Un Nuevo Papel Para Los Militares

Posted on September 9th, 2009


David R. Leffler, Ph.D.

Centro para la Ciencia Marcial Avanzada en el Instituto de la Ciencia,
la Tecnología y la Política Pública

Presentado en

Internacional Sociological Association Research Comité 01 (La Comité de Investigaciones de la Asociación Internacional de la Sociología) La Universidad Nacional de Seoul y la Academia Militar de Corea La Conferencia Internacional sobre las Fuerzas Armadas y la Resolución de Conflictos en un Mundo Globalizado

Sesión 6: Creando y Manteniendo la Paz, Resumen en p. 44

14 a 17 de julio de 2008

Seoul, Corea

*Nota del Editor: Este papel fue presentado luego en el Instituto Coreano de los Análisis de la Defensa
Korea Institute of Defense Analyses (KIDA)

Dr. David R. Leffler (*Fall 2009). A New Role for the Military: Preventing Enemies from Arising-Reviving an Ancient Approach to Peace. Journal of Management & Social Science (JMSS), Vol. 5, No. 2., pp. 153-162. http://dx.doi.org/10.46745/ilma.jbs.2009.05.02.06 This peer-reviewed journal is published by the Institute of Business & Technology BIZTEK in Pakistan. The abstract was published in Session 6, p. 44 of the proceeding of the “International Sociological Association Research Committee 01 Seoul National University & Korea Military Academy International Conference on Armed Forces & Conflict Resolution in a Globalized World.” July 14 – 17, 2008, Seoul, Korea. The paper was also presented at KIDA, the Korea Institute of Defense Analyses.

La traducción está disponible en:

(ItalianoKoreanHungarian (part I) Hungarian (part II), DeutschFrançais)


El Estrés Social y el Ciclo de la Guerra
Las Investigaciones Sociales Sobre la Tecnología de la Defensa Invencible
Un Posible Mecanismo Causal para la Tecnología de la Defensa Invencible
Reconocimiento del Escepticismo Hacia la TDI
Como Compara la Técnica de la Meditación Trascendental con Otros Tipos de Meditación
La Portabilidad y la Proximidad
Beneficios Adicionales
El Manejo Estratégico del Estrés (MEE)
Implementaciones Actuales de la TDI a Través del Mundo
Sobre el Autor – David R. Leffler, Ph.D.
Otros articulos



El trabajo principal de los militares es de proteger al país contra el ataque de parte de sus enemigos, sean extranjeros o domésticos. En muchos países, se pierden vidas y se gastan enormes recursos en las defensas contra estos enemigos. Evitando la creación de los enemigos sería efectivo y económico en establecer a la paz. Esta obra presenta un nuevo papel para los militares: “Las Ramas de Prevención” que tienen como objetivo el prevenir la creación de los enemigos. Este nuevo método proviene de la antigua tradición Védica, y se llama la Tecnología de la Defensa Invencible (TDI). Este método es apoyado por más de 50 estudios científicos indicando que puede alcanzar esta meta y ayudar a los grupos militares que funcionan en los papeles de creadores de la paz, y de mantener y fortalecer a la misma. El dos a tres por ciento del personal de los militares de un país serían entrenados voluntariamente en los componentes principales de la TDI – las técnicas conocidas como los programas de la Meditación Trascendental® (MT®) y Sidhis-MT®. [1] Los estudios científicos (que han sido revisados por expertos de un nivel superior) demuestran que la TDI disminuye al estrés social colectivo que muchos creen es la causa de la guerra, del terrorismo y de la delincuencia. La ausencia del estrés colectivo se convierte en la ausencia de la tensión entre los países, los grupos religiosos, y aún entre los terroristas individuales. Al aplicar esta tecnología que se basa en los recursos humanos, que no es de una naturaleza letal, y que no es destructiva, se propone que cualquier grupo militar puede reducir el estrés social y así prevenir la creación de los enemigos.

El Estrés Social y el Ciclo de la Guerra

Como se ilustra en la Figura 1, la guerra consiste de un ciclo. El estrés social aumenta y los diplomáticos no pueden resolver sus diferencias. Los grupos toman partidos lo que resulta en enemigos. La fuerza militar tiene como objetivo el impedir a los enemigos. Cuando esto falla, llaman a los militares para pelear. Esto parece resolver el problema pero el estrés permanece y es fuente de las guerras futuras.

Figura 1: Los Militares Fallan en Dirigirse al Problema del Estrés Social
Typical Military Model

Model Típico de los Militares
Los militares tratan de subyugar el enemigo, pero el estrés permanece
El Estrés Social
La Guerra La Guerra y el Terrorismo Continuan

Aún los países que tienen militares fuertes pueden sin embargo sufrir del terrorismo, la guerra, y las bajas. Si sus militares fuesen fuertes e invencibles, las guerras y el terrorismo y las bajas terminarían. En este contexto, los militares se vuelven invencibles cuando ya no tienen enemigos. La falta de los enemigos significa la ausencia de la guerra y el terrorismo.

Este autor propone que cada país del mundo establezca un Ala Preventiva de los MilitaresSM 1 que consistirá de un número específico de individuos entrenados en las técnicas comprobadas de disminución del estrés social, específicamente los programas de la Meditación Trascendental y Sidhis-MT. En este Modelo de los Militares Invencible (Figura 2), los militares emprenden al estrés social colectivo para prevenir o pacificar a los enemigos. El ciclo de la guerra es así quebrada.

Figura 2: Los Militares Usan la TDI para Romper al Ciclo de la Guerra
Typical Military Model

El Modelo de los Militares Invencibles
Los Militares Reducen al Estrés Social, Previniendo la Creación de Enemigos
Estrés Social
Los Militares Rompen al Ciclo de la Guerra

En reconocimiento de su naturaleza sistemática y repetible, la metodología se llama la Tecnología de la Defensa Invencible (TDI). Esta tecnología implica que existe una teoría explicando que la conciencia es como un campo. De esta manera, la práctica de técnicas sico-fisiológicas específicas puede demostrar que estas producen una influencia calmante sobre la población que rodea al grupo.

La Meditación Trascendental (MT) no es religiosa y no requiere cambios en las creencias. Proviene de la antigua Tradición Védica de la India. El difunto Maharishi Mahesh Yogi presentó la técnica de la Meditación Trascendental en 1956. Los científicos nombran el aumento en la coherencia social que resulta del programa de la MT y del programa más avanzado de Sidhis-MT® el “Efecto Maharishi.” Maharishi predijo que si el 1% de la población practicara el programa MT, la paz y la armonía aumentarían en la sociedad. Además, anticipó el mismo resultado si la raíz cuadrada del 1% de la población practicara el programa de Sidhis-MT® en grupos dos veces al día. Estos resultados predichos se han visto repetidamente en varias investigaciones científicas revisadas por expertos y publicadas.

La Investigación Científica Sobre La Tecnología de la Defensa Invencible

Más de 50 estudios científicos han comprobado los beneficios en la reducción del estrés social que resultan de la TDI. Los estudios sobre El Efecto Maharishi han sido publicados en tales revistas principales revisadas por expertos como el Diario de la Resolución de Conflictos (The Journal of Conflict Resolution), Investigaciones Sobre Índices Sociales (Social Indicators Research), el Diario de la Delincuencia y Justicia (Journal of Crime and Justice), el Diario de la Mente y el Comportamiento (Journal of Mind and Behavior) y el Diario Internacional de la Neurociencia (International Journal of Neuroscience). La mayor parte de estas investigaciones ha sido revisada en un ensayo escrito por el autor y otro, publicado por el centro de estudios Security and Political Risk Analysis (SAPRA) (La Seguridad y el Análisis del Riesgo Político), titulado “Una Alternativa a la Violencia Militar y la Disuasión Basada en el Temor: Veinte Años de Investigaciones Científicas Sobre el Efecto Maharishi.” [2]

Los estudios científicos han descubierto que los índices sociales tales como actos de terrorismo, muertes de guerra, heridas de guerra, niveles de conflicto, e índices de delincuencia, mostraron mejoramiento cuando suficientes personas practicaban estas técnicas únicas sico-fisiológicas. Los resultados incluyen mayor progreso hacia resoluciones pacíficas, y reducciones en las muertes de guerra, las heridas de guerra, la intensidad de la guerra, los daños a las propiedades, los actos hostiles, conflicto internacional, y las bajas causadas por el terrorismo.

Una demostración sobresaliente de la reducción del estrés social por medio de la TDI en los Estados Unidos fue documentada en el periódico Investigaciones Sobre Índices Sociales (Social Indicators Research). [3] Esta intervención tuvo lugar en Washington, D.C., la capital de los EE.UU. Se hicieron predicciones adelantadas con los líderes gubernamentales y con los periódicos. Un análisis tiempo-serie fue usado en el proyecto. El protocolo de investigación aprobado por un Tribunal Independiente de Crítica fijó el período de experimentación entre el 7 de junio hasta el 30 de julio de 1993. El resultado principal fue que la delincuencia disminuyó un 23% debajo del nivel predicho cuando el grupo de practicantes de los Sidhi-MT alcanzó su máximo (p < 2 x 10-9 para los datos semanales). Los efectos de fines de semana, de la temperatura, y de las tendencias previas de los datos no explicaron los resultados. Este valor del nivel del p se ve muy poco en las investigaciones en la ciencia social

Durante el conflicto en Líbano en 1983, cuando el tamaño de un grupo de expertos de la TDI cerca en Jerusalén varió, las muertes causadas por la guerra en Líbano variaron correspondientemente de día a día. En el punto de mayor número de participantes de la TDI, las muertes de guerra bajaron en un 76% mientras que los participantes se acercaron en número a la raíz cuadrada del 1% de la población que fue lo que se deseaba teóricamente.

Durante la cima de la guerra en Líbano, replicaciones a través de dos años en siete experimentos consecutivos dieron los siguientes resultados:

  • Las muertes relacionadas a la guerra disminuyeron en un 71% (p < 10-10)
  • Las heridas relacionadas a la guerra disminuyeron en un 68% (p < 10-6)
  • El nivel del conflicto disminuyó en un 48% (p < 10-8)
  • La cooperación entre los adversarios aumentó en un 66% (p < 10-6).

La probabilidad de que estos efectos en combinación se debían al azar es menos de una parte en 1019, haciendo a este efecto de reducir el estrés social y el conflicto el fenómeno más rigurosamente establecido en la historia de las ciencias sociales. [4]

El mantenimiento de los efectos de la TDI depende en mantener el número de los participantes. La Figura 3 ilustra los efectos que resultan al cambiar el número de los participantes. Este diagrama muestra los cambios asociados en la calidad de la vida en Israel durante el conflicto Libanés en 1983. Note que la asociación incorpora una “demora” de uno a varios días, además de un efecto de “calcular un promedio” que modera el impacto del cambio de número de participantes. Note que el punto “0” en el eje-y representa el punto inicial de participantes para esta población (158 participantes).

Figura 3: Tamaño del Grupo MT Vs. Calidad de la Vida en Israel

Esta figura ilustra una correlación estadísticamente muy significante entre el número de participantes en una asamblea de la TDI y un índice mixto que mide el progreso hacia la paz y la calidad de la vida en Israel durante agosto y septiembre de 1983. Cuando el número de participantes aumentó, la intensidad de la guerra en Líbano disminuyó (p < 10-7).

El Dr. John Hagelin es un físico entrenado en Harvard que condujo parte de la investigación científica sobre la TDI. Es el Director del Instituto de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Política Pública (el ICTPP). El Dr. Hagelin habla en detalle de la física de la TDI en un video en línea. [5]

Un estudio importante publicado en la revista Journal of Offender Rehabilitation (Diario de la Rehabilitación de Delincuentes) mostró una reducción en un 72% de muertes causadas por el terrorismo internacional (p < .025) cuando se alcanzó mundialmente el umbral requerido de personas practicando el programa de Sidhis-MT. [6] Estas asambleas se llevaron acabo durante los años 1983-1985. Este estudio investigó los efectos de tres asambleas grandes alcanzando el umbral del Efecto Maharishi para el mundo en ese tiempo (7,000). El estudio, que usó datos proporcionados por el Rand Corporation, reveló además que los conflictos internacionales disminuyeron en un 32% (p < .025).

Un Mecanismo Causal de la TDI

El mecanismo causal de la TDI no se entiende completamente. Una explicación de la causa de la TDI en términos biológicos se propuso en un estudio en el año 2005 en el Journal of Social Behavior and Personality (Diario del Comportamiento Social y la Personalidad). [7] Se ha mostrado que la serotonina, un neurotransmisor poderoso, produce sensaciones de felicidad, contento y hasta la euforia. Las investigaciones científicas indican que niveles bajos de la serotonina correlacionan con la agresión, los estados de ánimo negativos, y la violencia. El estudio indicó que cuando cambió el tamaño de un grupo de expertos en la TDI, la producción de la serotonina en las personas en la comunidad cercana cambió correspondientemente. Puesto que los resultados fueron estadísticamente significativos, este estudio ofrece un mecanismo neuro-fisiológico creíble que puede explicar la agresión y la hostilidad reducidas en una sociedad entera.

Un aumento en la actividad de la serotonina y una reducción en el cortisol parecen estar asociados con la experiencia de la conciencia trascendental en el practicante avanzado de la MT. Durante la práctica de la MT, los practicantes experimentan un propuesto cuarto estado de conciencia que exhibe una actividad cerebral particularmente distinta de las del despertar, el sueño y el estado de soñar. [8] El estado de la conciencia trascendental produce la coherencia en el cerebro, y los científicos especulan que esto aumenta la coherencia dentro del campo unificado. Aparentemente, el efecto es amplificado por medio de la práctica en grupo. Los físicos teóricos aluden al campo unificado como la base de todas las leyes de la naturaleza. La TDI parece funcionar desde este nivel fundamental. Por lo tanto, por medio del campo unificado ocurre además un aumento en la coherencia del cerebro de la persona que no practica la MT. Este aumento de coherencia significativamente involucraba la serotonina.

El Dr. Roger Nelson de la Universidad de Princeton ha descubierto que la TDI parece tener un impacto muy significativo sobre la red del Proyecto de la Conciencia Global (PCG) que consiste de unos 65 aparatos que generan números al azar que están situados alrededor del mundo. [9] El proyecto usa una medida puramente objetiva que difiere de cualquier otras investigaciones científicas sociológicas y fisiológicas sobre la TDI.

