung Karki, podplukovník (v.v.) Gunter Chassé, Dr. David Leffler Pokud se Rusko cítí být ohroženo expanzí Západu, NATO a Evropské unie, může prezident Putin využít část ze 100 000 vojáků rozmístěných na hranicích Ukrajiny a vytvořit tak silný a hluboký globální vliv míru, který možná málokdo předpokládal. Vyzýváme [read more]

푸틴의 참전용사: 우크라이나 근처 러시아 군대는 평화의 힘이 될 수 있다.

Posted on Saturday, January 15th, 2022

게시된 내용: FRANCE: Planetes360, Politque en Paca & Policy in the World, News Net, Peuple de France réveille toi NEWS SERVICE: Reseau International PDF는 여기에서 볼 수 있습니다: IVORY COAST: Connectionivoirienne WORLD SERVICE: The World News. 퇴역 해군대령 Raymond Sebald, 퇴역 육군대령 Jitendra Jung Karki, 퇴역 공군대령 Gunter Chassé, Dr. David Leffler 러시아가 서방과 [read more]

A New Challenge for the Marines

Posted on Monday, August 23rd, 2021

Recently a Marine Corps Times article titled: “No time for coulda, woulda, shoulda on Afghanistan, top military officials say” quoted GEN Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as saying: “There’ll be plenty of time to do [after action reports].” Yes, that time has now arrived and Congressional hearings have already started the process to investigate the “couldas, wouldas, shouldas.