Mozambique’s ‘Secret Weapon!’
In Africa, Mozambique’s 16-year civil war had finally ended. However, the fragile peace could end at any time. As usual, military personnel prepared against unpredictable guerrilla attacks. These battle-hardened warriors knew the fate of Mozambique could depend on their readiness. Their lives could depend on it! Surprisingly, the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces of Mozambique added an additional duty. It involved deploying a human resource-based technology. When introducing it to his military leaders President Chissano of Mozambique referred to it as a “new secret weapon.” As commander-in-chief, Chissano assured his military leaders that the unusual strategy it was based on would prevent further war. He asserted that the technology would protect the entire nation with an “invincible shield.” It would unite the national spirit and also prevent any potential enemies from arising within and outside the country. Amazingly, the secret weapon turned out to be a simple mental technique practiced by groups of military personnel twice daily.
Of course conventional military strategists would scoff at Mozambique’s superstitious “secret weapon.” Or would they? Click here to read an article by four scientists and a U.S. Navy SEAL officer describing the deployment and underlying theory behind Mozambique’s ‘Secret Weapon.’
For a summary of the research conducted prior to Mozambique’s deployment of the secret weapon, read a paper that has been accepted for publication. After serious critical study and analysis of the research described in this paper, the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces of Mozambique implemented Invincible Defence Technology in different military units of their Ground, Naval and Air Forces. An earlier version of the paper was published by the Security & Political Risk Analysis (SAPRA) India think tank and has been translated into German on the web site. An article proposing further implementation of the defense system appears in the May/June 2000 issue of Tikkun. For a summary of Mozambique’s history since the 1960’s, see War and Peace in Mozambique – A Time Line.