Además, el efecto es mayor con números más grandes de participantes en la TDI. Esta es una replicación de lo que el Dr. Nelson observó en una aplicación de la TDI en 2001 un poco después de los ataques terrorísticos sobre blancos en los EE.UU. el 11 de septiembre de 2001. También, el efecto es en la dirección opuesta y compensatoria de esos ataques terrorísticos y otros eventos catastróficos. Parece que los generadores al azar se vuelven menos al azar durante la práctica de la TDI. [10]

Reconociendo el Escepticismo Sobre la TDI

Los cambios de perspectiva necesarias para los para que los científicos pudieran aceptar la teoría de Einstein de la relatividad y el principio cuántico de Planck no fueron pequeñas, pero como esas teorías fueron apoyadas por evidencias irrefutables, fueron aceptadas. Una situación parecida puede existir con respecto a la TDI. El desafío es de mantener la perspectiva. Este reporte ofrece una nueva solución basada en la investigación científica sobre las influencias poderosas de la conciencia del grupo, un campo que es nuevo para muchos investigadores y que ha tenido resultados sorprendentes y basados en una evidencia objetiva.

Tal como la física tuvo que pasar por un cambio fundamental en el punto de vista y los métodos de análisis con la introducción de la teoría de Einstein de la relatividad, en la misma manera este reporte reta al lector a aceptar un cambio largo similar en los métodos de reducir el estrés social para prevenir y terminar el terrorismo y la guerra. La teoría de Einstein de la relatividad indica que los análisis de los fenómenos cósmicos tienen que tratar a la gravedad como un “campo de fuerza” que tiene un efecto sobre la forma del espacio. Ha sido demostrado que las ecuaciones gobernando este punto de vista resuelven problemas importantes en la física astronómica que de otra forma permanecerían anomalías y curiosidades que resisten las ecuaciones clásicas presentadas por el Sir Isaac Newton.

Asimismo, en el otro extremo del campo del sistema de medida científica, los experimentos científicos demuestran que el comportamiento de las partículas subatómicas no se puede describir usando las ecuaciones de la física clásica. Una explicación de esas anomalías usando el principio cuántico de Planck y el principio de incertidumbre de Heisenberg sí proporciona las descripciones y manipulaciones de un nuevo mundo entero de la física cuántica.

El propósito del punto anterior es de establecer que las etapas grandes del progreso tienen que superar a los prejuicios. La teoría de la relatividad y la mecánica cuántica vinieron de una evidencia clara. Sin embargo, la lucha para conseguir la aprobación de estas ecuaciones ya aceptadas ocurrió en las mentes de la gente. Parece que estamos enfrentando a una encrucijada con respeto a la naturaleza de la “lucha para la paz.” La proposición de establecer un Ala Preventiva de los Militares está basada en una fuerte evidencia científica. Sin embargo, la lucha para la aceptación de la solución que proponemos yace en las mentes de la gente.

Para su tesis doctoral, Carla Linton Brown de la Universidad de Harvard entrevistó a ciertos importantes creadores de la política quienes trabajaron en la diplomacia y campos relacionados. Estudió como ellos examinaron la investigación científica sobre los efectos sociales de la TDI sobre la calidad de la vida y la reducción en la violencia y las muertes de la guerra. Descubrió que cuando ellos estudiaron esas investigaciones científicas necesitaban:

  • Un contexto para poder evaluar esta innovación
  • Cierto tiempo lejos de las presiones diarias de la responsabilidad para evaluar las investigaciones y la innovación
  • Una perspectiva y apoyo de otros que pudieran haber implementado el programa y que podrían contestar preguntas prácticas, y
  • Una aclimatación—una manera de ver más allá de los estereotipos que pueden haber asociado con esta innovación

Algunos que respondieron a la Dra. Brown fueron muy receptivos a las investigaciones científicas, pero a pesar de eso tenían preguntas sobre como funcionaba. Por ejemplo, los diplomáticos explicaron a la Dra. Brown que aunque consideraron impresionante las investigaciones, estaban demasiados ocupados resolviendo el problema más reciente en el proceso de la Paz en el Medio Oriente y no tenían suficiente tiempo para considerar como esta innovación podría ser usada y cómo funcionaría.

La Dra. Brown también encontró que muchos asesores de política tuvieron puntos de vista estereotípicos o perjudicados sobre una innovación originando en la India antigua. Debido al potencial para una falsificación de las investigaciones científicas sobre la TDI de parte de comentaristas perjudicadas, se espera que los lectores de este reporte que no son familiares con las investigaciones científicas sobre la TDI tomaran el tiempo para estudiar un reporte por la Dra. Carla Linton Brown que fue basada en su disertación doctoral en Harvard. Las investigaciones de la Dra. Brown fueron publicadas en el Journal of Social Behavior and Personality (Diario del Comportamiento Social y la Personalidad). [11] La disertación de Harvard está disponible en línea. [12]

Como la Técnica de la MT Compara con Otros Tipos de Meditación

La TDI utilizó los programas de la MT y Sidhis-MT que son las formas de meditación más científicamente investigadas en el mundo. Las diferentes formas de la meditación usan diferentes métodos y por lo tanto obtienen resultados diferentes. [13] Se ha mostrado científicamente que los patrones del cerebro muestran diferentes procesos fisiológicos durante distintas formas de meditación. Los análisis del tipo meta han mostrado que la MT produce efectos beneficiosos únicos.

Las investigaciones comparativas indican que las varias formas de la meditación no producen los mismos efectos. Se ha llevado acabo un análisis del tipo meta comparando los efectos de la técnica de la MT, el Mindfullness (Estar Atento Mentalmente), el Zen, el Relajamiento Muscular Progresivo, las meditaciones Budista Tibetana y Vipassana, y la Respuesta de Relajamiento de Benson. Consideraron los niveles del descanso, los patrones de las ondas cerebrales, y los beneficios de mente y cuerpo.

Se ha descubierto que algunas otras formas de la meditación producen efectos buenos en áreas específicas. Sin embargo, los estudios de las ondas cerebrales y de las imágenes neurales demuestran que la técnica de la MT crea un patrón cerebral único. La MT es la única técnica meditativa que ha mostrado crear una coherencia en las ondas cerebrales a lo largo del cerebro. Las investigaciones demuestran que la técnica de la MT es efectiva en reducir la depresión y la ansiedad, y en aumentar la auto-realización. Se obtiene un descanso más profundo por medio de la técnica de la MT que en otras prácticas. [14]

Según el Dr. David Orme-Johnson, un científico investigando el Efecto Maharishi, en un estudio nuevo de 60 sujetos masculinos de edades entre 40 y 60 años, los investigadores encontraron que una medida no-invasor de la concentración de radicales libres en el cuerpo humano detectó concentraciones significativamente menores en todas las 12 locales anatómicas estudiadas en sujetos practicando la técnica de la Meditación Trascendental (MT), comparadas con aquellos practicando Otras Técnicas de Meditación (OTM – el Tao, el Zen, Cristiana y el Hindu Yoga) o aquellos que no practicaban regularmente ninguna técnica [15]. Un nivel excesivo de los radicales libres en el cuerpo ha sido asociado con el envejecimiento acelerado y una variedad de enfermedades [16].

La Portabilidad y la Proximidad

No hay que usar la TDI a una distancia cierta de un conflicto o probable conflicto. Sin embargo, los mejores resultados ocurren cuando el sistema es desplegado dentro de las fronteras políticas del área perjudicada. Simultáneamente, el uso de los sistemas dentro de fronteras que incluyen más áreas (por ejemplo, dentro de fronteras regionales o nacionales) también crea efectos positivos a través de las áreas más largas.

La TDI obtiene las mejores características de función cuando todos los participantes constituyen un grupo dentro de una asociación cercana el uno con el otro (un promedio de distancia de 1.5 metros entre los participantes). Sin embargo, efectos positivos serán obtenidos cuando los participantes operan en varios grupos más pequeños.

La TDI puede ser basada en la tierra o en el mar a través del mundo. Alas Preventivas basadas en la tierra han sido puestas a prueba en el campo por los militares. [17] [18] Los practicantes de la TDI tienen que ser transportados al sitio (o cerca al sitio) y mantenidos en un lugar seguro. Alas Preventivas basadas en el mar son teóricamente posibles. Por ejemplo, el portaaviones Kitty Hawk (CV-63) respaldó a 1,000 Fuerzas de Operaciones Especiales abordo para su misión en Afganistán. [19] Por lo tanto, grupos de batalla de portaaviones apoyando a los expertos en la TDI podrían ser desplegadas al Golfo de Persia para reducir las tensiones en el Medio Oriente (Población aproximada: 800 millones; el 1% de la población es 8 millones; la raíz cuadrada de 8 millones es 2829 expertos en la TDI necesarias para alcanzar el Efecto Maharishi).

Beneficios Adicionales

Las investigaciones permiten predecir beneficios adicionales de un Ala Preventiva de los Militares. Estos beneficios incluyen una mejor cooperación gubernamental, tendencias económicas mejores, una reducción en los delitos, un mejoramiento en las condiciones de la salud, y un mejoramiento en la calidad de la vida.

Ciertos soldados Brazileños aprendieron la TDI como parte de su entrenamiento militar. Unos gobiernos Estatales de Brazil ofrecieron la tecnología. Más de veintiséis mil oficiales de la policía militar de todos rangos recibieron la instrucción. [20] Los científicos Brazileños documentaron mejoramientos significativos en la salud y en la disciplina de los oficiales de la policía militar y los cadetes del Estado de Bahía, Brazil y en la Academia de la Policía Militar de Piaui, Brazil, quienes también experimentaron mejoramientos significativos usando la TDI. [21]

Las personas que aprenden la TDI ganan personalmente de la práctica. Extensas investigaciones científicas han documentado los beneficios para los individuos, tales como una reducción en la reacción al estrés, menor comportamiento antisocial, una reducción en la violencia doméstica, y mayor coordinación entre la mano y el ojo. Las investigaciones también reportan reducciones en la enfermedad del estrés que resulta de trauma, visitas a los médicos, problemas con alcohol, entumecimiento emocional, el insomnio, la ansiedad, problemas de la familia, y la depresión. Se ha indicado un crecimiento de la personalidad entera por medios sico-fisiológicos tales como aumentos en la coherencia global del electroencefalograma, y por pruebas sicológicas de la inteligencia, el razonamiento moral, y en la personalidad.

La TDI proporciona una solución que promete reducir las muertes y las bajas sin requerir cambios en las tácticas militares, un conocimiento especial de las operaciones de combate, o ningún conocimiento de las capacidades o debilidades de los enemigos. Esto quita cualquier sentido negativo sobre el concepto del cambio que crea un sentido de riesgo entre los comandantes militares.

El Manejo Estratégico del Estrés

La TDI también ha sido descrito como El Manejo Estratégico del Estrés (MEE) en una presentación en Carlisle Barracks sobre la TDI por el Coronel Brian Rees. [22] El autor del presente reporte publicó comentarios sobre los efectos de la TDI en el artículo “55 Trends Now Shaping the Future of Terrorism” [23] (55 Tendencias Que Forman el Futuro del Terrorismo) en un reporte compilado por la organización Forecasting International (Predicciones Internacionales) y promovido por el Proteus Management Group (el Grupo de Gerencia Proteus), The National Intelligence University (la Universidad Nacional de Inteligencia), Office of the Director of National Intelligence (Oficina del Director Nacional de la Inteligencia), y el Center for Strategic Leadership (Centro para el Liderazgo Estratégico) en el U.S. Army War College (Colegio de Guerra del Ejército de los EE.UU.).

Aplicaciones Actuales de la TDI A Travès del Mundo

Nùmeros suficientes de practicantes del programa de la MT y Sidhis-MT para alcanzar al Efecto Maharishi estàn actualmente practicando en grupos en cinco países: [24]

  • Holanda
  • Trinidad y Tobago
  • Bolivia
  • Perù
  • Colombia

En los países sudamericanos enumerados, los grupos consisten principalmente de escolares. Puesto que es noble para los civiles tomar esta responsabilidad, los militares serían una organización más apropiada y segura para manejar los despliegues de la TDI. Por ejemplo, los grupos civiles tienen que conseguir los recursos monetarios mientras que los militares ya están siendo pagados para proteger a la nación contra todos los enemigos, extranjeros y domésticos. Todos los escolares toman vacaciones largas al mismo tiempo pero los militares arreglan las licencias poco a poco.

Los países que están alcanzando suficientes números de practicantes de la TDI para lograr el Efecto Maharishi incluyen:

  • La India. Según el Maj. Gen. Singh (Jubilado), la India está al punto de alcanzar la invencibilidad por medio de grupos civiles. [25] [26]
  • Los Estados Unidos. Approximadamente 1,700 practicantes del programa de la MT y Sidhis-Mt se reunen dos veces al día para producir el Efecto Maharishi en los Estados Unidos. Se mantienen tarjas diariamente y este número se exceda una vez al día (dos veces al día es lo ideal para alcanzar los efectos completos de mayor coherencia social). [27] El grupo está compuesto principalmente de norteamericanos más algunos expertos de la India. Se espera que el tamaño del grupo aumentará mientras que llegan más expertos desde la India.

Se ha desarrollado un calculador de la raíz cuadrada del uno por ciento para determinar el tamaño de los grupos de la TDI necesarias para cualquier país o tamaño de población. [28]

Sobre el Autor – David R. Leffler, Ph.D.

El Dr. David R. Leffler es el Director Ejecutivo del Centro para la Ciencia Militar Avanzada en el Instituto de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Política Pública. http://www.strongmilitary.org

Es además el Director de la División de la Defensa Iluminada en el Instituto para el Desarrollo de las Artes y Ciencias Iluminadas (I.D.A.C.I.). http://www.InvincibleMilitary.org El Dr. Leffler recibió su Doctorado de la Union Institute & University en Cincinnati , Ohio donde llevó acabo sus investigaciones doctorales sobre el tema de la Defensa Militar Invencible. Sus otros títulos académicos incluyen un Bachillerato en Educación y una Maestría en la Ciencia de la Inteligencia Creativa de la Universidad Maharishi de la Gerencia en Fairfield, Iowa, y una Maestría en la Educación de la New Mexico State University en Las Cruces. David fue miembro de las Fuerzas Aéreas de los EE.UU. por ocho años. El Dr. Leffler sirve como Asociado en el Grupo de Gerencia Proteus en el Centro para el Liderazgo Estratégico del Colegio de Guerra del Ejército de los EE.UU. y es miembro del Instituto Marítimo de los EE.UU. Ha dado presentaciones sobre la Tecnología de la Defensa Invencible en la Academia de las Fuerzas Aéreas de Rusia, la Academia Rusia de las Ciencias, y en instituciones relacionadas con la defensa en los EE.UU. El Dr. Leffler ha escrito docenas de artículos publicados y papeles sobre el tema de la TDI. Una lista de las mismas está disponible en: http://davidleffler.com/davidpub.html


Les agradezco a Lee Leffler, el Dr. John Sorflaten, el Dr. Kenneth Walton, el Dr. Kurt Kleinschnitz, la Dr. Carla Linton Brown and COL Brian Rees, MD para su ayuda con este artículo. Les agradezco a Kenneth Walton, el Dr. Paul Roochnik y a los practicantes de la técnica de la MT en Korea que patrocinaron mis gastos de viaje para que pudiera asistir a esta conferencia.

Otros articulos escritos por ellos estan en el Internet en:

Major General Kulwant Singh (Indian Army, Retired) & Dr. David R. Leffler (14 Octubre 2003). “La Defensa Invencible Contra El Terrorismo,” (Spanish translation of “Invincible Defense Against Terrorism”) Share the World’s Resources.
Vínculo: http://davidleffler.com/2003/la-defensa-invencible-contra-el-terrorismo/

Lieutenant General José Villamil con Dr. David Leffler (29 Enero 2003). “Proyecto: Coherencia,” (Spanish translation of “Project: Coherence”) India Defence Consultants.
Vínculo: http://davidleffler.com/2003/proyecto/

Coronel Brian M. Rees (2 Mayo 2007). Trabajo de Investigacion para un Programa del Colegio de Guerra del Ejercito de Los Estados Unidos (Spanish translation of “The Application of Strategic Stress Management in Winning the Peace”) “LA APLICACION DEL MANEJO ESTRATEGICO DEL ESTRES PARA GANAR LA PAZ,” Colegio de Guerra del Ejército de los EE.UU. Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania 17013
Vínculo: http://web.archive.org/web/20161018023047/http://www.InvincibleMilitary.org/rees/Col_Rees_espanol.htm

Dr. David R. Leffler & Lee M. Leffler (Mayo/Junio 2000). “La Politica Espiritual: La Defensa Militar Basada en la Conciencia,” (Spanish translation of “Spiritual politics: Consciousness-Based defense”). Tikkun, 15(3), pp. 58-59.
Vínculo: http://davidleffler.com/2003/proyecto/

Dr. David R. Leffler & Lee M. Leffler (14 Enero 2000). “La Rama Preventiva del Ejercito de Mozambique: Terminar la Guerro Civil, Mejorar la Economia,” Africa Economic Analysis.
Vínculo: http://davidleffler.com/2000/militar/



[1] ©La Meditación Trascendental, MT, Sidhis-MT, Ala Preventiva de los Militares, son marcas registradas o marcas de la ley común licenciadas a Maharishi Vedic Education Development Corporation y usadas con permiso.

[2] Leffler, DR, Kleinschnitz KW, Walton KG (1999): An alternative to military violence and fear-based deterrence: Twenty years of research on the Maharishi Effect, Security and Political Risk Analysis (SAPRA). (Una alternativa a la violencia militar y la disuasión basada en el temor: Veinte años de la investigación científica sobre el Efecto Maharish). El artículo está disponible en: http://davidleffler.com/1999/sapraalternative/

[3] Hagelin JS, Rainforth MV, Orme-Johnson DW, Cavanaugh KL, Alexander CN, Shatkin SF, Davies JL, Hughes AO, & Ross, E (1999): Effects of group practice of the Transcendental Meditation program on preventing violent crime in Washington D.C.: Results of the National Demonstration Project, June-July, 1993. Social Indicators Research, 47(2): 153-201 (Efectos de la práctica en grupo del programa de la Meditación Trascendental en prevenir la delincuencia violenta en Washington, D.C. Resultados del Proyecto Demostrativo Nacional, Junio-Julio, 1993).

[4] Davies, JL & CN Alexander (2005): Alleviating political violence through reducing collective tension: Impact Assessment analysis of the Lebanon war. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 17(1), 285-338 (Aliviando a la violencia política a través de reducir la tensión colectiva: Análisis de Evaluación del Impacto sobre la guerra Libanés).

[5] Hagelin, JS (2007): An important message for all military leaders. International Center for Invincible Defense website. (Un mensaje importante para todo líder militar). Vínculo de Video: http://www.invincibledefense.org/videos/2007_04_11_hagelin.html

Vínculo de trascripción y de figuras de tamaño entero:

[6] Orme-Johnson DW, Dillbeck MC, & Alexander CN (2003): Preventing terrorism and international conflict: Effects of large assemblies of participants in the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 36, 283-302 (La prevención del terrorismo y el conflicto internacional: Los efectos de las asambleas grandes de los participantes en el programa de Meditación Trascendental y Sidhis-MT).

[7] Walton KG, Cavanaugh, KL, & Pugh , ND (2005): Effect of group practice of the Transcendental Meditation program on biochemical indicators of stress in non-meditators: A prospective time series study. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 17(1), 339-373 (El efecto de la práctica en grupo del programa de la Meditación Trascendental sobre las indicaciones bioquímicas del estrés en personas que no practican la meditación: un estudio de tiempo prospectivo).

[8] Alexander, CN, Cranson, RW, Boyer, RW & Orme-Johnson, DW: Transcendental consciousness: A fourth state of consciousness beyond, sleep, dreaming, and waking. In Sleep and dreams: A sourcebook, edited by J. Gackenbach. Garland, New York, 1987, pp. 282-315 (La conciencia trascendental: Un cuarto estado de la conciencia más allá del dormir, soñar y el estar despierto).

[9] Nelson, R TM Resonance Aggregation. Link to the 2006 IDT effects on Global Correlations in Random Data (Global Consciousness Project) (Colección de Resonancia de la MT. Vínculo a los efectos de la TDI en 2006 sobre las Correlaciones Globales en los Datos al Azar (el Proyecto de la Conciencia Global): http://noosphere.princeton.edu/tm.resonance.html

[10] Nelson, R September 11, 2001: Exploratory and Contextual Analyses. Link to the 2006 terrorist attacks effects on Global Correlations in Random Data (Global Consciousness Project) (11 de septiembre, 2001: Los Análises Exploratorios y en Contexto. Vínculo a los ataques terrorísticos en 2006 sobre las Correlaciones Globales en los Datos al Azar (el Proyecto de la Conciencia Global)). Vínculo: http://noosphere.princeton.edu/terror.html

[11] Brown, CL (2005): Overcoming barriers to use of promising research among elite Middle East policy groups. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 17(1), 489-543 (Sobrepasando los límites al uso de las investigaciones científicas entre los grupos élites de la política del Medio Oriente).

[12] Brown, CL (1996): Observing the assessment of research information by peer reviewers, newspaper reporters, and potential governmental and non-governmental users: International peace project in the Middle East. (Maharishi Effect.) Unpublished doctoral dissertation (Observando la evaluación de la información de las investigaciones por parte de los revisores semejantes, periodistas, y los usuarios gubernamentales y otros: El proyecto internacional de la paz en el Medio Oriente. (El Efecto Maharishi.) Tesis doctoral que no fue publicada. Vínculo: http://davidleffler.com/1996/carla_linton_brown_harvard_dissertation/

[13] Travis, FT (2006): Are All Meditations the Same? Comparing the Neural Patterns of Mindfulness Meditation, Tibetan Buddhism Kargyu tradition and the Transcendental Meditation Technique. Lecture at the Science of Consciousness conference, Tucson AZ (Son Mismas todas las Meditaciones? Comparando los Patrones Neurales de la Meditación Mindfulness, la tradición Tibetano Kargyu del Budismo, y la Técnica de la Meditación Trascendental. Presentación en la conferencia de la Ciencia de la Conciencia, en Tucson, Arizona). Vínculo: http://web.archive.org/web/20080309090215/http://www.fredtravis.com/talk.html

[14] Comparison of Techniques—Are all forms of meditation and relaxation the same? (Una Comparación de las Técnicas—Son las mismas todas las formas de la meditación y del relajamiento?) Vínculo: https://www.truthabouttm.org/TMResearch/ComparisonofTechniques/

[15] Van Wijk EPA, Ludtke R, & Van Wijk R. (2008): Differential Effects of Relaxation Techniques on Ultraweak Photon Emission. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, 14, 241-250 (Los Efectos Diferenciales de las Técnicas de Relajación sobre la Emisión de los Fotones Muy Débiles). Para ver un resumen en línea, ver: “Ultraweak Photon Emission and Meditation.” (La Emisión de los Fotones Muy Débiles y la Meditación). Vínculo: http://web.archive.org/web/20100409212656/http://www.truthabouttm.org/truth/TMResearch/NewStudies/FreeRadicals/index.cfm

[16] Sharma HM. (1993): Freedom from disease. Veda, Toronto.

[17] El Teniente General José Martí Villamil (actualmente jubilado), ex-vice ministro de la defensa de Ecuador, usó con éxito la TDI para terminar la guerra con Perú. Lea un artículo publicado por la revista India Defence Consultants para más detalles.
Vínculo Español: Proyecto: Coherencia http://davidleffler.com/2003/proyecto/
Vínculo Inglés: Project: Coherence http://davidleffler.com/2003/coherence/

Actualice del Redactor:

3 July 2010- Ecuador announced that it deployed the new military strategy of Invincible Defense. For more details and pictures see: http://davidleffler.com/enewsletter/20100703_IDT_News.html

23 Sept 2010 – Photos and new information about Invincible Defense in Ecuador released – see: http://davidleffler.com/enewsletter/20100923_IDT_News.html

[18] An article published by Canadian Centres for Teaching Peace entitled “Invincible Defense—A New “Secret Weapon!” written by scientists and (now retired) Navy SEAL officer describes deployment of, and underlying theory behind, the revolutionary IDT system deployed by Mozambique military. (Un artículo publicado por Canadian Centres for Teaching Peace titulado “La Defensa Invencible—Una Nueva Arma Secreta!” escrita por científicos y un oficial (ahora jubilado) de la rama de la Marina norteamericana llamada los SEAL (los marineros que están entrenados para atacar en el mar, la tierra y desde el aire) describe el despliegue del sistema revolucionario de la TDI por los militares de Mozambique, y también explica la teoría detrás del sistema). Vínculo: http://davidleffler.com/canadiancentre.html

La Nota de la redacción:

ve también un artículo publicado por Africa Economic Analysis titulado La RamaPreventiva del Ejercito de Mozambique: Terminar la Guerro Civil, Mejorarla Economia. (Spanish translation of “Mozambique’s prevention wing of the military: End war, improve the economy”).

[19] Swan, RP and Horres, EJ (2008): Opportunity at Hand: New Roles for Carriers. Proceedings. June 2008 Vol 134/6/1,264 p. 64 (Una Oportunidad en la Mano: Nuevos Papeles par los Portaaviones).

[20] Fotos de los policías militares Brazileños: Guerreros Brazileños aprenden la Tecnología Maharishi de la Defensa Invencible como parte de su entrenamiento. Vínculo: http://davidleffler.com/2011/brazilpics/

[21] Investigaciones de los militares Brazileños sobre la Tecnología de la Defensa Invencible. Vínculo: http://davidleffler.com/2011/brazilchart/

[22] Rees, B (2006): The application of Strategic Stress Management in winning the peace. Academic Workshop sponsored by: The Proteus Management Group, USA. Hosted by the Center for Strategic Leadership United States Army War College 22-24 August 2006 (La aplicación del Manejo Estratégico del Estrés in ganar la paz. Reunión Académica patrocinada por: The Proteus Management Group, USA. Presentación en el Centro para el Liderazgo Estratégico del Colegio de Guerra del Ejército de los EE.UU., 22-24 de agosto de 2006). Vínculo: http://web.archive.org/web/20070626155706/https://www.carlisle.army.mil/proteus/docs/Proteus-Workshop-2006-Report.pdf

[23] Leffler, DR (2008, February): An Overlooked, Proven Solution to Terrorism. In “55 Trends Now Shaping the Future of Terrorism.” Edited by Dr. Marvin J. Cetron and Owen Davies. The Proteus Trends Series, 1(2) pp. 18, 79, 176, C-13 through C-16. (Una Solución Comprobada pero No Fijada. En el Diario “55 Tendencias Dirigiendo Ahora el Futuro del Terrorismo.”

Editado por Dr. Marvin J. Cetron y Owen Davies). Vínculo: http://web.archive.org/web/20090825013538/http://www.carlisle.army.mil/proteus/docs/55-terror.pdf

[24] Leffler, DR. Scoreboard of Invincible Nations. Invincible Defense Technology News, 1 January 2008 (Marcador de las Naciones Invencibles). Vínculo: http://davidleffler.com/enewsletter/20080101_IDT_News.html#score

[25] Singh, K (2008): Invincibility update from India. Invincible Defense Technology News, 1 January 2008 (Noticia sobre la Invencibilidad desde la India). Vínculo: http://davidleffler.com/enewsletter/20080101_IDT_News.html#india

[26] Invincible Defense Technology Worldwide: India (La Tecnología de la Defensa Invencible a través del Mundo: India). Vínculo: http://web.archive.org/web/20050217090932/http://davidleffler.com/worldwide.html#India

[27] The size of the IDT group for the United States is tallied daily (El tamaño del grupo de la TDI para los Estados Unidos se calcula diariamente).

[28] Square root of one percent calculator: (Calculador de la raíz cuadrada del uno por ciento) http://davidleffler.com/sqrt-calc/

Abstract from Seoul National University & Korea Military Academy International Conference on Armed Forces & Conflict Resolution in a Globalized WorldPicture of the cover of The Journal of Management & Social Science (JMSS) El sumario para este reporte apareció en la Conferencia Internacional sobre las Fuerzas Armadas y la Resolución de los Conflictos en un Mundo Globalizado presentado por la Universidad Nacional de Seoul y la Academia Militar de Corea, publicado por el International Sociological Association Research Committee 01.Un diario científico primero en Pakistán, The Journal of Management & Social Science (JMSS), publicó luego este papel.Other presentations from this conference in English: Combat Stress | Strategic Stress Management

Iran Needs a Defense System Beyond Nuclear Umbrellas

Posted on September 4th, 2009

Published in Aljazeera Magazine, Qatar Morning Post, Saudi Telegraph, Muslims, Right Side News, Emirates Tribune and Pars Times – Greater Iran & Beyond

By Dr. John Hagelin and Dr. David Leffler

As reported in The Tehran Times, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hassan Qashqavi recently said that “a defense umbrella is needed in the region to protect against the Zionist regime’s nuclear arsenals.” Israel has allegedly stockpiled over 200 nuclear warheads. Qashqavi asserts that elimination of Israeli nuclear weapons is the best guarantee for peace and security in the region.

The authors agree that elimination of nuclear weapons would be a good step. However, it is a step unlikely to be taken in the present hate-filled, high-tension political climate. Why? Israel fears its neighbors, so it has acquired nuclear weapons to serve as deterrence against attack. Ironically, this is the same reason why other countries like Iran might also want to obtain nuclear weapons.

The word “deterrence” comes from the Latin root meaning “fear.” In theory, war is deterred by instilling fear in potential enemies. To this end, Israel is said to have amassed tremendous destructive potential. While the alleged 200 nuclear warheads may incite fear in potential foes, the same fear encourages other countries to acquire a nuclear “umbrella” as well, further inflaming regional tensions and hatred. For this reason, no country committed to defense solely through destructive power is likely to generate a trust-based, fear-free and peaceful atmosphere.

Diplomacy and economic sanctions alone have not been sufficient to resolve the fear crisis – which is driven by human behavioral dynamics that cannot be controlled by such methods of persuasion alone.

War, whether hot or cold, is a human problem requiring human solutions. War often thrives in chaos. The underlying cause of conflict is accumulated social stress. Today the military of Iran has an opportunity to address this fundamental cause of war by deploying a new, scientifically verified technology of defense beyond nuclear weapons.

A New Solution

A proven new technology of defense is now available – a technology of national security, fully capable of defending Iran from any destructive technology, including nuclear weapons. Militaries have already applied this technology in order to defuse and eliminate conflict. Extensive research has confirmed its effectiveness. This new technology is easily applied, highly cost-effective, and can prevent disruption and attack from within the country or outside the country.

This new technology of defense is based upon the latest discoveries in the fields of physics, neuroscience, and physiology. Ultimately, it is based on the discovery of the unified field of all the laws of nature – the most fundamental and powerful level of nature’s dynamics. Technologies based upon this unified field of natural law have such concentrated power that they can render obsolete and irrelevant every previous objective technology and destructive means of defense.

Modern science has probed deeper levels of nature’s functioning, from the macroscopic world of classical physics to the world of the atom, then to the underlying field of the atomic nucleus, and then to the subnuclear levels of nature’s functioning. This exploration has culminated in the discovery of the unified field, the unified source of the diversified laws of nature governing the universe. From its purely self-interacting dynamics, the unified field creates from within itself all the particles and forces that compose the universe, and all the diversified streams of natural law governing the nuclear, atomic, molecular, and macroscopic levels. Because this unified field is vastly more powerful than any other level of nature’s dynamics, a technology of defense based upon the unified field is of historic importance. It is already changing the whole science and technology of defense.

The discovery of the unified field is not a philosophical development. It is a scientific development of the foremost order – a rigorous mathematical development based upon the Lagrangian of the unified field, a highly compact mathematical formula that describes the self-interacting dynamics of unity at the basis of all the diverse laws of nature governing the universe. A technology based upon this complete, most comprehensive level of nature’s functioning is completely different from and vastly more powerful than all previous defensive technologies based upon diversified levels of natural law – nuclear technologies, chemical technologies, biological technologies, electronic technologies – because these all utilize specific laws of nature in isolation. The unique power of the unified field and of technologies of the unified field reveals that invincibility in nature is only available at this superunified scale.

Click to Open Chart

Any defense strategist today understands that more fundamental, more powerful levels of nature’s functioning offer technologies that are increasingly powerful. For example, a country armed only with chemical weaponry, such as explosives, cannot protect itself against a nation equipped with nuclear weaponry.

But it is important to understand why nuclear weaponry is more powerful. In physics the quantum principle, or uncertainty principle, states that dynamism increases at more fundamental scales: more precisely, the energy associated with a physical process is inversely proportional to the distance scale or time scale associated with that process. That’s why nuclear power, associated with transitions at the nuclear scale, is a million times more powerful than chemical technologies based upon transformations at the molecular scale. The atomic nucleus is a million times smaller and hence a million times more powerful than the chemical or molecular level.

The principle here is that an invincible structure at one level of technology can be easily overwhelmed by a more fundamental level of technology. The ultimate application of this basic principle is that the unified field, at the superunified scale – the Planck scale of nature’s functioning, which is ten thousand times more fundamental and more powerful even than the grand unified forces – is completely invincible. Any previous level of technology, including all technologies of defense, is easily overwhelmed and rendered obsolete through a technology of the unified field. And it is just such a technology that Iran needs to deploy today.

A Safe Solution

At this point, an intelligent reader might ask, “Is such a technology of the unified field safe?” The development of nuclear power has threatened humankind with nuclear conflagration and has cast a shadow over the safety and security of the whole world. What potential dangers could accompany a technology of the unified field, which is a thousand million million times more powerful?

Fortunately, there is no danger to humankind from these technologies of the unified field. A technology of the unified field operates at the basis of the laws of nature governing the universe – a completely unified and holistic level of nature’s functioning. Because this level of natural law is holistic, it is naturally free of the negative, unanticipated side effects that accompany technologies based upon fragmented levels of natural law.

The unified field is the unified source of all the laws of nature governing the universe. It is a field of purely life-supporting, life-nourishing influence that gave rise to all life and all forms and phenomena in the universe. From that unified level, only life-supporting effects are possible – as confirmed now by over 600 scientific studies that have explored the effects of this technology of the unified field on individual life and on the life of society. These studies have found only life-nourishing, positive benefits, based upon the holistic nature of the unified field-based technology involved.

The Transcendental Meditation Program: Accessing the Unified Field Within

This capability of this unified field-based defense technology is the basis of the world’s traditions of meditation. Properly understood and property practiced, meditation throughout the ages has been a systematic technology to turn human awareness within to experience and explore finer levels of thought. And the experience of these deeper levels of human intelligence corresponds to the experience of deeper levels of intelligence in nature. This inward exploration of consciousness culminates in the direct experience of the deepest level of consciousness – this simplest, silent, settled state of human awareness, sometimes called the state of pure consciousness – in which the human mind identifies with the unified field. By turning the attention systematically within, human awareness experiences and explores deeper levels of nature’s functioning and directly experiences the unified field at the source of thought – the field of unity at the basis of mind and matter.

This approach of direct experience of the unified field is both ancient and modern. The Vedic tradition of knowledge, from ancient India, is the most complete and highly developed tradition of meditation in the world. And yet this ancient approach of gaining knowledge and experience of natural law, the unified field, has also become the focus of intense scientific research over the past 50 years. The late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has revived, from the ancient Vedic science of consciousness, systematic technologies for experiencing the unified field, including the Transcendental Meditation program and its advanced techniques. These meditation practices are known as Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) in military circles. They have been successfully used by members of many faiths to eliminate conflict in the recent past. If the military of Iran were to apply this human resource-based technology, which is non-lethal and non-destructive, it could reduce the collective societal stress that is fueling the rising tensions between Iran and Israel.

Transcendental Meditation Is Not a Religion

People from all religious backgrounds practice the Transcendental Meditation program and appreciate how it has enhanced their faith. For instance, Nada Haider, a practicing Muslim living in Beruit, Lebanon, wrote: “I would say that the Transcendental Meditation technique is like cleaning the mirror and what you see afterwards has nothing to do with the actual process of cleaning. TM is not a religion and it does not in any way require individuals to change their personal beliefs or practices; yet, by promoting a clear mind and a clean, stress-free nervous system, it helps one to live the highest values of religious life.”

Miral Shaaban, a veiled Muslim who lives in Cairo, Egypt, wrote: “I cannot ever forget the first time I prayed after my first meditation. I learned the TM technique in December of 2006: I was speechless and cannot explain this state of complete serenity, contentment and gratitude for God. TM increased my level of acceptance and appreciation for my faith and strengthened my beliefs.” She also reported that “reading from the Qur’an is becoming more enjoyable and comforting at the same time, as now I can better link its teachings with everything around me: my level of comprehension of its meanings are increasing on a daily basis…The great value of TM is that it deepens and expands one’s level of consciousness, so that one can begin to more fully grasp and live the deeper meanings and values of one’s own religion. This truth reminds me of the teaching from the holy Qur’an that offers great knowledge in the form of a question: ‘Are those who know and those who know not on the same level?’ Obviously, the answer is no.”

Atmane Kouider, Ph.D., practicing Muslim and teacher of the TM program who lives in Algiers, Algeria, reported: “Among all the people to whom I taught the TM Technique, I have never heard of anyone who gave up his Islamic practice after learning TM; but, I have heard of many individuals, born Muslim, who adopted Islamic practice after learning the TM program. God states in His Holy Qur’an: ‘Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change that which is in their own self.’ Here, in TM, is a scientifically validated program for changing our inner condition to harmony and all good. Let us adopt it to improve that which is in our own self and deserve God’s Mercy and Grace for ourselves and every living being.”

The Prevention Wings

A Prevention Wing of the Military would be the ideal way to achieve this goal. Less than 1% of the military of Iran would be in this wing. The remaining personnel would carry out their normal military duties. The Prevention Wing of the Military would be trained in the primary components of IDT. They would practice these technologies in large groups, morning and evening.

These Vedic technologies of consciousness, as revived by Maharishi, have become the world’s most widely practiced, extensively researched, and broadly prescribed by doctors of any program of meditation in the world – indeed, of any program for the promotion of full human potential. These techniques systematically lead the attention within to experience the unified field – and this experience harnesses and mobilizes the unified field for practical application in the life of the individual and society.

The innate capability of the human brain to experience the unified field through these meditation programs has been validated in many ways. Millions of people practice Transcendental Meditation regularly twice a day and gain experiential confirmation through the direct experience of unity, of universal intelligence at the basis of mind and matter. Extensive scientific research confirms the completely holistic, life-supporting benefits of this experience of the unified field for all aspects of health, learning, brain development, and behavior. More than 600 published scientific studies, conducted by over 250 independent universities and research institutes in 35 countries, make this technology of consciousness the world’s most extensively proven technology for the full development of human potential. All these wide-ranging, purely positive benefits are a testimony to the unified, holistic nature of the unified field and its technologies.

The Maharishi Effect

According to extensive scientific research, the size of the group of IDT experts needed to reduce social stress in a given population must be at least the square root of one percent of the population. To calculate this number, multiply the population size by 0.01, and then take the square root of this number. For instance, Iran has a population of approximately 66 million, and 66,430,000 x 0.01 = 664,300. The square root of 664,300 is approximately 816. So a group of at least 816 IDT experts would be needed. However, an even larger group would be safer because engineers who build structures for maximum human safety regularly “over-engineer” their creations out of concern for unanticipated variables. The same rationale holds for engineering peace in a volatile region like the Middle East. (Click to access an online “Square Root of One Percent of the Population” calculator for other countries.)

Studies show that when the required threshold of IDT experts is crossed, crime goes down in the affected population, quality of life indices go up, and war and terrorism abate. Scientists have named this phenomenon the Maharishi Effect in honor of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who first predicted it.

Invincible Defense Technology experts in Washington, DC,
Invincible Defense Technology experts gathered in Washington, DC, lowering the crime rate 24%

For instance, in 1993, a two-month Maharishi Effect intervention was implemented and studied in Washington, DC, the capital of the US. Predictions of specific drops in crime and other indices were lodged in advance with government leaders and newspapers. The research protocol was approved by an independent Project Review Board. The findings showed that crime fell 24 percent below the predicted level when the peace-creating group reached its maximum size. Temperature, weekend effects, or previous trends in the data failed to account for changes. This research was published in the peer-reviewed Social Indicators Research (1999, vol. 47, 153-201).

Over 50 studies have shown that IDT works. The causal mechanism has been postulated to be a field effect of consciousness – a spillover effect on the level of the unified field from the peace-creating group into the larger population. On this basis, a study published in the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality (2005, vol. 17, 285-338) offers an explanation of a proposed causality of IDT in biological terms. Research on the powerful neurotransmitter serotonin research has shown that is produces feelings of contentment, happiness and even euphoria. Low levels of serotonin, according to research, correlate with violence, aggression, and poor emotional moods. The IDT study showed that higher numbers of IDT experts practicing in groups correlated with a marked increase in serotonin production among other community members. These results were statistically significant and followed the attendance figures in the IDT group. This finding offers a plausible neurophysiologic mechanism to explain reduced hostility and aggression in society at large.

IDT Group Size vs. Quality of Life in Israel

Quality of life in Israel, including intensity of the conflict in Lebanon, improves in direct proportion to the number of participants in the coherence-creating group. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 32(4), 776–812. Quality of life in Israel improved and intensity of the conflict in Lebanon decreased in direct proportion to the number of Invincible Defense Technology experts in the coherence-creating group (Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1988, vol. 32, #4, pp. 776-812).
Editor’s Note Update: Listen to Huffpost Live TVA Solution for Terrorism: a televised interview with Dr. John Hagelin, Bob Roth, and Col. Brian Rees, M.D., December 16, 2015 (30:00) for a explanation of the importance of this peer-reviewed research.

The Maharishi Effect has also been documented on a global scale in a study published in the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation (2003, vol. 36, 283-302).When large assemblies of IDT experts exceeded the Maharishi Effect threshold for the world (about 7,000 at that time) during the years 1983–1985, terrorism globally decreased 72%, international conflict decreased 32%, and violence was reduced in other nations without intrusion by other governments. This study used data provided by the Rand Corporation.

This approach utilizes large groups of peace-creating experts practicing ancient technologies of consciousness that harness the most powerful level of nature’s functioning – the unified field described by superstring theory. Research published in peer-reviewed journals indicates that such groups can effectively defuse and prevent social problems like crime, war and terrorism.

No Enemies Means No War

Today, the only way to assure national security and invincibility is to be a nation without enemies. Every military strategist will confirm that conventional means of defense can no longer protect a nation against modern destructive technologies: weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons, biological weapons, chemical weapons, long-range push-button electronic missile technologies, or terrorism. The only effective defense is to prevent the birth of an enemy. And this can now be easily achieved, in a scientific way, by targeting and neutralizing the enmity in a potential adversary so that no enemies arise.

Picture illustrating the Meissner Effect

Picture illustrating the Maharishi Effect

On the left, an external magnetic field penetrates an ordinary conductor whose electrons behave in a chaotic or disorderly way. On the right, the external magnetic field is excluded from the interior of a super-conductor whose electrons function in a coherent collective manner – invincibility. The Maharishi Effect creates invincible “national armor” that cannot be penetrated by the collective negativity of other countries.

This is strategic defense. In the past, nations would align their soldiers on the country’s border in the hope of preventing attack. Today any nation can simply launch a bomb across the border – and there is no defense against such electronic weaponry. The whole principle of defense based on offense, which has never really worked, is completely obsolete today – and everyone knows this. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to support the premise that war creates peace.

In the United States, for example, the Bush administration began its war on terror years ago and attacked Afghanistan, and subsequently Iraq, in the hope of eliminating its enemies. But there is no evidence today that the number of terrorists has been reduced through this war on terror; if anything, the number of would-be terrorists has increased. And therefore, the United States, like every other nation, remains insecure. In fact, the entire world is in an extreme state of vulnerability to attack.

Finally, every military commander has always been profoundly distressed by the need to send the youth of the country – the pride of the nation – onto the battlefield and into war. If the youth of the country are asked to die for their country, then for whom, ultimately, does that country exist? For whom, when the youth are sacrificing their lives for the sake of the country, and when those who survive the battlefield are asked to claim the lives of others? This is a terrible historic situation, a “kill or be killed” technology of defense that has never worked.

So what Maharishi has brought to the world, through his revitalization of this technology of the unified field and through intense scientific scrutiny of its deep principles, is really a technology of invincibility at a time of enormous global vulnerability. Now it is possible, through this most advanced technology of defense – the Invincible Defense Technology – to prevent war on a scientific basis, and to safeguard the youth of the country who, if they simply utilize this technology, will never have to face the devastation of war. This technology can literally prevent the birth of an enemy, and can create a family of nations that is harmonious and peaceful, each nation invincibly strong within itself.

The Opportunity for Permanent Peace in the Middle East

The military of Iran is charged with the constitutional responsibility to defend the country. It can now succeed in this mission simply by creating a Prevention Wing of the Military – a coherence-creating group of IDT experts equaling or exceeding the square root of 1% of the population of Iran. The rest of the military can continue to do exactly what they already do and can continue to receive exactly the same training that they conventionally receive. Only a Prevention Wing of the Military needs to be trained in these additional technologies for invincibility – the science and technology of consciousness, the technology of the unified field. That small group can prevent war on a scientific basis and produce such indomitable coherence and invincibility that none of the other soldiers will ever have to face the devastation of war. In addition, these technologies powerfully improve and benefit the lives of the soldiers themselves, developing their full brain potential, robust health, dynamism, imperviousness to the stress of the battlefield, and many other benefits, as scientific research has confirmed.

As part of its responsibility to protect the nation, Iran’s military is obligated to thoroughly examine realistic, scientifically proven methods for preventing war and terrorism. IDT is such a method. Moreover, since the military and military personnel are funded by the government, a Prevention Wing of the Military would not be subject to the fluctuations in size that often affect civilian IDT groups, where participation may be influenced by finances, job demands, graduations, and optional activities. Military members are paid to perform their duties and protect the nation. Ultimately, it is the military’s duty to build a Prevention Wing of the Military.

Application of this technology is extremely easy and costs virtually nothing, because no expensive equipment or machinery or weaponry is required. All that is needed is the human nervous system – an extraordinarily sophisticated and refined machinery – which can be trained and put immediately to this purpose of accessing and harnessing the almost limitless power of the unified field. The fact that such a small group of soldiers can achieve true national security and invincibility, whereas previously thousands of soldiers could not, testifies to the power of this technology of the unified field, which operates at a level of nature’s functioning millions of times more powerful even than the nuclear level.

We emphasize that just a small percent of the military is needed. There is no risk to the military – nothing to lose and everything to gain. And by “everything,” we mean not only national security and invincibility – which are, of course, the foremost goal – but as side benefits, economic growth, improvement of health throughout Iran, and improvement of educational standards in the country. When the national mood is bolstered and buoyed by growing positivity and coherence in collective consciousness, as generated by the IDT group, then the confidence of the nation’s citizens increases and the economy improves as a result.

cartoon Invincible Defense Technology

“Very impressive, General. But what I really want to know is how many Invincible Defense Technology Experts you have in your military!”

All areas of society will be simultaneously enriched by this holistically life-supporting, life-benefiting technology. It is enormously effective and cost-effective, and the results are immediate. All that is necessary is to provide the proper training for a group of military personnel – or indeed, any large group within the country. Iran has the opportunity today through IDT to create true “umbrella” of national security and invincibility. But the time to act is now.

About the Authors:

Dr. John Hagelin

John Hagelin, Ph.D. is the Director of the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy (ISTPP), an organization in the United States that advocates scientifically proven, prevention-oriented solutions to critical global problems. He is a Harvard-trained quantum physicist who won the prestigious Kilby Award, which recognizes scientists who have made “major contributions to society through their applied research in the fields of science and technology.” Dr. Hagelin also serves as the Executive Director of the International Center for Invincible Defense and as International Director of the Global Union of Scientists for Peace. A video of Dr. Hagelin (1:13:00) explaining the scientific research on IDT is available online as well as from a transcription with full-sized images from his presentation.

Dr. David LefflerDavid Leffler, Ph.D. a United States Air Force veteran, is the Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS) at ISTPP. Dr. Leffler received his Ph.D. from The Union Institute & University in Cincinnati, Ohio where he did his doctoral research on the topic of IDT. He has published articles about IDT in Aljazeera Magazine1, Aljazeera Magazine2, PakTribune, Alarabiya, Pakistan Daily, Arab News, Pakistan Link, Middle East Online, Hi Pakistan, Beirut-Online, The Pakistani Spectator, News From Bangladesh, Muslims, Muslim World Today, Sinhala, New Age Islam, Haalkhabar, Chowk, and Islam And Muslims. Dr. Leffler serves on the Board of Editors for the Journal of Management & Social Sciences (JMSS) Institute of Business & Technology BIZTEK in Pakistan. Internet links to these publications are available here: https://www.istpp.org/military_science/dr-david-leffler-publications.html

Pakistan Must Go Beyond Nuclear Weapons to Obtain its Invincible Defence

Posted on August 12th, 2009

Pakistan Must Go Beyond Nuclear Weapons to Obtain Real Invincible Defence

Published in Senegambia News on 29 March 2010

By Dr. John Hagelin and Dr. David Leffler

An editorial entitled: “Defence achievements, timeless pride for nation” in The News states that, “Sixty-two years down the road, Pakistan swaggers among the few nations in the world, enjoying the nuclear status and invincible defence.” It recalls that, “Surrounded by foes, hell-bent to scuttle its independence, Pakistan was direct under the Indian browbeating when the archrival conducted nuclear tests in 1974. As India’s nuclear programme was deemed to be the main threat to Pakistan’s security, strategic experts in Pakistan joined heads to cope with this situation.” The editorial concludes by saying “Thus in prevailing global situation, looming threats of terrorism and extremism and evil designs of arch foe India, it is high time to reaffirm our commitment to make our defence invincible.”

According to Defense News, India is expected to have 300–400 nuclear and thermonuclear weapons soon. Even if Pakistan now had a thousand more nuclear warheads than India, would it really be invincible? This article explains why it is a fallacy to think that real invincibility can be obtained by nuclear weapons, and why Pakistan must acquire a more powerful technology to become truly invincible.

Idealistically, eliminating all nuclear weapons worldwide would be the best guarantee for peace and security. Realistically, total nuclear disarmament is unlikely in the present hate-filled, high-tension, politically charged climate. Why? Like other countries that acquired nuclear weapons, India feared its enemies, so it also obtained nuclear weapons to serve as “deterrence” against attack. Ironically, this is the same reason why Pakistan also acquired nuclear weapons.

The word “deterrence” comes from the Latin root meaning “fear.” In theory, war is deterred by instilling fear in potential enemies. To this end, India is said to have amassed tremendous destructive potential. While the alleged 300–400 nuclear and thermonuclear weapons may incite fear in potential foes, the same fear encourages other countries to acquire a nuclear weapons as well, further inflaming regional tensions and hatred. For this reason, no country committed to defense solely through destructive power is likely to generate a trust-based, fear-free and peaceful atmosphere.

Diplomacy and economic sanctions alone have not been sufficient to resolve the fear crisis – which is driven by human behavioral dynamics that cannot be controlled by such methods of persuasion alone.

War, whether hot or cold, is a human problem requiring human solutions. War often thrives in chaos. The underlying cause of conflict is accumulated social stress. Today the military of Pakistan has an opportunity to address this fundamental cause of war by deploying a new, scientifically verified technology of defense beyond nuclear weapons.

A New Solution

A proven new technology of defense is now available – a technology of national security, fully capable of defending Pakistan from any destructive technology, including nuclear weapons. Militaries have already applied this technology in order to defuse and eliminate conflict. Extensive research has confirmed its effectiveness. This new technology is easily applied, highly cost-effective, and can prevent disruption and attack from within the country or outside the country.

This new technology of defense is based upon the latest discoveries in the fields of physics, neuroscience, and physiology. Ultimately, it is based on the discovery of the unified field of all the laws of nature – the most fundamental and powerful level of nature’s dynamics. Technologies based upon this unified field of natural law have such concentrated power that they can render obsolete and irrelevant every previous objective technology and destructive means of defense.

Modern science has probed deeper levels of nature’s functioning, from the macroscopic world of classical physics to the world of the atom, then to the underlying field of the atomic nucleus, and then to the subnuclear levels of nature’s functioning. This exploration has culminated in the discovery of the unified field, the unified source of the diversified laws of nature governing the universe. From its purely self-interacting dynamics, the unified field creates from within itself all the particles and forces that compose the universe, and all the diversified streams of natural law governing the nuclear, atomic, molecular, and macroscopic levels. Because this unified field is vastly more powerful than any other level of nature’s dynamics, a technology of defense based upon the unified field is of historic importance. It is already changing the whole science and technology of defense.

The discovery of the unified field is not a philosophical development. It is a scientific development of the foremost order – a rigorous mathematical development based upon the Lagrangian of the unified field, a highly compact mathematical formula that describes the self-interacting dynamics of unity at the basis of all the diverse laws of nature governing the universe. A technology based upon this complete, most comprehensive level of nature’s functioning is completely different from and vastly more powerful than all previous defensive technologies based upon diversified levels of natural law – nuclear technologies, chemical technologies, biological technologies, electronic technologies – because these all utilize specific laws of nature in isolation. The unique power of the unified field and of technologies of the unified field reveals that invincibility in nature is only available at this superunified scale.

Click to Open Chart

Any defense strategist today understands that more fundamental, more powerful levels of nature’s functioning offer technologies that are increasingly powerful. For example, a country armed only with chemical weaponry, such as explosives, cannot protect itself against a nation equipped with nuclear weaponry.

But it is important to understand why nuclear weaponry is more powerful. In physics the quantum principle, or uncertainty principle, states that dynamism increases at more fundamental scales: more precisely, the energy associated with a physical process is inversely proportional to the distance scale or time scale associated with that process. That’s why nuclear power, associated with transitions at the nuclear scale, is a million times more powerful than chemical technologies based upon transformations at the molecular scale. The atomic nucleus is a million times smaller and hence a million times more powerful than the chemical or molecular level.

The principle here is that an invincible structure at one level of technology can be easily overwhelmed by a more fundamental level of technology. The ultimate application of this basic principle is that the unified field, at the superunified scale – the Planck scale of nature’s functioning, which is ten thousand times more fundamental and more powerful even than the grand unified forces – is completely invincible. Any previous level of technology, including all technologies of defense, is easily overwhelmed and rendered obsolete through a technology of the unified field. And it is just such a technology that Pakistan needs to deploy today.

A Safe Solution

At this point, an intelligent reader might ask, “Is such a technology of the unified field safe?” The development of nuclear power has threatened humankind with nuclear conflagration and has cast a shadow over the safety and security of the whole world. What potential dangers could accompany a technology of the unified field, which is a thousand million million times more powerful?

Fortunately, there is no danger to humankind from these technologies of the unified field. A technology of the unified field operates at the basis of the laws of nature governing the universe – a completely unified and holistic level of nature’s functioning. Because this level of natural law is holistic, it is naturally free of the negative, unanticipated side effects that accompany technologies based upon fragmented levels of natural law.

The unified field is the unified source of all the laws of nature governing the universe. It is a field of purely life-supporting, life-nourishing influence that gave rise to all life and all forms and phenomena in the universe. From that unified level, only life-supporting effects are possible – as confirmed now by over 600 scientific studies that have explored the effects of this technology of the unified field on individual life and on the life of society. These studies have found only life-nourishing, positive benefits, based upon the holistic nature of the unified field-based technology involved.

The Transcendental Meditation Program: Accessing the Unified Field Within

This capability of this unified field-based defense technology is the basis of the world’s traditions of meditation. Properly understood and property practiced, meditation throughout the ages has been a systematic technology to turn human awareness within to experience and explore finer levels of thought. And the experience of these deeper levels of human intelligence corresponds to the experience of deeper levels of intelligence in nature. This inward exploration of consciousness culminates in the direct experience of the deepest level of consciousness – this simplest, silent, settled state of human awareness, sometimes called the state of pure consciousness – in which the human mind identifies with the unified field. By turning the attention systematically within, human awareness experiences and explores deeper levels of nature’s functioning and directly experiences the unified field at the source of thought – the field of unity at the basis of mind and matter.

This approach of direct experience of the unified field is both ancient and modern. The Vedic tradition of knowledge, from ancient India, is the most complete and highly developed tradition of meditation in the world. And yet this ancient approach of gaining knowledge and experience of natural law, the unified field, has also become the focus of intense scientific research over the past 50 years. The late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has revived, from the ancient Vedic science of consciousness, systematic technologies for experiencing the unified field, including the Transcendental Meditation program and its advanced techniques. These meditation practices are known as Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) in military circles. They have been successfully used by members of many faiths to eliminate conflict in the recent past. If the military of Pakistan were to apply this human resource-based technology, which is non-lethal and non-destructive, it could reduce the collective societal stress that is fueling the rising tensions between Pakistan and India.

Transcendental Meditation Is Not a Religion

People from all religious backgrounds practice the Transcendental Meditation program and appreciate how it has enhanced their faith. For instance, Nada Haider, a practicing Muslim living in Beruit, Lebanon, wrote: “I would say that the Transcendental Meditation technique is like cleaning the mirror and what you see afterwards has nothing to do with the actual process of cleaning. TM is not a religion and it does not in any way require individuals to change their personal beliefs or practices; yet, by promoting a clear mind and a clean, stress-free nervous system, it helps one to live the highest values of religious life.”

Miral Shaaban, a veiled Muslim who lives in Cairo, Egypt, wrote: “I cannot ever forget the first time I prayed after my first meditation. I learned the TM technique in December of 2006: I was speechless and cannot explain this state of complete serenity, contentment and gratitude for God. TM increased my level of acceptance and appreciation for my faith and strengthened my beliefs.” She also reported that “reading from the Qur’an is becoming more enjoyable and comforting at the same time, as now I can better link its teachings with everything around me: my level of comprehension of its meanings are increasing on a daily basis…The great value of TM is that it deepens and expands one’s level of consciousness, so that one can begin to more fully grasp and live the deeper meanings and values of one’s own religion. This truth reminds me of the teaching from the holy Qur’an that offers great knowledge in the form of a question: ‘Are those who know and those who know not on the same level?’ Obviously, the answer is no.”

Atmane Kouider, Ph.D., practicing Muslim and teacher of the TM program who lives in Algiers, Algeria, reported: “Among all the people to whom I taught the TM Technique, I have never heard of anyone who gave up his Islamic practice after learning TM; but, I have heard of many individuals, born Muslim, who adopted Islamic practice after learning the TM program. God states in His Holy Qur’an: ‘Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change that which is in their own self.’ Here, in TM, is a scientifically validated program for changing our inner condition to harmony and all good. Let us adopt it to improve that which is in our own self and deserve God’s Mercy and Grace for ourselves and every living being.”

The Prevention Wings

A Prevention Wing of the Military would be the ideal way to achieve this goal. Less than 1% of the military of Pakistan would be in this wing. The remaining personnel would carry out their normal military duties. The Prevention Wing of the Military would be trained in the primary components of IDT. They would practice these technologies in large groups, morning and evening.

These Vedic technologies of consciousness, as revived by Maharishi, have become the world’s most widely practiced, extensively researched, and broadly prescribed by doctors of any program of meditation in the world – indeed, of any program for the promotion of full human potential. These techniques systematically lead the attention within to experience the unified field – and this experience harnesses and mobilizes the unified field for practical application in the life of the individual and society.

The innate capability of the human brain to experience the unified field through these meditation programs has been validated in many ways. Millions of people practice Transcendental Meditation regularly twice a day and gain experiential confirmation through the direct experience of unity, of universal intelligence at the basis of mind and matter. Extensive scientific research confirms the completely holistic, life-supporting benefits of this experience of the unified field for all aspects of health, learning, brain development, and behavior. More than 600 published scientific studies, conducted by over 250 independent universities and research institutes in 35 countries, make this technology of consciousness the world’s most extensively proven technology for the full development of human potential. All these wide-ranging, purely positive benefits are a testimony to the unified, holistic nature of the unified field and its technologies.

The Maharishi Effect

According to extensive scientific research, the size of the group of IDT experts needed to reduce social stress in a given population must be at least the square root of one percent of the population. To calculate this number, multiply the population size by 0.01, and then take the square root of this number. For instance, Pakistan has a population of approximately 176 million, and 176,242,949 x 0.01 = 1,762,429. The square root of 1,762,429 is approximately 1,328. So a group of at least 1,328 IDT experts would be needed. However, an even larger group would be safer because engineers who build structures for maximum human safety regularly “over-engineer” their creations out of concern for unanticipated variables. The same rationale holds for engineering invincibility and a lasting peace between Pakistan and its neighbors. (Click to access an online “Square Root of One Percent of the Population” calculator for other countries.)

Studies show that when the required threshold of IDT experts is crossed, crime goes down in the affected population, quality of life indices go up, and war and terrorism abate. Scientists have named this phenomenon the Maharishi Effect in honor of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who first predicted it.

Invincible Defense Technology experts in Washington, DC,
Invincible Defense Technology experts gathered in Washington, DC, lowering the crime rate 24%

For instance, in 1993, a two-month Maharishi Effect intervention was implemented and studied in Washington, DC, the capital of the US. Predictions of specific drops in crime and other indices were lodged in advance with government leaders and newspapers. The research protocol was approved by an independent Project Review Board. The findings showed that crime fell 24 percent below the predicted level when the peace-creating group reached its maximum size. Temperature, weekend effects, or previous trends in the data failed to account for changes. This research was published in the peer-reviewed Social Indicators Research (1999, vol. 47, 153-201).

Over 50 studies have shown that IDT works. The causal mechanism has been postulated to be a field effect of consciousness—a spillover effect on the level of the unified field from the peace-creating group into the larger population. On this basis, a study published in the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality (2005, vol. 17, 285-338) offers an explanation of a proposed causality of IDT in biological terms. Research on the powerful neurotransmitter serotonin research has shown that is produces feelings of contentment, happiness and even euphoria. Low levels of serotonin, according to research, correlate with violence, aggression, and poor emotional moods. The IDT study showed that higher numbers of IDT experts practicing in groups correlated with a marked increase in serotonin production among other community members. These results were statistically significant and followed the attendance figures in the IDT group. This finding offers a plausible neurophysiologic mechanism to explain reduced hostility and aggression in society at large.

IDT Group Size vs. Quality of Life in Israel

Quality of life in Israel, including intensity of the conflict in Lebanon, improves in direct proportion to the number of participants in the coherence-creating group. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 32(4), 776–812. Quality of life in Israel improved and intensity of the conflict in Lebanon decreased in direct proportion to the number of Invincible Defense Technology experts in the coherence-creating group (Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1988, vol. 32, #4, pp. 776-812).
Editor’s Note Update: Listen to Huffpost Live TVA Solution for Terrorism: a televised interview with Dr. John Hagelin, Bob Roth, and Col. Brian Rees, M.D., December 16, 2015 (30:00) for a explanation of the importance of this peer-reviewed research.

The Maharishi Effect has also been documented on a global scale in a study published in the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation (2003, vol. 36, 283-302). When large assemblies of IDT experts exceeded the Maharishi Effect threshold for the world (about 7,000 at that time) during the years 1983–1985, terrorism globally decreased 72%, international conflict decreased 32%, and violence was reduced in other nations without intrusion by other governments. This study used data provided by the Rand Corporation

This approach utilizes large groups of peace-creating experts practicing ancient technologies of consciousness that harness the most powerful level of nature’s functioning—the unified field described by superstring theory. Research published in peer-reviewed journals indicates that such groups can effectively defuse and prevent social problems like crime, war and terrorism.

No Enemies Means No War

Today, the only way to assure national security and invincibility is to be a nation without enemies. Every military strategist will confirm that conventional means of defense can no longer protect a nation against modern destructive technologies: weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons, biological weapons, chemical weapons, long-range push-button electronic missile technologies, or terrorism. The only effective defense is to prevent the birth of an enemy. And this can now be easily achieved, in a scientific way, by targeting and neutralizing the enmity in a potential adversary so that no enemies arise.

diagram of the Meissner Effect

diagram of the Maharishi Effect

On the left, an external magnetic field penetrates an ordinary conductor whose electrons behave in a chaotic or disorderly way. On the right, the external magnetic field is excluded from the interior of a super-conductor whose electrons function in a coherent collective manner—invincibility. The Maharishi Effect creates invincible “national armor” that cannot be penetrated by the collective negativity of other countries.

This is strategic defense. In the past, nations would align their soldiers on the country’s border in the hope of preventing attack. Today any nation can simply launch a bomb across the border—and there is no defense against such electronic weaponry. The whole principle of defense based on offense, which has never really worked, is completely obsolete today—and everyone knows this. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to support the premise that war creates peace.

In the United States, for example, the Bush administration began its war on terror years ago and attacked Afghanistan, and subsequently Iraq, in the hope of eliminating its enemies. But there is no evidence today that the number of terrorists has been reduced through this war on terror; if anything, the number of would-be terrorists has increased. And therefore, the United States, like every other nation, remains insecure. In fact, the entire world is in an extreme state of vulnerability to attack.

Finally, every military commander has always been profoundly distressed by the need to send the youth of the country—the pride of the nation—onto the battlefield and into war. If the youth of the country are asked to die for their country, then for whom, ultimately, does that country exist? For whom, when the youth are sacrificing their lives for the sake of the country, and when those who survive the battlefield are asked to claim the lives of others? This is a terrible historic situation, a “kill or be killed” technology of defense that has never worked.

So what Maharishi has brought to the world, through his revitalization of this technology of the unified field and through intense scientific scrutiny of its deep principles, is really a technology of invincibility at a time of enormous global vulnerability. Now it is possible, through this most advanced technology of defense—the Invincible Defense Technology—to prevent war on a scientific basis, and to safeguard the youth of the country who, if they simply utilize this technology, will never have to face the devastation of war. This technology can literally prevent the birth of an enemy, and can create a family of nations that is harmonious and peaceful, each nation invincibly strong within itself.

The Opportunity for Invincibility and Permanent Peace for Pakistan

The military of Pakistan is charged with the constitutional responsibility to defend the country. It can now succeed in this mission simply by creating a Prevention Wing of the Military—a coherence-creating group of IDT experts equaling or exceeding the square root of 1% of the population of Pakistan. The rest of the military can continue to do exactly what they already do and can continue to receive exactly the same training that they conventionally receive. Only a Prevention Wing of the Military needs to be trained in these additional technologies for invincibility—the science and technology of consciousness, the technology of the unified field. That small group can prevent war on a scientific basis and produce such indomitable coherence and invincibility that none of the other soldiers will ever have to face the devastation of war. In addition, these technologies powerfully improve and benefit the lives of the soldiers themselves, developing their full brain potential, robust health, dynamism, imperviousness to the stress of the battlefield, and many other benefits, as scientific research has confirmed.

As part of its responsibility to protect the nation, Pakistan’s military is obligated to thoroughly examine realistic, scientifically proven methods for preventing war and terrorism. IDT is such a method. Moreover, since the military and military personnel are funded by the government, a Prevention Wing of the Military would not be subject to the fluctuations in size that often affect civilian IDT groups, where participation may be influenced by finances, job demands, graduations, and optional activities. Military members are paid to perform their duties and protect the nation. Ultimately, it is the military’s duty to build a Prevention Wing of the Military.

Application of this technology is extremely easy and costs virtually nothing, because no expensive equipment, machinery or weaponry is required. All that is needed is the human nervous system – an extraordinarily sophisticated and refined machinery – which can be trained and put immediately to this purpose of accessing and harnessing the power of the unified field. The fact that such a small group of soldiers can achieve true national security and invincibility, whereas previously thousands of soldiers could not, testifies to the power of this technology of the unified field, which operates at a level of nature’s functioning millions of times more powerful even than the nuclear level.

The editorial in The News concluded by stating these goals: “Let us forge unity in our ranks to foil conspiracies of enemies and lead the nation to destination of progress and prosperity.” The best and fastest way to achieve these goals is not to have enemies. We emphasize that just a small portion of the military needs to be part of the Prevention Wing. There is no risk to the military – nothing to lose and everything to gain. And by “everything,” we mean not only national security and invincibility – which are, of course, the foremost goals – but as side benefits: economic growth, improvement of health throughout Pakistan, and improvement of educational standards in the country. When the national mood is bolstered and buoyed by growing positivity and coherence in collective consciousness, generated by the IDT group, then the confidence of the nation’s citizens increases and the economy improves as a result.

All areas of society will be simultaneously enriched by this holistically life-supporting, life-benefiting technology. It is enormously effective and cost-effective, and the results are immediate. All that is necessary is to provide the proper training for a group of military personnel – or indeed, any large group within the country. Pakistan has the opportunity today through IDT to create not only progress and prosperity, but also true national security and invincibility. But the time to act is now.

cartoon Invincible Defense Technology

“Very impressive, General. But what I really want to know is how many Invincible Defense Technology Experts India has in its military!”

About the Authors:

Dr. John Hagelin

John Hagelin, Ph.D. is the Executive Director of the International Center for Invincible Defense, an organization headquartered in New York City that advocates scientifically proven, prevention-oriented solutions to critical global problems. He is a Harvard-trained quantum physicist who won the prestigious Kilby Award, which recognizes scientists who have made “major contributions to society through their applied research in the fields of science and technology.” Dr. Hagelin also serves as and as International Director of the Global Union of Scientists for Peace. See a video of Dr. Hagelin (1:13:00) explaining the scientific research on IDT titled: “Important message for the military.”  Click here for a transcription with full-sized images.

Dr. David LefflerDavid Leffler, Ph.D. a United States Air Force veteran, is the Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS). Dr. Leffler has published articles about IDT in Aljazeera Magazine, PakTribune, Alarabiya, Pakistan Daily, Arab News, Pakistan Link, Middle East Online, Hi Pakistan, Beirut-Online, The Pakistani Spectator, News From Bangladesh, Muslims, Muslim World Today, Sinhala, New Age Islam, Haalkhabar, Chowk, and Islam And Muslims. He serves on the Board of Editors for the Journal of Management & Social Sciences (JMSS) Institute of Business & Technology BIZTEK in Pakistan.

Dr. Hagelin and Dr. Leffler Respond to The Tehran Times

Posted on August 4th, 2009

Iran Needs a Defense System Beyond Nuclear Umbrellas — Article published in Pars Times Greater Iran & Beyond and Right Side News As reported in The Tehran Times, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hassan Qashqavi recently said that “a defense umbrella is needed in the region to protect against the Zionist regime’s nuclear arsenals.” Israel has allegedly stockpiled over 200 nuclear warheads. Qashqavi asserts that elimination of Israeli nuclear weapons is the best guarantee for peace and security in the region.

In their response to The Tehran Times article Dr. John Hagelin and Dr. David Leffler agree that elimination of nuclear weapons would be a good step. However, it is a step unlikely to be taken in the present hate-filled, high-tension political climate. They argue that Invincible Defense Technology would be a better choice because it is scientifically-validated means to reduce rising tensions in the Middle East.

An Ideal “Left of the Boom” Counter-IED Technology

Posted on July 17th, 2009




Published in The Colombo Times and Sri Lanka News First. Other versions of this groundbreaking article were published in Frontier India World Affairs and the Network of Spiritual Progressives.

An Ideal “Left of the Boom” Counter-IED Technology

By Maj. Gen. (R) Kulwant Singh, Lt. Col. (R) Gunter Chassé and Dr. David Leffler

To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.
– Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) continue more and more to be the weapon of choice by the weaker foe in asymmetrical warfare. They represent the biggest single source of injury and destabilization in mission operations. For instance, IED usage in Afghanistan rose by 87% in the first quarter of this year compared to the same period last year and caused 60% of war casualties, according to NATO.

A Problem of Increasing Danger

Col. Gregg Julian, the top U.S. spokesman in Afghanistan, confirms that the increase was expected: “It is their primary means of conducting attacks because they can’t launch an effective direct attack.” He also anticipates this deadly trend to continue.

Efforts to detect and neutralize IEDs have increased. However, over the years, insurgents have devised ever-more-ingenious innovations to counter attempts to find, defuse and detonate IEDs. They continually refine strategies and techniques to better construct, conceal and explode sophisticated and lethal devices.

The report “Tech 2035: Future Technology, Future Power in Asia, and Future Intelligence Challenges” [Expired link: http://www.carlisle.army.mil/proteus/docs/centron-future-technology.pdf] states:

“In a world where highly lethal, potentially anonymous weapons can be obtained by almost anyone who wants them, the only effective defense is to detect a pending attack and intervene before it can be carried out. That requires constant, global vigilance as close as possible to the individual level. A single terrorist plot, overlooked, could result not in hundreds or thousands of deaths, but in tens of thousands. An adversary’s capacity for high-tech combat, if underestimated, could cost tens of thousands of battlefield casualties, and perhaps lose a war.”

Single Individuals Can Do Mass Destruction

Libertarians argue that such a strategy would interfere with the basic human right to privacy that we value in a free society. The authors concede that the strategy of global vigilance as close to the individual level as possible certainly may prevent attacks. However, it will never stop all of them. History shows that enemies will always find a weakness and exploit it. Anti-terrorism experts point out that the attacks of 9/11 were carried out with “Improvised Explosive Devices,” in this case commercial aircraft filled with volatile jet fuel. If just one clever individual stages just one successful attack with a yet unimagined IED of greater mass destruction capability, the consequences could be even more massive. No known global vigilance system is good enough to filter out this person before he or she does grave harm.

Prevention Poses Better Solution

For these reasons, military strategists now advocate concentrating on the creation of IED prevention strategies and technologies that operate farther and farther to the “left of the boom.” This means that, if IED attacks were placed on a timeline, the best approaches would intervene to the left of the boom (IED explosion) long before the explosions happened. Military strategists argue that if IEDs have been planted, anti-IEDs approaches have failed. The authors argue that even this point on the timeline is too late. Terrorism clearly reveals a very high and thorough indoctrination. For the most part, current anti-terrorism strategies do not appear to be keeping the terrorists under control. Their covert attacks will continue if we continue to use the same conventional methods. Often, terrorists are invisible, because they use remotely controlled devices to trigger explosions from afar.

To regain strategic advantage, the system of tackling terrorists has to be different from fighting against organized armed forces. Terrorists typically cannot be discovered before they cause damage. The root cause of terrorism lies in the human mind and there it must be eliminated. Therefore, the root of the problem is not the IEDs or other weapons as technical devices, but the terrorist as a deranged human being who wants to make use of the IEDs to pursue his goals. Ultimately, what is needed is a technology that prevents not just IEDs, but any terrorism threat by preventing the enemy from arising. Does such a technology exist? Yes – and it has been validated by extensive scientific research and already been field-tested by militaries.

Invincible Defense Technology – An Ancient Human Resource-Based Technology

A new solution proven to prevent social problems like terrorism and war is now available. In military circles it is known as Invincible Defense Technology (IDT). It is an ancient human resource-based technology of consciousness that is capable of defusing and eliminating violence and conflict. Extensive research has confirmed its effectiveness. This new technology is easily applied and highly cost-effective.

With the practical application of the IDT, a field effect of collective consciousness can be created. The intention of the terrorist to commit a hostile act using Improvised Explosive Devices can be deflected by the more powerful influences of collective consciousness. This happens naturally, much as a superconducting magnetic field repels the influence of an intrusive external magnetic field. This latter phenomenon is called the Meissner Effect. The effect of collective consciousness is called the Maharishi Effect. It is named in honor of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the foremost exponent and scientist of consciousness known to our modern age.

Picture illustrating the Meissner Effect

Picture illustrating the Maharishi Effect

On the left, an external magnetic field penetrates an ordinary conductor whose electrons behave in a chaotic or disorderly way. On the right, the external magnetic field is excluded from the interior of a super-conductor whose electrons function in a coherent collective manner – invincibility. The Maharishi Effect creates invincible “national armor” that cannot be penetrated by the collective negativity of other countries.

This approach utilizes large groups of peace-creating experts practicing ancient technologies of consciousness that harness the most powerful level of nature’s functioning – the unified field described by superstring theory. Research published in peer-reviewed journals indicates that such groups can effectively defuse and prevent social problems like crime, war and terrorism.

Clearly, society needs a new prevention strategy

Despite our advanced technology and intelligent efforts, we struggle to eliminate terrorism by utilizing strategies and tactics that largely ignore the root cause of terrorism. Analysis shows that the underlying cause of social violence is, primarily, accumulated social stress. Therefore, to eliminate social problems such as terrorism, war and crime, we need to reduce collective societal stress.

Extensive research indicates that the best way to reduce collective societal stress is to adopt an ancient, but neglected strategy: “Avert the danger that has not yet come. Prevent an enemy for arising.” This strategy was known in the Vedic tradition of ancient India, and practical approaches were available to achieve it. This tradition is still alive today.

Scientific Research Supports Invincible Defense

During the past 40 years, more than 600 scientific studies conducted at 250 independent universities and medical schools in 33 countries have validated the wide-ranging stress-reducing benefits of the TM program. By applying this human resource-based technology, the military and related security agencies could reduce tensions and control terrorism, including IED attacks. Counter-intuitively, combat casualties diminish through non-lethal and non-destructive methods.

More Subtle Levels of Nature Have Greater Power

Presently, the military uses defense systems that are based on electronic technologies (Level 4 in chart below), chemical technologies (Level 3), biological technologies (Level 3), and nuclear technologies (Level 3). The chart below illustrates that invincibility cannot be obtained on these levels.

Click to Open Chart

The unified field is much more powerful than all other levels of technologies of defense. Harvard-trained quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin, who has conducted pioneering research at CERN (the European Center for Particle Physics) and SLAC (the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) and is responsible for the development of a highly successful grand unified field theory, explains:

“The technology of the unified field…is vastly more powerful than any previous level of defensive technology. The unique power of the unified field and of technologies of the unified field reveals that invincibility in nature is only available at the superunified scale. The chart above shows the hierarchical structure of natural law, from fundamentally unified to superficially diverse at the macroscopic levels of nature’s functioning, and reveals that invincibility is not found at any of the more superficial levels of natural law. Invincibility in nature only exists at the level of the unified field.”

How to Access Benefits of the Unified Field

If the military were to harness the power of the unified field through IDT, the nation would rise quickly toward invincibility. This approach to strengthening collective consciousness eliminates the enmity of the enemies. Research has shown reduced war deaths, casualties, and reduction in crime indices when larger numbers of experts practice IDT methods, as follows.

Individuals engage in a simple process of Transcendental Meditation and advanced techniques in a large group setting. Research shows these methods enhance orderly thinking through increased coherence of brain function. In turn, these physiological changes impact surrounding social events much in the same manner as electronic impulses in a radio tower emanate radio waves for hundreds of miles. Scientists call this a “field effect.”

Like energetic radio waves, accessing the Unified Field through techniques of consciousness causes “field effects” in the surrounding social environments. Therefore, the field effects of the Unified Field enhance the orderliness of social relations. Orderliness reduces friction and its social equivalent: enmity. With no enmity between them, former enemies become allies, and the nations become invincible because there are no enemies to fight.

Practical Recommendations for IED Prevention

A coherence-creating IDT group provides a realistic approach to the goal of national security and invincibility. This group could be comprised of members of the military (a “Prevention Wing of the Military”), a group of civilians, or a group combining the two. For instance, Ecuador’s “Project: Coherence,” introduced by then-Vice-Minister of Defense Lieutenant General Villamil, utilized both military and civilian personnel. Coherence-creating groups are trained in the primary techniques of Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) – the Transcendental Meditation program and its advanced practice, the TM-Sidhi program – and then they regularly practice these techniques together, morning and evening.

According to the research, the size of the group needed to reduce social stress depends on the size of the population. The minimum number of IDT participants necessary to create clear effects is the square root of one percent of the population. To calculate this number, multiply the population size by 0.01, and then take the square root of this number.

For instance, Afghanistan has a population of approximately 34 million: 33,610,000 x 0.01 = 336,100, and the square root of 336,100 is approximately 580, so a group of 580 IDT experts would theoretically be the minimum size to produce significant reductions in terrorism and conflict in the Afghanistan. The group size needed to affect the world is currently about 8,126. (Click to access an online “Square Root of One Percent of the Population” calculator for all countries.)

Invincible Defense Technology experts in Washington, DC,
Invincible Defense Technology experts gathered in Washington, DC, lowering the crime rate 24%

Verification of Claims to Reduce Social Violence

Studies show that when the number of IDT practitioners reaches this square root of 1 percent minimum threshold, crime goes down, quality of life indices go up, and war and terrorism abate. Scientists named this phenomenon the Maharishi Effect in honor of Maharishi, who first predicted it. For instance, a Maharishi Effect intervention was implemented and studied in Washington, D.C., in 1993. Predictions were lodged in advance with government leaders and newspapers. The research protocol was approved by an independent Project Review Board.

When the coherence-creating group reached its maximum number of participants, crime fell 24 percent below the level of criminal activity predicted for the season, location, and temperature. Temperature, weekend effects, and previous trends in the data failed to account for the observed changes in crime rates. This research was published in the peer-reviewed journal Social Indicators Research.

Additional Evidence for Reduced Violence

Another peer-reviewed study published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution demonstrated that a sufficiently large group of Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) experts in Israel affected the war in nearby Lebanon. The Lebanon War intensity dropped 45 percent, war deaths dropped 76 percent. In Israel, crime dropped by 12 percent and quality of life improved. On the same days, a composite quality-of-life index showed decreased crime, traffic accidents and fires in Jerusalem. The index also showed decreased crime accompanied by improvements in the stock market and national mood throughout Israel. Other possible causes (weather, weekends, holidays, etc.) were statistically controlled for and could not account for the results.

A follow-up day-by-day study of more than two years, published in the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, showed that during seven different coherence-creating assemblies, war deaths in Lebanon decreased by an average of 71%. Based on this research and other studies, it is clear that Invincible Defense Technology is capable of greatly reducing protracted sectarian violence.

IDT Group Size vs. Quality of Life in Israel

Quality of life in Israel, including intensity of the conflict in Lebanon, improves in direct proportion to the number of participants in the coherence-creating group. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 32(4), 776–812. Quality of life in Israel improved and intensity of the conflict in Lebanon decreased in direct proportion to the number of Invincible Defense Technology experts in the coherence-creating group (Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1988, vol. 32, #4, pp. 776-812).
Editor’s Note Update: Listen to Huffpost Live TV: A Solution for Terrorism: a televised interview with Dr. John Hagelin, Bob Roth, and Col. Brian Rees, M.D., December 16, 2015 (30:00) for a explanation of the importance of this peer-reviewed research.

Responding to this research, Dr. David V. Edwards, a professor of government at the University of Texas at Austin, said, “I think the claim can be plausibly made that the potential impact of this research exceeds that of any other ongoing social or psychological research program. It has survived a broader array of statistical tests than most research in the field of conflict resolution. This work and the theory that informs it deserve the most serious consideration by academics and policy makers alike.”

Alternative Views Can Be Addressed

Despite the powerful results of the societal coherence-creating effects of IDT, there are still skeptics. For instance, Robert D. Duval, a political science professor at West Virginia University, wrote in 1988 about a study from the Journal of Conflict Resolution, “This article is of questionable value to mainstream international politics research because its basic premises are suspect. The fundamental assumptions of a ‘unified field’ and a ‘collective consciousness’ are not within the paradigm under which most of us operate.” However, Professor Duval, admits that “If one will, for the sake of argument, accept these premises as plausible, then the research conforms quite well to scientific standards.”

The Journal of Scientific Exploration published a paper by Dr. David Orme-Johnson, (now retired) and Robert Oates at the Institute of Science Technology and Public Policy. The paper addressed and rebutted a 1997 Social Forces paper that criticized research published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution study. Orme-Johnson and Oates conclude that criticism of IDT:

“…is not supported by either the empirical data nor by a logical analysis of the theory. Their conjecture that social, political, and military events at the time could explain the results does not hold up with simple inspection of the published data nor with decisive statistical tests. Their position that direct interactions between humans via a field of consciousness is a “heterodox” hypothesis not worthy of publication in social science journals is challenged by 33 published studies on the Maharishi Effect as well as by several other independent research programs.”

It is interesting to note that technological pioneers like Marconi faced similar criticism when they suggested that their wireless radios utilized electromagnetic field effects. Few people at the time believed that messages could be transmitted through thin air using electromagnetic fields. Despite the obvious strategic advantage of sending messages from a ship far at sea to land-based military observers, one country’s military persisted in using carrier pigeons for communications for some time after Marconi’s success in demonstrating the practical utility of electromagnetic radio waves.

How Does Invincible Defense Technology Work?

Over 50 studies have shown that IDT works. The causal mechanism has been postulated to be a field effect of consciousness – an effect created from the level of the unified field by the peace-creating group that spills over into the larger population.

On this basis, a study in the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality additionally offers a proposed explanation of the field effect in terms of biological cause-and-effect. Research on the neurotransmitter serotonin suggests that its increased availability in the body can lead to feelings of contentment, happiness, and even euphoria. Low physiological levels of serotonin or its breakdown product, according to research, correlate with violence, aggression, and poor emotional moods. A study of serotonin availability in non-meditating community members showed a correlation with numbers of experts practicing IDT in the area. This correlation between serotonin changes in non-practicing persons and numbers of IDT practitioners was statistically significant.

A study of serotonin availability in non-meditating community members, showed a correlation with numbers of experts practicing IDT in the area. This correlation between serotonin changes in non-practicing persons and numbers of IDT practitioners was statistically significant.

The results fit a statistical model of causality, indicating that increases and decreases in the size of the IDT group was the most likely explanation for the observed changes in serotonin in non-practitioners outside the group. When combined with the unique Vedic understanding of consciousness, this finding offers a plausible neurophysiologic mechanism to explain reduced hostility and aggression in society at large.

Further Explanatory Details of the IDT Practice

The IDT practice utilizes the ability of humans to “transcend” or “go beyond” the level of thoughts normally experienced when the eyes are closed. The “normal” state of awareness can be called “waking state.” (Two additional states of consciousness identified by modern science include the sleep state and the dream state – each with their physiological markers.)

Beyond these three known states of consciousness, IDT facilitates access of a different and unique physiological constellation of measures called the “transcendental state.” Specific instruction facilitates this natural tendency of the mind so that transcending can occur at will. This method is called the Transcendental Meditation program of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

The experience of a 4th state of consciousness (transcendental consciousness) in the advanced TM practitioner appears to be associated with an increase in serotonin activity and a decrease in the stress-related hormone cortisol. As far as scientists can speculate, the experience of transcendental consciousness during the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique produces EEG coherence in the brain of the TM practitioners. This occurs even more powerfully in a group and creates an influence that spreads throughout the unified field from the individual to the group, and out to the surrounding social environment.

Modern unified field theories indicate that this unified field underlies everything in the material and mental universe. Physicists familiar with research on the TM program suggest that when practitioners of the TM-Sidhi program go deep in meditation in the group, enlivening the experience of transcendental consciousness, there is increased serotonin and EEG coherence not only in each individual in the group but also in the non-TM practitioners outside the group. Serotonin may be materially involved in this increased coherence. This research was referenced in a more comprehensive paper published by the Security and Political Risk Analysis (SAPRA) think tank that puts the findings in a more elaborate context.

Transcendental Meditation Is Not a Religion

People from all religious backgrounds practice the Transcendental Meditation program and appreciate how it has enhanced their faith. For instance:

Father Cletus Stein writes:

“I am a retired Catholic priest who practices Transcendental Meditation (TM) and did so while I served in the Catholic Church for about 30 years. Based on my own experience, I know that TM is a universal technique that is in harmony with the goals of our religion. It requires no change in personal lifestyle or beliefs and is an effective aid for us to become stronger in our own faith. Transcendental Meditation has enhanced my own religious practice and has been a great way for me to relax and become more alert for my work and my life as a whole…It is my experience that TM is an excellent way to prepare for prayer… Meditation has been encouraged by the Church over the ages and by the saints, including the writer of the Cloud of Unknowing, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and many others. TM is a proven technique for joining them in meditation.”

B. Budhacharan, a Buddhist, writes:

“I was born in Thailand where more than 95% of the 64 million citizens follow their faith and believe in Lord Buddha’s teaching. Being a Buddhist, we were told to practice compassion and kindness to all beings in our daily life and, in return, one can enjoy a happy and fulfilled life.”

“In 1970, I learned a mental technique called Transcendental Meditation (TM) taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The practice was very easy, natural and brought rapid development of the spiritual values in heart and mind. It was neither concentration nor contemplation but a simple technique that uses the natural tendency of the mind to move towards inner peace. After some time, I found this technique was exactly described in Buddhism as Nirodha Smadhi (free from suffering).”

“After some years, I learned the advanced technique called the Transcendental Meditation-Sidhi program that corresponds in Buddhism to the principle of Brahma Vihar that is associated with culturing compassion and loving kindness. My experiences, and those of many others around the world, have confirmed that the practice of the Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation-Sidhi programs are completely in line with mainstream Buddhist teachings.”

Miral Shaaban, a veiled Muslim who lives in Cairo, Egypt, writes:

“I cannot ever forget the first time I prayed after my first meditation. I learned the TM technique in December of 2006: I was speechless and cannot explain this state of complete serenity, contentment and gratitude for God. TM increased my level of acceptance and appreciation for my faith and strengthened my beliefs.” She also reported that “reading from the Qur’an is becoming more enjoyable and comforting at the same time, as now I can better link its teachings with everything around me: my level of comprehension of its meanings are increasing on a daily basis…The great value of TM is that it deepens and expands one’s level of consciousness, so that one can begin to more fully grasp and live the deeper meanings and values of one’s own religion. This truth reminds me of the teaching from the holy Qur’an that offers great knowledge in the form of a question: ‘Are those who know and those who know not on the same level?’ Obviously, the answer is no.”

Atmane Kouider, Ph.D., a practicing Muslim and teacher of the TM program who lives in Algiers, Algeria, reported:

“Among all the people to whom I taught the TM technique, I have never heard of anyone who gave up his Islamic practice after learning TM; but, I have heard of many individuals, born Muslim, who adopted Islamic practice after learning the TM program. God states in His Holy Qur’an: ‘Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change that which is in their own self.’ Here, in TM, is a scientifically validated program for changing our inner condition to harmony and all good. Let us adopt it to improve that which is in our own self and deserve God’s Mercy and Grace for ourselves and every living being.”

Rabbi Michael Shevack of the Bucks County Free Synagogue in Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania, commented on his experience of the TM program with reference to his practice of Judaism:

“There is a common misconception amongst many different ‘western’ religions, mainly Judaism, Christianity and Islam, that Transcendental Meditation is a form of some kind of Hindu worship and is therefore pagan. Based on my direct experience with the TM technique, I can clearly say that this idea is a misunderstanding and is simply not true.

“In fact, my experience as a TM practitioner, since the age of 17 (I am now 55) has proven just the opposite. At first I was attracted to TM as a way to reduce stress, and was very excited by the hundreds of studies that demonstrated it having a positive effect on lowering stress, blood pressure and improving generally well-being, both mental and physical. However, as I practiced TM, I found that these benefits were actually mere ‘byproducts’ of the experience.

“I found that I was opening, day after day, meditation after meditation, to what I considered to be a deep spiritual experience. Such an experience was not ‘other worldly,’ nor did it belong to ‘another religion.’ Such an experience was deeply rooted in the practical day to day experiences of life, and as such, became deeply integrated with the practice of my day to day Judaism. I found that TM opened me up to intuitive insights and understandings which helped ‘make sense’ of my Jewish practice; it made the observance of my own faith increasingly alive and spiritually vibrant…Based on my experience, I can say that there is nothing to fear about TM. If you are Christian, it will make you more Christian. If you are Jewish, it will make you more Jewish. If you are Muslim, it will make you more Muslim. Due to the growing appreciation of one’s own faith through TM, one does not seek out other religions; one becomes fulfilled in one’s own.

“Lastly, as a leader in inter-religious dialogue, who has worked with many of the world’s noble religions, I believe that TM can provide a doorway to a common spiritual understanding and experience that can help bring about, and speed, the development of mutual respect and understanding of the world’s religions, by deepening and enlivening the universal spiritual foundation upon which they are all based.

“In short, it is a fast, effective, universal approach to peace.”

Modern Physics Addresses a Comprehensive Theory of Consciousness

Theoretical physicists allude to the unified field as the basis of all laws of nature. IDT appears to work from this fundamental level. In fact, the Vedic tradition considers this state of transcendental consciousness to be a unified field of consciousness. The Maharishi Effect is observed when the collective consciousness of society is made more coherent through IDT.

In 2007, Dr. John Hagelin, Executive Director of the International Center for Invincible Defense in New York City, addressed UN ambassadors, government leaders, and the world press to call for establishing in every country a group of experts in IDT to render every country impervious to attack. “This is science – this is not a fanciful dream,” Dr. Hagelin declared. “I am speaking of a new approach to national security and invincibility that is based on the latest discoveries of quantum physics, physiology, and neuroscience, and which has been validated by extensive published scientific research. This new scientific approach provides a practical, proven solution to the problems of violence and conflict – and ensures that every government can immediately secure the safety and security of its people.” A video of Dr. Hagelin (1:13:00) explaining the scientific research on IDT is available online as well as from a transcription with full-sized images from his presentation.

Military Field Tests of IDT and Civilian Projects

Mozambique used IDT to end its civil war in the 1990s. One year ago, civilians in the Netherlands quietly formed a large enough group of IDT experts to achieve the Maharishi Effect. Profound changes in Netherlands politics, economics and social trends gave statistical evidence of improvements associated with attaining the necessary square root of one percent of IDT practitioners within its political boundaries. Since then, civilian groups in Bolivia, Trinidad and Tobago, Columbia, and Peru have also taken responsibility for building sufficiently large groups within their boundaries. Presently, the United States is close to getting the requisite number of IDT experts at the Invincible America Assembly in Fairfield, Iowa.

The pilot project in Mozambique dissolved after the UN broke up the military as part of the civil war treaty. High school students, who will graduate and move on, make up the bulk of the practitioners in Columbia. Private philanthropic funding in Iowa supports the development of a permanent group in the United States. However, non-government-funded groups may or may not be reliable over the long term.

The military and related security agencies are responsible for protecting the nation, and are obligated to thoroughly examine realistic, scientifically verified methods for ending war and terrorism. Since they are funded and their personnel are paid to perform their duties, they are not subject to the fluctuations of donors, jobs, graduations, and optional activities. Because the departments are paid to protect the nation, it is entirely appropriate for them to fund and staff a Prevention Wing of the Military. However, getting government leaders to examine IDT research has proven difficult.

Resistance to Invincible Defense Technology

Bias against the unconventional approach of IDT was examined by Dr. Carla Brown, an expert in qualitative research design and an adjunct professor at Aurora University in Illinois.

In her Harvard doctoral dissertation, she explored whether and how members of the Middle East policy community applied truth and utility tests to research findings about IDT. Ms. Brown asked these researchers to read a study that had been published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution. The study that she gave them showed a dramatic 45 percent reduction in war intensity and 75 percent reduction in war deaths when a critical mass of experts practiced IDT in large groups.

Among various outcomes of her study, Brown found that several respondents in each elite group that she interviewed were likely to examine a similar paper in the future, motivated in part by their examination of the quality of science involved. She also found that some of her interviewees did not take the effort to examine the research, including some social scientists who were critical of the research.

Attempting to find solutions to the non-scientific behaviors of the journal referees, “gate-keepers” of scientific inquiry, Brown explored means for overcoming the prejudicial barriers to the use of this research. At a time when the research outcomes described are greatly needed, Brown’s paper may provide context for those who want to understand their own prejudice or built-in reservations.

Brown’s paper helps security experts and policy gate-keepers to better understand how the barriers to IDT can be addressed and why the technology is emotionally difficult for many to accept. Brown’s research was published in the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality. Her Harvard doctoral dissertation is available online.

The Future of Military Successes Through Prevention

A prevention-oriented paradigm shift is taking place in the US military. In October 2007, the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard announced a new strategy: “We believe that preventing wars is as important as winning wars.” This is the biggest revision of US naval strategy in 25 years, focusing more on humanitarian missions and improving international cooperation. From the U.S. Army side, Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal recently vowed that he would use a “holistic” strategy and take extreme measures to avoid Afghan civilian casualties. Its “measure of effectiveness will not be the number of enemy killed, it will be the number of Afghans shielded from violence,” he said. “There is no one solution. . . The best way to defeat IEDs will be to defeat the Taliban’s hold on the people – to create a new atmosphere where the people reject the Taliban and their culture of fear and intimidation.”

Evidence points to movement towards pragmatic attainment of these goals. Another member of the U.S. Army, Colonel Brian M. Rees, M.D., M.P.H., Medical Corps, (Reserve), completed his Masters research paper in 2007 at the US Army War College on the topic of IDT, entitled “The Applications of Strategic Stress Management [SSM] in Winning the Peace.” The paper concluded that “[IDT] has demonstrated efficacy when addressing the nefarious activities of criminals and terrorists, as well as the legal violence of combatants.”

Col. Rees has given IDT presentations to the Proteus Management Group at the US Army War College, and the Association of Military Surgeons of the U.S. (AMSUS). In 2008 Dr. Rees and Dr. Leffler gave presentations at the International Sociological Association Research Committee 01 Seoul National University & Korea Military Academy International Conference on Armed Forces & Conflict Resolution in a Globalized World. They explained how IDT could help soldiers suffering from stress-related problems like Post-Traumatic Stress and could reduce collective societal stress responsible for terrorism and war.

Practicalities of IDT Deployment 

Best results occur when IDT is deployed within local political boundaries of the prejudiced area(s). If this is not possible, IDT coherence-creating groups can be deployed in larger numbers to create positive effects across groups of countries, continents, or the entire globe.

IDT achieves best operating characteristics when all participants comprise one group within close association of each other (proximity averaging 1.5 meters between participants). However, positive effects will still be attained when participants operate in several smaller groups. For this reason, sea-based Prevention Wings are theoretically possible. For instance, the US carrier Kitty Hawk (CV-63) supported 1,000 Special Operations Forces onboard for its mission in Afghanistan. Therefore, carrier battle groups supporting IDT experts could be deployed to the Persian Gulf to reduce tensions in the entire Middle East (approximate population = 800 million; 1% of population = 8 million; square root of 8 million = 2829 IDT experts needed to achieve the Maharishi Effect). This same type of configuration could be utilized in other hot spots, such as North Korea and South Korea.

It is likely that the militaries or other organizations of many countries will soon begin using Invincible Defense Technology. South Korea, for instance, is beginning to show receptivity to the IDT concept due to the rising tensions with North Korea. Presentations about IDT have been given at the South Korean government’s National Parliament Memorial Grand Hall and the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (KIDA). Articles about IDT have appeared in The Daily SundayThe Seoul Times and The Korea Post. These articles indicate editorial support for the proposition that when a coherence-creating group of IDT experts is established, collective tensions will dissipate.

One of India’s leading antiterrorism experts, coauthor Major General (Ret.) Kulwant Singh, Ph.D., and associates are creating a group of 15,000 experts in Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) in central India. Based on the results of peer-reviewed scientific research using publicly available Rand Corporation data and published in the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, this group should be large enough to start reducing terrorism globally. The results of this study showed that deaths due to international terrorism dropped 72 percent and international conflict dropped 32 percent when large groups of experts in IDT were in place.

Therefore, when the group of IDT experts in India is large enough, the incidence of terrorist attacks including IED attacks worldwide is predicted to decrease. However, this step would just be the start of a phase transition. Ideally, coherence-creating groups of 15,000 stationed on every continent would be enough to nip terrorism in the bud. Collectively, these groups of 15,000 on each continent would constitute several orders of magnitude in excess of the predicted square root of one percent of the world population. However, engineers who build structures for maximum human safety regularly “over-engineer” their creations out of concern for unanticipated variables. The same rationale holds for engineering world peace from activities at the level of transcendental consciousness and the Unified Field.

It behooves the military of all countries and their related security agencies to apply this scientific research and implement the Invincible Defense Technology. We recommend that all countries create Prevention Wings of the Military and/or other similar coherence-creating groups to prevent not only IED attacks but also all war, conflict and terrorism.

cartoon Invincible Defense Technology

“Very impressive, General. But what I really want to know is how many Invincible Defense Technology Experts you have in your military!”

“Since war begins in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed” (UNESCO Constitution). Societal stress leads human minds to choose violent actions. With the IDT approach, however, it is not necessary to locate and pinpoint single terrorists. Through the field effect of collective consciousness a Prevention Wing of the Military can eradicate the negativity in the general area where terrorists operate.

In other words: IDT coherence-creating groups can remove negativity in a given population and replace it with coherence and harmony. Through these Unified Field mechanics of nature, terrorism can be averted. The stress-induced thinking and behavior of terrorists can be brought towards positivism. Even at the very last stage before a terrorist might commit a violent act, his or her thoughts and actions can be influenced in the direction of friendly behavior. In this manner, the social problems of conflict, war, terrorism get solved.

IDT offers a complementary means to counter the implementation of IEDs. Every military expert will confirm that conventional means of defense will not completely protect against IEDs and other weapons. IED explosives create a “boom” effect with terrible consequences.

If we follow the flow of time from left to right, the IED “boom” effect occurs at a point in time that has two sides: the left side, before the explosion, and the right side following the explosion. Analysis shows that we have grown weary of battling only the consequences of explosions. We need to examine the other side of this time-line. We need to fight against the causes of the IED explosion.

The only effective means to accomplish this goal is to prevent the use of IEDs by moving as far as possible to the “left of the boom.” If applied early enough, IDT prevents the enemy from arising at all. This outcome can now be achieved, in a scientific way, by targeting and neutralizing the enmity in a potential adversary so that no terrorists arise. Asymmetry on the battle field will be eliminated and symmetry will be restored. The result will be less violence and more harmony, ultimately eliminating the battles by eliminating enemies and creating victory before war – “the acme of skill” for a warrior.

About the Authors:

Picture of Maj Gen Kulwant Singh Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Kulwant Singh, Ph.D. fought in combat and led India’s fight against India’s intransigent terrorism problem for nearly 30 years. He was awarded the Uttam Yudh Sewa Medal, the second highest decoration for senior officers during operations in Sri Lanka as part of IPKF (Indian Peace Keeping Force). Today he is leading an international group of generals and defense experts that advocates Invincible Defense Technology. StrongMilitary.org
Picture of Lt Col Chasse Lt. Col. (Ret.) Gunter Chassé – decorated with the Honorary Cross of the Bundeswehr in Gold – served in the German Air Force mainly in the Integrated NATO-Air Defense, alternately in commanding and staff positions and also was employed in Home Defense with territorial tasks. He will give a presentation to NATO and EU leaders about using Invincible Defense Technology to prevent the implementation of IEDs at the “Countering IEDs Europe” conference in the Berlin, Germany on 21-22 October 2009.
Picture of Dr David Leffler Dr. David R. Leffler served in the U.S. Air Force for eight years and later received his Ph.D. in Consciousness-Based Military Defense. He is a special columnist for The Seoul Times and serves on the Board of Editors for the Journal of Management & Social Sciences at the Institute of Business & Technology BIZTEK in Pakistan. David served as an Associate of the Proteus Management Group at the Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College and is currently the Executive Director at the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS). Dr. Leffler gave an IDT briefing about preventing IEDs to military and law enforcement personnel in Washington, D.C. at The Fifth Annual Countering IEDs: Assessing the IED Threat and its Evolution on the Battlefield and in the Homeland on 18 November, 2008.